I am ashamed of the comments on the previous video that SP1 is discussing. I read some this morning and questioned if I should delete them or not. One was so bad that even the commenter stated he was ashamed of his first comment. As an aside, comments can be edited on this site by the commenter after submission.
I am not confused about Ukraine. If you want a primer, read this article: How Crimea Became Part Of Russia And Why It Was Gifted To Ukraine. Obama overthrew the existing government in Ukraine with a color revolution and then installed a puppet government. The raping of this country by Joe and Hunter Biden is a fact that the media suppresses to this day. The only confusion that I have is why Putin waited so long to rectify this security issue on his front doorstep which NATO promised would never happen. China and India are not condemning Putin’s actions: ask yourself why.
As many people have stated: if you poke the bear long enough, he will attack. This war in Ukraine was facilitated by Biden’s incompetence and his desperate need for a diversion of his destruction of our own country.
But back to the point. There are two other people whom I trust with the direction and content of this site. We are having discussions for the past few weeks on comments. One option is to do the nuclear WRSA strategy and eliminate all comments. I personally wanted comments because I want to post content which would make people use critical thinking skills to shape their personal actions. In many cases, people comment without reading or watching videos in the posts. Many people vent their frustration at the nation’s condition using comments with are not even applicable to the article’s content. This is detracting from the purpose and integrity of this site.
One of the decisions recently made is to blacklist people quickly who are obviously just inciting other people. When I blacklisted NC Rob, his last comment was “Cool”. We will be making some decisions shortly but I will say that we go to war with the army we have. I pray that the quality of people who will fight for our children’s future is higher than the level of commenters we have to contend with every day that you do not see.
David DeGerolamo
a follower, working on it.
David, i agree
43 minutes ago, on the thread in question.
Did not know Rob had been deleted, i hope he humbles himself and calms down a bit. Fear and anxiety is attacking all of us.
So Dave (SP1) freely admits he is confused, repeatedly.
He also says friends (the puppets that are our government) with air quotes?
Also states, “I am not saying we need to go in there.”
He seems to be speculating on the hypocrisy of “our government.” and the world.
Trying to make people think and consider for themselves?
Lots of fear, hate and confusion in this world. Lets not succumb to it ourselves?
Find it difficult to believe any of this theatre is in the ‘Right’ or “The good guys.” Yet i do see many victims, of the worldly lies and deceptions being played!
Would hate to see comments option deleted. It does give people a chance to interact, hopefully improve on themselves, communication skills, and possibly each other.
All of this chaos in the world is purposeful.
I don’t understand what this promise is we made to Ukraine. Can someone here explain just what that promise is and why we should sacrifice the lives of our soldiers to keep this promise?
Minute 2:19 of the video above. Back to 1994.
The US, along with Russia, promised to protect Ukraine’s sovereignty if they gave up their nuclear weapons.
Problem is, the neocon jewess Victoria Nuland and Obama’s state department engineered the theft of Ukrainian sovereignty with the Maidan coup of 2014. Therefore, the original agreement is irrelevant except as pro-Zelensky propaganda intended for consumption by Left and Blightwing morons.
The puppet, Zelensky, and the Ukrainian parliament are financed by our CIA and state department.
” I pray that the quality of people who will fight for our children’s future is higher than the level of commenters”
h/t Amen
When We The People can’t discern the real enemies and threats then everything and everyone is an enemy and threat.
IF they win it will mean subjugation and slavery on THIS soil for this generation and the ones to come.
Peace has been taken from the earth and War is upon you.
Now is the time for all good Americans to come to the aid of each other.
Stop living simply to be against something and start living to be for something while you still can
SW out
When the lights go out in the FUSA the deep state, uniparty, ____________ wont matter much.
We will be left with each other to deal with the reality of a weak 21 century population who is hopelessy dependent on the free flow of electrons for their modern lives suddenly having to live with out them.
How we live now will determine how we live then. people like Dave will be the lights in the darkness. wish i had one in my AO
Prepare your hearts, minds and bodies now so you can help others in the days to come.
Our word has not meant anything for a very long time, as far as having some communists in our own government, the uniparty democrats are all communist and the Repubics all but maybe 2 or 3 are socialists if not outright communists. Biden is just following orders on the Ukraine situation from obama and the others behind the curtain. Ukraine is no longer useful to the regime, I personally do not think we should shed American blood in another country. As far as blacklisting people, NCRob did not seem inciteful to me, just my opinion, but then I guess my comments seem that way as well.
If you accept restrictions on free speech for any reason it means you didn’t have an education, you had an indoctrination. So what will it be?
