We have a invasion happening on our border and China is preparing to replace us on the world stage.

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1 year ago

Joining the military is an immediate threat to life, with the pushing of Covid-19 vaccines, and even if it’s not these vaccines, it will likely be the one’s in the next pandemic, or whatever vaccines they’re sneaking them into (mRNA), i.e., Shingles, Flu, and Pneumonia vaccines and/or others, and the food supply.

1 year ago

Conservatives and constitutionalists alike should be happy there aren’t enough men to fill the military ranks. Perhaps now they can get back to the constitutional mandate that states there is to be no standing army, and get busy doing the fighting themselves. Thoughts?

1 year ago

Citizen Joe, do you ever post a supportive comment? I seem to have missed them. Please help me find a couple. Thanks.

Perfection is so hard to find beyond yourself, eh?

How do you find enough folks that live up to your high standards to have a Mutual Assistance Group, Citizen Joe?

And we WONDER why nobody is stepping up to be the next George Washington. I know, I know Dear George was quite a sinful man, wasn’t he?

No logistics, no leadership, no ability to gather together without bickering and backstabbing (Looking at your comment Joe)…

No wonder the satanic Globohomo are laughing at us. Or as German Nazi leader Field Marshall Hermann Goering said at Nuremburg “WHAT FRENCH RESISTANCE?”

Don’t worry, the new illegal army will help you find peace in this world. Peace of the mass grave.

Folks we need to figure out FAST how to work together or each one of us will fall alone to the soon well-armed brown shirts of the Uni-party.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, why do you attack commenters here pointing out inconsistency, you have attacked me numerous times and even calling me a fed, what is up with these attacks? And you say you are trying to unite people? Your pointing the finger at people, while dozens are pointing back at you.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

LOL sometimes I’m correct.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Did you whine and cry to david? While you mock and degrade others, business as usual, you are LOL.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

No oddly enough YOU Whined to David. And both of our “offending posts” were deleted.

It’s not that far back, would you like me to cut and paste it for your records?

NOW to mock and degrade, let’s look at the post just above for a FACTUAL analysis.

I asked Citizen Joe if he has ever posted a supportive comment and asked him to post an example or so. So far just YOUR Response.

IF Citizen Joe cuts and pastes a supportive comment, I shall stand corrected and so post that.

Perfection comment might by a snowflake (but we DON”T have any here, right?) be thought of as mocking, maybe even microagressive.

Same with LOL, real adults, err non snowflakes don’t suffer a microgression from that. Snowflake Feds do but there are NO Feds on this list posting as Patriots, right?

Was George Washington “Pure” enough to get past our nitpickers here? I doubt that, probably a microagression on my part, Eh?

DO we HAVE Leadership, Logistics Ilike medical, ability to support and protect our families and so on) and such.

I’d LOVE to be proven wrong here but YOU Yourself Mr. Finley complain that YOUR Ready to FIGHT but their is No Leadership to start it off.

BTW I could cut and past a few dozen such comments of yours if you like.

The Internet never forgets Tom Finley.

And a classic Tom Finley quote to end this post.

“Your pointing the finger at people, while dozens are pointing back at you.”

LOOK into the mirror Tom Finley.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

You make as much sense as a jack-ass chewing on a cactus.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

So, you cannot find a factual rebuttal to anything I posted above?

Just a personal attack? LOL I’m hurt, chuckling.

Your slipping Tom Finley

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Because why are you saving all these comments, your mask is coming off.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

LOL look into the mirror Tom Finley.

Don’t have to “save them” they are on this server and as I said the internet never forgets.

1 year ago

Southern Prepper 1 is indeed a pretty smart Gentleman. I was honored to meet up with him once.

1 year ago

Dave, Japan cannot come to play, aggressive military actions outside of Japan are illegal according to the Constitution, thus unless directly attack on the shores, the best they can do is provide a supply staging area.