We Do Not See the Good?

Into the Maelstrom

From a comment on NCRenegade:

Question. Why do you, David and Wes seemingly not see the good?

1.There were many good comments in a number of these threads that were generated from Malachi’s initial post.
2.If all you want are Yes men, what are you building?
3.Conflict can build character, it can also show a lack of.

Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.”
Have a good day.


Quite an assumption. I count 213 comments over the articles that caused controversy over the past few days. But you picked five comments to state there was good that Wes and I did not see. You also did not see the comments that were deleted for violating this site’s posted guidelines.

You may have a point: all of us focus on the negative and to me, most of the news is negative. As for the good that you state we are missing, I can only respond for myself and ask some questions:

  1. Why did you not address the attacks on Malachi? Or did you ignore the comments which resulted in his statement that he would not be posting articles anymore?
  2. Did you (as most people did) miss my point that the concept of the Trinity has been debated for centuries? Each side believes they are correct. Each side uses the Word of God to suit their side of the dispute. Each side wants the controversy and the “glory” to win a disagreement that will never be settled by man.
  3. Did you see the responses agreeing to my request that “we should agree to disagree” and work together?

Or did you only see a small snippet of the comments where two of the people wanted to discuss the issue one on one and make a blanket statement? Did you want us to respond to people’s “feelings”.

Wes is correct: people are using religion as a crutch. It is a shame that people in this country want attention so badly instead of being filled with the Holy Spirit. The question for everyone is when will they throw away their crutches, act like men and fight evil? I have a feeling the comments will be more attacks and division. And that is how evil wins. We will not put aside our personal wants and feelings for public virtue as the colonists did when they fought in the Presbyterian War. And that is why evil erased public virtue from our educational system and culture so that we ourselves would destroy working for the greater good.

To everyone: take what time we have left and do something constructive instead of tearing down other people.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Amen. I don’t have time to disagree. And I don’t care. We will prob end up uniting to fight evil. But we won’t like what it is that will unite us. It will be awful because that’s what it will take. Thank you.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

I don’t understand what everyone is arguing about. Believe in Jesus and the Lord, and move on.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Peoples minds are like a steal trap and have tunnel vision, we need to move on, stagnate water always needs to be filtered before you drink it. Seek God almighty, no one else has the truth, we all have our biases and different opinions.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago

Things are bad and I believe they will continue to get worse until Christ returns. I make homesteading/prepper videos and post them on a video sharing platform. In many videos I remind folks that it now may be more helpful to focus on learning skills they don’t now possess, than it is to spend more time obsessing about how bad things are getting. Obsessing can lead to paralysis and forward motion is the antidote for paralysis. I don’t need the 2,785th evidence that congress is betraying America, or the umpteenth analysis of how things got this bad, or another video telling me that nuclear war is right around the corner. We know things are bad and will likely get worse. What helps the most is knowing what I can do to help my family. Do I know how to grow what grows in my area? Do I have catchment set up? Do I know what edible vegetation grows where I live? Do I know how to build an outhouse or apply a tourniquet? Or run an L ambush to defend my property? Folks might spend less time twisting others’ ears if they spent more time learning how to manage some of the controllables that we can manage once what’s coming gets here. And like I’ve said in my videos, its ok to check in and to keep a finger on the pulse so to speak, so we don’t get blindsided, but obsessing about it solves nothing. Contentions and infighting solve even less.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  realwesterner

realwesterner, well written! It’s good to have a site like this to know you are not alone. However, the bulk of our effort should be reaching out to those who still think 9/11 was done by Muslims or who think the next election will be important.

1 year ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Very important points, if you don’t know those things you better get started!
Yes, I do know those things!

1 year ago

Some folks comments stem from frustration, not so much directed at anyone. Similar to a fishing exercise to prompt ideas or information that is not there otherwise. I’m guilty. I know the comments section is not a regular forum. For instance. If you look at New Age forums, they discuss things that Christian forums have a hard time with. A possible reason is new agers are delving into areas they should not be, finding solutions that makes things worse, needing solutions that only Christians can give, in away that most Christians can not comprehend, let alone discuss. Another problem in that realm is non new agers -- non Christians looking for answers mainly discussed by people with the wrong answers in new age forums. Whether people are seeing number synchronicitys, aliens, or having tap dances on the walls at night. While one statement in a Christian forum will go unaddressed, it becomes a thread of people interested in a new age forum. All fishing for, or thinking they have the answer.

1 year ago

I have questions, and I want answers. Especially about God.

I’m not expecting to actually get answers to most of these questions. I’m not even confident that they all *have* answers, or are even valid questions.