Is it indoctrination to hold people to a standard?
Free speech does come with responsibilities, does it not?
You see, the world wants us to believe everything is free, with no rules , no responsibilities. This is very much why and how we find ourselves here again today, repeating history. we were afraid to speak up, speak out , or just did not love each other enough to rebuke them when we should have.
Free is not free!
Just because you may disagree with what someone has to say is not grounds to blacklist that person, yes it means exactly that, who is the truth ministry here, yea I have been at the end of some your rebukes.
The Truth Ministry? i do not know exactly what transpired with Rob. Must have not been in on that thread. But i will wager it was nothing to do with Truth that got him blacklisted, it was most likely attitude. i believe he may have some growing up to do, but that was just my opinion.
No, Free is not free and it has never been free the way the world depicts it.
So according to you attitude is what determines when someone is speaking the truth? And again attitude is how grown up you are? Maybe because he is an agnostic he cannot know the truth? Everyone has differing thoughts according to them on the truth, we do not see things exactly alike.
Tom ,
David provides this site for ‘free’ as a public service of sorts.(my words)
Do you think people have a ‘Right’ to ignore the basic guidelines and never incur consequences for repeatedly breaking these guidelines??
Have you or I ever broken the guidelines or others? But it is okay if NCROB is blacklisted because you think he broke the guidelines?
Have it your way.
Tom, I posted above why he was blacklisted. I cannot understand why you making a point for supporting his action. I cannot understand why people are agreeing with your assessment without acknowledging the reason. I will say that this is good information for everyone to see.
I was not supporting his comments one way or the other, just supporting his right to say it, thanks for the explanation.
1A isn’t applicable to personal blogs.
People can get in serious trouble for being a commenter on a blog that condones inciteful behavior. Rant all you want about ‘muh freedoms’ and ‘muh Constitution’ but if a commenter on a pro-violence site is caught with explosives all the other commenters should expect to get arrested on conspiracy charges. Sure, you’ll probably be found innocent, after a couple years in solitary with abusive guards that can’t speak English. But at least some random retard could rant incoherently on a blog.
Well I did not think this was a pro violence site, I don’t think my comments are inciteful, but the goons sure as hell do probable just saying your anti vax these days could get them looking your way. I will not spend my time in fear, if they want to arrest me and throw me in the gulag, we will see how that turns out.
I explained why NC Rob was blacklisted in a reply to his comment where he was advocating the one bullet strategy. I had just written an article stating that that philosophy was unacceptable.
I did not see that comment from Rob.
You may not have seen his comment or my reply but you made many comments and accusations concerning his blacklisting based on your personal opinion on how this matter was handled.
Your right it is just my opinion, based on the facts I had at the time. My comments were directed to follower and his comments.
I well appreciate both David’s comments and Wes’s explanatory video. Honor and integrity are vital to any effort, especially diplomacy. Once again, however, this is not about you and me (American people) against Russian (people) who are invading Ukraine (killing ordinary people). This is about bloated world powers exercising their will upon everyday life. My father spent 4 years in the Pacific Theater during WWII. He was a good man, a ruggedly strong man, and well-loved for his Christian certitude. After he returned home ca. 1947, he loathed the US government. The question that is bigger than Russia, Ukraine & NATO, is why we (ordinary people) have become distrustful, ashamed, and confused about the actions of our US leaders. One serious reason is that since WWII our $ has gone to pay for the exploitation and corruption of the world. Ukraine is a good example. Our intelligence agencies and corrupt overlords, our most influential office holders in the US (and other countries), have used Ukraine to launder large sums of unaccountable money because the Ukraine was not tied into the central banks. The Ukraine is a stronghold of corruption for our own power brokers. We have responsibility for that. Secondly, the Ukraine is an essential homeland for Russian people. It is their Plymouth Rock. Russians feel a responsibility for that. These two issues are negotiable between honest people seeking the best outcome. HOWEVER, the Ukraine is also about the exercise of technology and power as it pertains to nuclear, plasma, scalar weaponry. This is not the first time since WWII that a face-off has provided an opportunity to engage newly developed armaments. At this moment, Russia believes it holds the upper hand because of its upscaled weaponry. The US, on the other hand, does have significant weaponry which has not been disclosed to any corporate body of government except the most clandestine. Is Russia really just closing down the US bioweapons labs, covert drug money laundering, international cartel trafficking, and general debauchery (Hunter Biden)??? Are we (US & NATO) seriously trying to protect a legal agreement? No! Personally, I think we (US people) need to say, “No more!” to our government. We do not need to contribute one more life, one more hour of sweat earning $ for tyrants, one more bullet, or one more wave of conjured sympathy for our government. This is not our war, and it is not the Ukraine’s war. It is the populations of the world war against tyrants of every color and stripe. Why would we in America be surprised or dismayed to learn that existing social contracts of the Ukraine are being dissolved for political convivence, when our own social contract in the US has been dissolved by the very same people?
