We Have Less Than Two Weeks to Finalize Preparation

I do not know how better to emphasize the points other than to be direct and brutally honest.  Sometimes you just have to call the baby ugly.  The window to prepare for the incoming crisis of our lifetime is now down to two weeks.  Hopefully, that is specific enough.

Adding to the supply chain and inflation crisis, in about a week the vaccine mandate and subsequent commercial passport means 30,000 cross border truckers are about to get shut down from operating between the United States and Canada.

70% of the 700 billion in trade between Canada and the US is moved by truck. This will have a dramatic effect on supplies and services reaching their destination and getting in the hands of those who need them. One needs to look no further than the recent UK fuel shortage, where the military had to be brought in to deliver fuel as a result of a lack of truck drivers. We are already seeing shortages, if these shortages reach critical levels on items such as fuel, food, blood, medicine or medical supplies, we will see real long-lasting damage.

~ Mike Milliam, President of the Private Motor Truck Council of Canada

As noted by those following the issue(s) closely: “Starting January 15th, 2022, truckers must show a proof of vaccine to cross the Canada/US borders. Since March 2020, drivers were considered “essential”. They could cross the border without a covid test or the vaccine. Under Biden/Trudeau administration, this is about to change”:


h/t Kenny

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Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago

This current feral administration has already shown you their intent is to bring America down. Most want to believe that when they show their teeth they are smiling . Smiling like my Doberman maybe .

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Orians

I have been shouting from the roof tops that the last 8 years commenced on 10/31/21 at this event where they agreed to push the agenda 2030 down our throats:
It is about to get very real for the last 8 years folks!!!:

2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Wow really? The gathering of GRACE AGE SAINTS is after the Great (megas) Tribulation?? Recommend you read Pauls epistles again …and again…and again…and after all that Amen👑🙏📣

We ARE NOT for God’s wrath.

Jerry C
Jerry C
2 years ago
Reply to  Bobbi

Bobbi, you’re right about God’s wrath -- 1 Thes 5:9. It’s interesting that God’s wrath starts with the pouring out of the seven bowls -- Rev. 16:1. There’s a whole lot of evil coming with the ‘seals’ and ‘trumpets’ that we’ll have to go through first.
Hang on everyone, the ride is going to get bumpy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jerry C

There is a good case to be made that the wrath actually begins at Revelation 6:17…

Bonnie Kinney
Bonnie Kinney
2 years ago
Reply to  Jerry C

The FIRST wrath God puts out is the Seal Judgements.
You Missed the first part of Revelations.

Jerry C
Jerry C
2 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie Kinney

Actually, no, I haven’t missed anything. You and Quatermain are referencing the “kings of the earth….etc” (Rev 6:17) and assuming they recognize the signs of Christ’s return. Please note that the 24 elders of Heaven don’t declare the time of God’s wrath to begin until the bowls.
Rev. 16: 1 actually declares: Revelation 16:1 -- Bible Gateway “Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.”
Please note that no where in all of Scripture can you find any reference that the ‘seals’ or ‘trumpets’ represent God’s wrath. Gods’ wrath is reserved specifically for the pouring out of the seven bowls.
PS… I use to teach pre-trib for over 20 years. I no longer hold to it. Please consider watching the following: 7 Pretrib Problems and the Prewrath Rapture (Full Movie) -- YouTube

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jerry C

Good to see you here.

Jerry C
Jerry C
2 years ago

Thank you. I try to keep my input brief -- I just hope it helps without stepping on toes.
I’ve been very busy with things. I’ve been listening to (and reading the articles) Hal Turner. He has a website: Hal Turner Radio Show -- Home. Pretty interesting. Let me know what you think.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bobbi

Amen, Bobbi…..only Paul’s epistles explain the catching away of the Body of Christ, The Mystery NOT revealed anywhere else. This is the huge reason the church today is in confusion….they’ve abandoned Paul….just like Paul himself says (For all have deserted me). Follow our apostle Paul AS HE FOLLOWED CHRIST. This is NOT lifting Paul up…..this is honoring the Lord Jesus Christ Who sent Paul to us, the Body of Christ. God help us all !!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Margaret

I will follow and believe what our Savior Jesus said to Paul and the Apostles in Matthew 24.
While we are not for God’s wrath, we are not spared tribulation. Do not be deceived and lose your compass when the days come. Hold tight and endure to the end.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bobbi

Please read Matthew 24 again and when you get to verse 29 pay close attention to the first 4 words Jesus tells the apostles. You can believe what our Lord said above all others. Hold fast and brace for impact.

Bonnie Kinney
Bonnie Kinney
2 years ago
Reply to  Bobbi

You misread your Bible Bro. There is no Great Tribulation in the Bible, only TRIBULATION. Wrong once and Wrong Twice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bobbi

You are right , but we are going through The Great Tribulation , but not for God’s wrath . Do not afraid , Almighty God is with us and is watching us !

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  Bobbi

Whom do you think hired satan?

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  no one

WOW. You guys are quick! Thank you for the edit and deletion buttons. I often times type faster than my brain thinks out the entire reply. I’m sure many others do too. Not to mention typos. Thank you so much. Kisses.