Yet I still have them, and they still have me, so I’ll keep working. My questions are more basic, as Jefferson alluded, so the trinity is lower on the list, but it’s on the list. If there is a creator, then he has a nature, and I want to know what that is. It’s a “valid” pursuit…. howerver:

Words and thoughts are secondary. What matters *most* is what we *do*, and how much of what we do would be different if our understanding of “the trinity” were different? At some point, some questions can be seen as idle curiosity… just how many angels *can* dance on the head of a pin anyway…

My dad told me an old joke: A scientist and an engineer attempt to approach a pretty girl. In doing so, each cuts the distance to her in half: The scientist will never get to her, whereas the engineer will get “close enough for practical purposes”.

Those of us working on the minute details of things we know no way to measure, will argue how many angels can dance on a pin.

Those of us who are trying to actually *do* something, to make something, to build things, to create wealth. We’ll concentrate on things that govern what we can actually *do*.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago

I have been debating saying this, but I think now is the time. I mean no offense, but I think it needs to be said.

I think there is only one reason we do not come together. We do not really want to be free.

As far as the call to action, why do other call for it and yet do not do it? I do not mean this as an attack, I am honestly asking because there is only two reasons for it in my mind. I do not want for one of the two reason to be true.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

excellent. why do others call for it and do not do it.

1 year ago

I put in two new deep cycle batteries for the PV system and put under coating on an old ammo can, yesterday. I am partially off grid and can manage in a power failure! The wife is excited we can run the washing machine, off solar,
I had planned on her carrying the the laundry to the creek, for washing!
I am trying to get to 48 hr on solar batteries before having to run the gas generator, it is usually sunny here in NWAR, so that should cover us most of the time. It is time to start on the garden, lots to do, at 74 I need minions!

I have not argued religion, politics or preparedness with any one, I almost never do; of course it is easy now as I have alienated most friends and family decades ago! I also realized decades ago I can change nothing outside of our homestead; however I applaud those who still do!
TINVOWOOT, tempus fugit!


[…] From the comment section: “I have been debating saying this, but I think now is the time. I mean no offense, but I think it needs to be said. […]

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Sorry it took a while to gather some of my thoughts.
First of all. There were many more than 5 good comments. And there may be some good that came from article and comments we do not see, and may never know. i am not going to list them all.
You seemed to post a few good thoughts and articles because of what was happening?
2. Why did you not address the attacks on Malachi? Or did you ignore the comments which resulted in his statement that he would not be posting articles anymore?
Did not figure he would leave. He seems stronger than that. we all get there. And besides that Will came around didn’t he?
i was the first commenter on the thread. My support for Malachi was evident. i also did step in a few times. i was not there to pick sides. 
Each side seems to use Gods word as they wish no matter what the issue. Does this mean we should simply stop talking? Or should we have a deeper look into His Word, the context etc.
Have no idea what your peoples ‘feeling’ comment to me is about. My guess, your frustrated at the behavior. i do understand. Yet i do not see a way around it. People have to want to be healed, so to speak. If we want to encourage being virtuous we must endure the pain..
You should know my opinion on the Trinity. i know there are alot of opinions running aloud here. chuckle) If you want it again i will talk about it. Why risk another explosion? Privately or planned open, you decide. We are all at our own various stages of discovery and revealing. 

3.Wes is correct: people are using religion as a crutch. It is a shame that people in this country want attention so badly instead of being filled with the Holy Spirit. 
Not sure about the crutch angle he is speaking of.
How do people get to the point they are ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit? we certainly can not force it.
Obviously many have not gotten their yet. 
People do not seem to interested in seeking out the examples of Virtue. Any time it is mentioned i receive a resounding vote down, wonder why? 
For a weekend discussion Renegade was hopping, Why? There must be a good reason for it? People will tell you what they want to discuss, this is part of the battle. Wes wants the war, wants the war now. Well Even He seems to get the timing is not ours. And perhaps people need to fight these battles also? 
Perhaps people will eventually become disgusted by their own words and actions and begin to look at themselves and their behavior? 

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David, i was answering your questions. You asked me , why i did not support Malachi. i recognized what you were doing.
No problem.
Pastor Bob. Thanks for that. He should be accustomed to the heat. When we suffer for His Word, His cause, we do get knocked around a bit.

1 year ago

A Hessian captain, fighting on behalf of the British, told a friend in Germany in 1778, “call this war, dearest friend, by whatsoever name you may, only call it not an American Revolution, it is nothing more nor less than an Irish-Scotch [sic] Presbyterian Rebellion.”  Many in Britain refer to the American Revolution as the Presbyterian War.


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Rifleman1775

Thanks for this. Will study.