Great post.
Did your father ever talk about what made him distrustful of his government? WW2 is a perfect example of why we should never trust our government, but I didn’t think most of that came out till later, and most still don’t believe it.
“Is Russia really just closing down the US bioweapons labs, covert drug money laundering, international cartel trafficking, and general debauchery (Hunter Biden)???”
Are they?
Is this what is truly going on?
Wasn’t there an agreement by nato not to accept nations directly bordering Russia ? If so, how do the bio labs factor into all this ?
Didn’t Washington warn to avoid foreign entanglements?
I hope I wasn’t too harsh in the last video. I don’t think so. Foreign affairs requires much more reading over many years than domestic politics. Almost everyone I know falls for the old patriotic propaganda. Russia is not the good guys, but they’re not the Soviet Union anymore. With only 140 million people, Russia is not out to conquer the world. If anyone is watching, its the Chinese who are real busy taking over. But they use the old method of bribery and corruption. Taiwan is screwed. China has extensive presence in Africa, the Middle East and South America. Even in some countries like Italy in Europe. Every country is run by criminals. The Chinese know this. They are literally bribing their way across Africa as we speak. They have extensive sea ports and naval bases from Gwadar, Pakistan back to China and points south. The Chinese are building an airbase in Zimbabwe on the Mozambique border. They have a base in Djibouti. They’re trying to get a base on the west coast of Africa. The Chinese are positioning themselves to control access to all sea lanes. And we have Joe Biden.
It is just my opinion, but you were not harsh by any means the truth is the truth.
No more, no fcking way. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. No more fighting endless wars for corrupt politicians. The real enemy is our own government and it’s propaganda arm. We should defend Ukraine’s borders while ours are wide open?
Be it known that biden is sending “border agents” to assist Ukraine in securing it’s borders. (see American Military News)
Yes and the first border agent killed will be enough for the demented biden to send in the military.
First time commenting here. Lurked for years and that’s what the below commentary is worth but I feel compelled at this time.
Typically I find that anything I’d have to add to a discussion is provided by others but I would like to point this out:
Division right now -- amongst ourselves -- in these trying times is one of the most detrimental things that we can allow. Education is key. Humility helps. Everyone is wrong sometimes.
13th Legion posts today:
Bearing that in mind -- a little grace toward one another….
If site admin feels it necessary to tamp down those that are a bit too sparky, that is understandable if in fact the commentary itself is seen to reflect or contribute to the admin’s purpose and mission. Your house. Your rules. Period.
Conversely -- I find the varying mindsets and ideologies insightful as to the makeup of those in this little online camp.
I find value in that -- at the cost of some distaste from time to time- but a value nonetheless.
@ David, Wes and others… Thanks.
Very interesting guy would love to see more authentic Russians speak up..and no no more wars abroad fight the war here against your own government…
Where did Dave say he thinks we need to go fight another war? i never understood him to say that.
2014- 2015
He is not boasting about the money we spent. He is stating after all the money we spent and we (they) put our guy in there? we meaning the powers that be and our $$$. Then we (The gov.) seemingly let them hang out to dry?
If they are “our friends” Biden’s, Obamas etc. Why do they cut and run? Why did they not send in our troops to defend what they had put in place?
He is asking, he asked for others to comment.
Have not watched all of it, i did start too. What does he say that you see so significant?
And i am grateful that you immediately felt bad for what you said. we do get excited and have some knee jerk reactions at times, and i also am not immune.
Hey, look at the bright side. There are more comments now. A good discussion is going on. The way it’s supposed to be.
Evil has entered into President Putin. Something has changed him. Possibly the Covid injection. The Russians were tricked into copying the mRNA technology. Some 50 million Russians were injected. The result was a very bad decision to extend the invasion beyond Donetz-Lugansk. Now President Putin is moving the mobile Topol nuclear weapon systems around in open areas. The Sarmat in-ground systems are always available. The Kinzhal nuclear systems are likely in the air, ready to be launched at any time. Nuclear Kalibr cruise missiles are ready to be launched. Taken as a whole, President Putin appears to be insane.
The situation has worsened a very great deal overnight. Yes, I agree, the invasion must be stopped. Our U.S. government needs to do something. Troops will have to be committed. A nuclear exchange appears to be highly likely. Now, today, it has become more than about some dried ink on pieces of paper. Now, today, it has become more than about corruption here or abroad. Now, today, it has become about a madman with nuclear weapons about to strike the U.S. mainland and its allies.
