We Did Not Repair 2020, So Why Are We Hopeful in 2022? Fauci Enrichment, Red Flag Gun Laws, Economic Meltdown Coming?

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2 years ago

God bless Doug Hagmann.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

We’re coming up on the 10 year anniversary of Doug Hagmann saying WW3 starts in Syria. Happy Anniversary! Doug is one of many that tell us what is going to happen and when it doesn’t, oh well.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Covid 19 is SARS 2. SARS 1 came out back around 2002/2003. They are about 80% similar. There were patents issued in 1999 for this coronavirus work. Covid 19 is a bio weapon. It was in fact made in a lab. The grant money came from the DOD, mostly. That grant money was distributed by Dr. Fauci. He was in on it from the get go, way back in 1999. Prof. Francis Boyle wrote the Bio Weapon Anti Terrorism Act of 1989. It was passed unanimously by Congress. He says it is a bio weapon. They got away with this. What else won’t they do to us?

2 years ago

They always cheat!