Thousands of National Guardsmen were forced to vacate congressional grounds on Thursday and are now taking their rest breaks outside and in nearby parking garages, after two weeks of sleepless nights protecting the nation’s capital in the wake of the violent Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol.
One unit, which had been resting in the Dirksen Senate Office building, was abruptly told to vacate the facility on Thursday, according to one Guardsman. The group was forced to rest in a nearby parking garage without internet reception, with just one electrical outlet, and one bathroom with two stalls for 5,000 troops, the person said.
Why is Congress so afraid of their “protectors”? President Trump did not need troops and private security to protect him. President Trump would never have treated soldiers this way.
Note that the above article comes from Politico which is a left leaning media outlet. As each day passes, it appears that Biden buyers’ remorse is rising.
David DeGerolamo
I can’t believe all you so called PATRIOTS missed what really happened and why. The Governors of all 50 states; and the U.S. Territories; violated their oaths of office; the U.S. Constitution; and are now Felons; and could possibly face charges of Treason. Each one of them sent State troops across their state borders; without the direct order of The Commander In Chief. They can now all be charged at the whim of the new regime; if they don’t fall in line; and do what they are told. What a bunch of dumb fucks these Governors turned out to be.
Actually I am glad they are being treated this way. Hear me out. They will eventually leave and go home, I am sure some if not most put in retirement papers and some will asked to be discharged. They will have a hatred and loathing for this regime and will be valuable for our side. You don’t think RA’s grunts aren’t watching and seeing this? You think they will want to support the Depends Joe and his drooling c*m sidekick, Easy Ho?
Yeah, maybe they need to leave hostile declared foreign territory and go back to our country so the RA can go in to defeat these foreign aggressors.
In general, I agree with your sentiments. However, the Army & Air Guard are NOT the organizations of steadfast Patriots they once were, many decades ago.
The Guard today, and every military branch, is filled with communists, homosexuals, transvestites, along with incapable females allowed into combat arms and 18 year old male troops who cannot do three push-ups ! The senior enlisted ranks along with the flag officer ranks are filled with social justice warriors. Take for recent example the published letter signed by the treasonous Joint Chiefs, denouncing their Commander-in-Chief Donald John Trump.
Yes, there are many Guardsmen and active duty troops who will honor their oath to defend against “….enemies foreign and domestic.” However, as history shows, not all NAZIs of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich were bad.
6,000 troops are to remain for 31days
On Jan. 6, then-acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller approved up to 6,200 National Guard troops to support civil authorities in the District of Columbia for up to 31 days under Title 32, 502(f) authority
They feel betrayed because they betrayed our country..
I read articles and comments on this site pretty much daily, but have never commented. I would love some input on something. These Qanon type guys -- Scott McKay, Mike Adams, and lots more are always spouting their military connections and insisting that all is well and we should just sit back and be calm because military revolution/sting operations the likes of which we’ve never seen before are ABSOLUTELY COMING on specific dates, which always come and go without a whimper. I mean this Scott McKay guy was actually on video a few days ago pleading for Patriots to stay out of the way and give the military their space to get the job done on Jan 20th. Of course none of this ever comes to pass.
So who the hell are these guys, and are their ever any repercussions for them? Of all the people in this world I wouldn’t want to piss off, it would be well armed, constitutionally literate, angry Patriots worried about the future of our country.
We need to take out country back. We know the ballot box doesn’t work