We don’t need governments. We need Christ.

  Yesterday’s essay brought only one comment and a single ping. Perhaps our Gentle Readers were nonplussed by it. I could hardly blame them; it was a “passion piece,” the sort that writes itself with the fervor the subject aroused in me. If it left readers wondering when the men in the white coats toting butterfly nets would come to call at the Fortress, I’d understand.

  The methods of the State are simple: its masters get what they want by employing fear and greed. These two assets are the whole of the State’s arsenal. Quoth Lysander Spooner:

     All political power, as it is called, rests practically upon this matter of money. Any number of scoundrels, having money enough to start with, can establish themselves as a “government;” because, with money, they can hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort more money; and also compel general obedience to their will. It is with government, as Cæsar said it was in war, that money and soldiers mutually supported each other; that with money he could hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort money. So these villains, who call themselves governments, well understand that their power rests primarily upon money. With money they can hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort money. And, when their authority is denied, the first use they always make of money, is to hire soldiers to kill or subdue all who refuse them more money.

     Interpret soldiers in the above broadly, to include all who are willing to use coercive force against others.

     The methods are always fear and greed. The point is always power.


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Ernest Winkle
Ernest Winkle
1 year ago

Maybe we need more soft porn like you link to in 90 Miles from Tyranny.
Just pointing out with sarcasm that nothing truly good is going to come from men who are encouraged to be moral leaders on the one hand while fueled by self destructive crap as on that sight on the other hand.
Whatever helpful articles 90 Miles from Tyranny might provide on their sight is totally offset by the subjugation of pretty women and men’s hormones.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ernest Winkle

Goodness what high standards you have. How do you survive almost every ad in the media. Your eyes must burn for shame. Your ears suffer unholy abuse daily.

If all you got from his message was the distracting side bar,what a harsh life Your holiness must suffer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Down arrows are for weak arguments. Your not strong enough to defend yourself in comments.

And Your going to save the Republic?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Are you Michael, going to save the republic?

1 year ago

Nope, the Republic is dead. God has us under His Judgement. Nothing you and I can do to change that. Ask the Chosen People heading off to slavery under the Babylonians about that.

I’m sure there was plenty of panicked praying going on in that slave march. How many GENERATIONS later did God return them to the Promised Land?

Our Babylonians have banker suits, FULY OWNED Politicians that go to Epstein’s Pleasure Island (and still no arrests, eh?) and import “undocumented invaders” to replace us.

We don’t have to march anywhere, they brought the “Whore of Babylon” Here.

OFFICIALLY The Republicans are cheering for the corpse, the Democrats are cheering for the maggots.

But in reality, they are both cheering on their fighting roosters for their amusement. Our Media driven bickering Pleases them.

We are under God’s punishment and our leadership is Isaiah Chapter 3 the Judgement against Judah.

Prove me wrong, my table is over there, and I have a coffee pot to share.

You knew that answer before your almost snarky comment? HELLO Follower.

Fakebook up and down arrows are for weak people that cannot answer coherently their own opinions.

WHY an Honorable site like this imitates Fakebook is odd at best.

There is benefit to honorable men sharing their opinions to learn from each other, instead of petty Snipe hunters down arrowing and sticking their tiny chests out in pride.

Proverbs 27:17
King James Version
17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

I NOTE it says Friend. Not random internet Snipe hunter. I also note:

Proverbs 27: …5Better an open rebuke than love that is concealed. 6The wounds of a friend are faithful, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. 

Friends can speak to each other without worrying about their “Preferred Pronouns.”

Protect your family and trusted friends. Have a solid relationship with God because His word is a solid guide for the here and now and you WILL Meet HIM soon enough for your real home assignment.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

No way to disable them?

Ernest Winkle
Ernest Winkle
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Because I struggle with images like those is why I feel it would be beneficial for all of us to not have to be met with it even on sites that may have benefit for patriots.
I know if I watch a college or NFL game the crap that will be thrown my way, but on sites that stand against tyranny it makes no sense.
If tyranny is defined as cruel or oppressive government or rule than men who lure young girls into selling themselves or at least their images for profit (almost all of the profit going conveniently to the men) is a form of tyranny.
I would hope none of us would rest easy if our daughter or granddaughter were photographed wearing essentially nothing with her legs spread.

1 year ago

You would love The Art of Liberty Foundation with Etienne de la Boetie². He is one of the organizers of NH Free State project. Awesome guy -- and his graphics are amazing.
I found out about this group through him:
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics.
https://isgp-studies.com/ngo-list-foundations-and-think-tanks-worldwide?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=emailI found out about this group recently through him:
This is the best place I’ve found so far to sort out who exactly is doing all this shit. According to social science resesarchers -- the top of the financial pyramid isn’t bigger than approx. 8,500 people. I bet we have that many people in this country alone who could end that many evil, satanic, Luciferian pedofiles and more.
Here’s the real enemy:

  • Goldman Sachs Family
  • The Rothschilds Families of Paris and London
  • The Rockefeller Family
  • The Warburg Family of Hamburg
  • The Lehmans Family
  • The Lazard Family of Paris
  • Kuhn Loebs of New York Family
  • The Israel Moses Seif Family of Rome

With the internet, it is no big deal to get information on all of these families, their businesses, their properties. Plus there are a ton of PI’s and hackers in the fight back… The real hoop to jump through is to figure out how to dis-empower them and re-distribute the stolen money using a legal system that is in tatters and staffed with exponentially stupid judges under control files. (Anybody watching Mayor of Kingstown out there? Chris Renner paid a price…)
If you don’t think they are guilty of mass re-distribution of wealth to themselves… Start by reading Solari.com’s “Follow The Missing Money” Vol 1 & 2. Those reports will show how the parasitic central private banking cartel and the military intelligence complex re-directed $21 Trillion dollars and in 2018 took all federal agency budgets black with a Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Ruling 56.
Gotta Run!! Keep the FAITH!!!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  60Gigahertz

The only ones with the means to arrest those at the top of the pyramid of evil is our tax funded military. At about $800 billion budget a year, it’s the least they could do for us. They swore an oath to uphold the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.
Instead, the generals that could give the orders are committed to their paychecks and/or pensions. After that they can become lobbyists for weapon manufacturing companies. In addition, they don’t want to give up their invitations to their rich business friends to their yacht parties with bikini clad young hostesses serving jumbo shrimp.
Those below general follow orders hoping someday to be on HGTV “House Hunters” looking for a $600,000 home on Maui after getting their new assignment. These world wide assignments are necessary to help keep us safe from scary enemies with names we cannot pronounce.
For an example of what we need, look up retired Air Force Kristen Meghan risking her life exposing the weather warfare being conducted by the military. The sociopaths in charge laugh as we’ve been trained to thank them for their service destroying foreign countries. Now America is the target for destruction.

1 year ago

Per title: Amen, Brother!
I ask daily for His speedy return…the stage is set.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

So you want us to understand the absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nothing new here. We are painfully aware of that. The question is will we do anything about it? The powerful has their heel upon our throat. I am not a leader, but I can follow.

1 year ago

Thank you for posting truth. Will share.

James Wood
1 year ago

its a difficult to argue with your opening line -for God allowed man to decide it wanted to govern himself -- I believe God and the Blood of Jesus is all we really need -- Love is the key -- knowing that hate and evil are the weapons of choice of our enemy -- war mongers and false profits surround us -- the love of money, preferring death over life -- we will see these people show themselves as only as they can then we will see Gods hand move -- pray for all men and women that are captured by the evil sprit of jezebel

Last edited 1 year ago by James Wood