We Can Make a Difference

Use you voice, your pen, your purchases to make a ...
  1. I have no illusions that there will be a war to remove the traitors who have stolen our Republic.
  2. The above point does not mean that we have to abandon any other actions which might serve this purpose regardless if they involve physically fighting.
  3. An example of this type of action was outlined earlier in the post “Don’t Let North Carolina Hang“.

In that post, I added a comment concerning one state representative who was sorry that he voted for the initial reading of this legislation. Here is another response from a state senator today concerning the Convention of States:

On Wednesday, December 1st, 2021 at 10:14 AM,

Sen. Carl Ford <Carl.Ford@ncleg.gov> wrote:
At first I was all for it wanting to reign in the Feds. The more studying I did I’m against it. The constitution is not the problem it’s the elected official’s that are the problem. If we open up a Con/Con I fear it could make things worse.

From: Wes Rhinier
Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 9:55:38 AM
To: Sen. Carl Ford <Carl.Ford@ncleg.gov>
Subject: Your stance Where do you stand on this?



Imagine if only 100 more people took a few minutes to write the same email that Wes wrote. If you want to succeed, you must build a base of smaller successes. Our success may not be guaranteed and our children may remain enslaved, but I will expend what resources I have on actions that have a chance of success. Especially when all we have to do is expose the truth.

David DeGerolamo

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NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Imagine if people realized that emails/letters/phone calls/voting/etc. has had negligible effect on restoring our liberty over the past 150 years? For every little victory we have won, the enemy has won hundreds. An election was stolen on 11/3/2020 and we call/write our reps and sometimes they respond yet nothing significant happens. Sometimes these reps grandstand and have “recounts” and say “charges are imminent” yet things remain the same. We have lost a ton of liberty with the Patriot Act/NDAA and yet most of it is still around.

How long do we endure tiny victories our owners let us “win” while remaining slaves? We expose the truth and our owners call it conspiracy theory and brand us lunatics and soon enough, thought criminals.

At what point do we stand up as free men and say enough? When do we truly expend resources on actions that guarantee our children will not be slaves?

“As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also.”
― Thomas Jefferson

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Truth to the point Rob, like I have stated before they have turned our country into a freak show not fit for man nor beast let alone children. Time for action.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

We keep NNO exposing! Please watch video. There is a congressional roll call link of what filthy stinking republicans voted to have your phone spied on. They are prepping us for the digital credit system the decrepit oligarchs are scurrying around in the dark creating! They will remove digital credits from your “digital salary account” if you do not bend over and “obey.” Roll call list is in the description of this video!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane
NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Maybe if we send strongly worded emails or letters or phone calls they will put and end to it!


3 years ago

Wouldn’t hurt to pick up some more ammunition.

3 years ago
Reply to  308onlooker

Time to stop acquiring ammo and start using it. Find a communist…or a democrat…the terms are synonymous…and kill them. Nothing else will stop the lefts assault on our economy, our country and our freedom…. NOTHING ELSE.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Dàn

Damn truth.

3 years ago

if there was ever a time that the term, ‘traitor’, could be applied to a politician this is that time. The Indiana reps, and every other republican, that voted for this bill are just that for supporting the communist democrats.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  bill

Gun control is nothing more than trigger control, as to not wasting precious ammunition for what is coming.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it lease to its children.”
True story, we have become so immoral and clueless it’s not funny anymore. This, I fear, will not score well on the tally books, and will usher in what comes next.