Putin is insane.
When was Putin ever a Good guy?
If he became one,
When did he have a change of heart?
Sure, i saw the videos where he spoke out against the New World Order,
Did we believe him?
Looks like insanity on all World leaders & Stage-d Events.
Notice how the zionist-loving, neoconned blightwing uncritically swallow and regurgitate media propaganda on the Russian operation because of “muh fweedumbs n Russia Bad!” For the past five years the controlled media were liars. Now they’re truth tellers!
‘Muricans, leftwing and blightwing, are stupid. That is one reason why there will be no bottom-up revolution in this country. Or, if such a revolution miraculously occurs, the new boss will shortly become indistinguishable from the old boss.
At the bottom line, nothing but nothing that this “government” is doing is legitimate. A criminal and illegitimate regime is just that. Same applies to Ukraine. Defending Ukraine is defending Hunter Biden, Brandon, Victoria Nuland and Obama. This is after all the mess they made. We would be better off butting out and letting Russia and Europe sort this mess out.
I am sure you know that professional shitposters are paid to discredit sites by…shitposting. I have seen it at many sites. Has the secondary effect of wasying moderators’ time.
I do not feel like we should fight another war I was point out what promise we have made and why these promise where made. Point was our word is no longer to be trusted.
A point of view, being that I’m not conservative, a patriot, nor am on the democratic left, may provide another perspective. It’s seems that the country is divided in a finite way (that stems from culture, social and economic breakdown), that renders it completely unworkable. For instance, those that want to fight will fight, as they are minded to do so (for example having been taught the Constitution, about gun rights, etc. (and likely they’ll find more fighters along the way, as things progress). However, there are also prophecies that speak of not taking up arms in the coming conflict on U.S. soil because it would be going against God, because it’s His judgment. Then there are those who are not disillusioned, but rather simply don’t respect or like the country, as what’s often professed on political platforms doesn’t manifest materially, which causes more frustration with the church system, which in theory is supposed to solve problems. Ultimately, it seems as though America will fall as it was taken down; in segments. There will be fighters, peacemakers, non-compliers, expatriots by the millions, and those that facilitate the invading forces (not in a traiterous way, but because they have been taught submission their entire lives, acquiessence -- the way to get ahead) in the public schools, workplaces, and churches. There are also prophecies about the Chinese utilizing greatly, the elderly Americans (post-invasion and attack (rather in a situational phase), because they feel like the younger people will listen to them and take direction from them). It seems clear that America will not stand again. It’s a repopulation territory, on many fronts.
You cite “prophecies” against taking up arms. Maybe there are such valid prophecies. I do not know. However, George Washington had a vision / prophecy too. Quite different from your prophecies. Look it up.
Once again, follow the money, it’s the only answer.
The 2014 American Coup in Ukraine -- YouTube
I have a little different take on whether we should or shouldn’t help Ukraine. I don’t think our word is at risk for a number of reasons. I’ll skip over the veracity of politicians and approach the subject from another direction. Would anyone suggest we should be bound by an agreement made by our current brainiac in the Whitehouse? What about George Bush? Bush’s invitation for Ukraine to join NATO was just plain stupid. It’s almost as if he wanted to start WWIII. Why else would he invite Russia’s neighbor into NATO? I don’t like Ukraine for a number of reasons. My primary reason to not support them is that I don’t think we should be held to an agreement that is stupid in nature and made by an idiot. Stupid is as stupid does.
I would hate to see Comments removed for all because of the actions of a few.
FWIW, I do firmly believe that we have a more important set of tasks at hand than focusing on the distractions being served us by our enemies domestic and foreign,
But among the NATO members are a small group of countries that directly border Russia and, if Putin sets his targets on them, would be nations the U.S. has a responsibility to help defend.
Here’s who they are, and how they fit into things:
The Baltics
These are Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, three countries stacked on top one of another to the south of Finland along the Baltic Sea and along Russia’s northwestern border.
They were all former Soviet republics and have long worried that Putin would try to reincorporate them into Russia’s sphere, as is happening with Ukraine.
Together, they called for the “strongest possible sanctions” against Russia after the invasion was launched, and described the attack as a “crime against Ukrainian people.”
They constitute probably the most important potential immediate flashpoint between NATO and Russia, and here’s some of what’s already going on with them:
Latvia: U.S. paratroopers have already been deployed here in the wake of the invasion and several U.S. Apache attack helicopters are now also in the country. Latvia has also suspended three Russian TV channels.
Lithuania: This country has already declared a state of emergency following the invasion, deploying the army to its borders. Along with Estonia, a small number of F-35 fighter jets have reportedly been deployed here.
Estonia: In addition to the F-35 deployment, the country’s parliament issued a remarkably harsh condemnation of the invasion citing the Nuremberg Principles, established in the wake of the Nazi trials after World War II. The country’s independence day, as it happens, is also Thursday.
It doesn’t immediately look obvious from a world map, but Poland and Russia indeed share a border.
That’s because of a small Russian enclave that isn’t connected to the rest of Russia called Kaliningrad (think of it a little bit like how Alaska isn’t connected to the rest of the U.S.), which borders Poland to the south and Lithuania to the north and gives Russia access to the Baltic Sea to the east.
At this stage it seems unthinkable that Russia would ever invade Poland -- a country with a stronger military and central government than Ukraine -- and it wouldn’t make any sense to stage it from Kaliningrad.
But U.S. troops are already in Poland at the country’s border with Ukraine to help with refugees, and the historical parallel of Hitler’s invasion of Poland being the real igniting factor in World War II has been noted by some commentators.
Is it about NATO or Border States?
Larger article the above was borrowed from:
Solid points in the area of the Baltics and Poland; however, I submit that Ukraine is a beast of a different color. Russia’s reasoning for invading Ukraine can be debated without end. I have a point to make in that regard.
Was Russian’s invasion primarily to protect the people of Donetsk and Lugansk (Donbas)? The people of Donbas are primarily coal miners and farmers of Christian faith. The preponderance of them identify as Russian. They speak Russian, celebrate Russian holidays, and many have relatives living in Russia. The establishment of an official Ukrainian language and holidays followed the success of the Euromaidan. It also brought about the prohibition of Russian language and holidays. These were prime factors that led to Donbas’ secession and ultimately fighting between the two.
I see Russia as my enemy, but Russia’s invasion of Ukraine isn’t a good guys vs bad guys story. It’s a nasty situation that we have no business getting involved in.
As i was looking at comments from both threads and listening again to the videos presented, i was compelled to write down these thoughts.
People are openly mocking the thoughts of Integrity, sovereignty, moral principle, honour, being men of our word,
All the peace treaties, constitutions, declarations, signatures are worthless if the people doing such are morale corrupt and or given over to sinful ways and thoughts!
Understanding that world governments are corrupt and have been largely corrupt may be key in finding our way through this?
So no, many of us do not feel an obligation to back up nor support a faulty and corrupt society and government. we, or i am looking at the individuals, who they (evil) will never truly conquer.
So how do we continue to uplift each other?
i see many good and thoughtful comments and appreciate seeing them along the way.
Friction is what allows many of these thoughts to be expressed.
Anything correct, i may have been compelled to say here comes from above, not me.
If this doesn’t tell us what our Ukrainian position should be, I don’t know what does.
George Soros Announces Support for Ukraine
27 years ago an agreement was made… BFD…So all American men of fighting age must go to die for something that was signed before they were born or while they were children?
That’s literal insanity. Plans change, governments change, cultures change. The men of fighting age should not be sacrificed to deals made with foreigners when they were still in the womb and unable to debate/vote on it.
Ukraine is a problem for Europeans, not Americans. Stop advocating for our sons to die for foreigners. Shame on you. If you want a war, have Congress vote on it.
I think you would like to read the writings of Lysander Spooner.
With regards to the miliary and recruits (the emphasis being that many join to get out of poverty, which per se, is not the problem, but that they ‘have’ to, in order to do so is a problem). For instance how long will a degraded education system be allowed to stay in place, from which the armed forces largely recruits from? An example; why should individuals who know nothing about nutrition, their history or government, laws, civics and so forth, be expected to “fight for tbeir country”? Does this set a bad precedent? This and other factors may may be applicable as to why military personnel (not limited to enlisted ranks) will not hesitate to use military aggression upon civilians if ordered to do so (it’s a club, a gang, of sorts -- and may offer a sense of belonging). If they didn’t have that from where they came from (or even if they did), it can further contribute to dividing the country (after discharge, they may further see the contradictions, such as the country was not bettered by a war, or the economic conditions are worsened, the ability to transition or find decent work may not be applicable, there may be issues related to healthcare or housing). Who benefits?
Larry Johnson is a former State Department and CIA analyst. He shares his opinions on Russia/Ukraine in this interview. The first two minutes are an intro. It improves quickly after that.
Larry Johnson joins The Joe Hoft Show and Discusses russia Invading the Ukraine