Last edited 2 years ago by no one
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

There is no Rothschild Schofield ‘rapture’. And no, I’m not interested in another two weeks to flatten another curve- whether its Fauci’s or yours. All these wrong deadlines have cost folks ALOT of money that most dont have.

art simpson
art simpson
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Just want to understand: The last 7, 360 day years are Daniel’s 70th week. Saying 8 years leaves 1 year for 4th seal war, Christian Persecution, Planet X and fire from heaven. If it happens that way then this is going to be a very catastrophic year -- the worst in mankind’s history. Then -- 2 witnesses preach day 71 to 1331. Temple construction begins day 1 to day 220. Anti-Christ rises day 794. Day 1230 image goes in temple, begins great tribulation, day 1261 anti-Christ crowned king of world, day 1335 seventh trumpet Rapture, day 2520 Armageddon.

2 years ago

“when you realize that no one outside of the blue collar crews who have specific expertise in applying commonsense to this equation are talking about it, then you begin to realize what is obviously about to hit, and yet all will claim they never saw it coming.”
Never saw it coming??? Everything they have done has pushed us closer to a total collapse. No one including dementia Joe is that stupid. Close all the restaurants and lock things down. 60-70% of meals in most of the US are not at home. All those folks who never ate at home now had to shop and cook at home. The supply chain for the eat out versus eat at home crowd is two totally different things. That sudden move over ran the eat at home chain and killed off the eat out chain supply. For us no big deal as we are eat at home 99.99% of the time and have well stocked freezers, a pantry, a deep pantry and long term storage back up supplies.
For the folks who ate out or picked up take out or stopped at the store on they way home to pick up something for dinner that night they have been caught flat footed with little to no options and it only get worse. Didn’t see it coming??? How about just another part of the plan. If the vaxx don’t get you starvation will. My guess is many areas as the stock disappears they will institute a vaxx mandate for you to buy groceries as evident by Big blue areas already trying to enforce it for you to eat out.
Evil must be confronted and overcome. Until that time here we sit back, contemplate and pray. Just waiting on the Word.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  sawman

They claim what they are doing is justifiable homicide, if your to stupid to take the kill shot as they claim, we can do any of the following, put you in internment camp, starve you, lock you down, smear your reputation, not allow you to work etc. We need to pick up our arms and kill every last one of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Nuremberg Code of 1947 says we do have the right to refuse the shot, but I doubt that will stop them.

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  sbrirl

Then you will have to stop them, won’t you!

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  no one

We don’t have to roll over and be murdered. Defend yourselves. Jesus said, sell your cloak (he means if you have to) and buy a sword. He tells us it’s ok to defend ourselves and that He wants and expects us to ‘defend’ ourselves. Yes, unto murder.

Elle T
Elle T
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Suddenly, EVERYONE’S a Targeted Individual. Sorry that I have to welcome you to my world.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elle T

And mine. I guess [they] used us for target practice.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Nobody’s going to do anything until the wrong kid or parents get injured, closer to home. Smh
This is a sad country to try and love still brother’s and sister’s. Are we that brainwashed and selfish, or am i stuck in a nightmare for last couple years

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

WE are the only ones who can change that. Sooooo?

2 years ago
Reply to  sawman


no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  sawman

Oh, we also wrestle against flesh and blood too. It’s just that creatures from hell can also shapeshift. Satan has also taken over most humans as well. So we are wrestling with all the above.

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago

Let it crash. Then all hell will break loose.

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Hell has already broken loose, dear.

2 years ago

The children are in danger and Biden does not give a damn nor the rest of his administration.

Ray j Jones
Ray j Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

pedo joe wants to have your kids lunch

2 years ago
Reply to  Ray j Jones

*for lunch

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

That should tell you that we have already been taken over. The only thing that remains is for them to kill all of us. Where are your motherly instincts?

2 years ago

To quote James Taylor’s prescient lyrics: “…let it fall down, let it fall down, let it all fall down.”

2 years ago

Mark Goodwin’s American Wasteland …… Read it.

2 years ago

Most of the truckers are vaxxed. They are not dumb

Ray j Jones
Ray j Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

just think of this the libs are takeing them selves out of the gene pool …………….

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Take the word “therapy” out of it, and then you’ve got it right.

2 years ago
Reply to  OnTheRoad

You have no clue.

2 years ago
Reply to  OnTheRoad

Lmao no I aint, shit for brains. Almost every single trucker south of the Canadian border doesn’t trust their own medical companies and you think truckers, the most isolated and asocial (outside of CB chatter) group is going to conform to that? Nah lad

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  OnTheRoad

Then, maybe they are dumb after all.

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  no one

I (no one) think I misunderstood Inno Truckin’s comment. I would delete my comment but there’s no way to do that. Sorry Inno Truckin.
ATTN: ncrenegade, we need a ‘delete comment’ button. Keeps things from getting misunderstood and wrong info on here.

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  no one

..and an EDIT button, please.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  OnTheRoad

If you have taken the kill shot you are a moron, they will not tell you what is in the poison shot. If you are stupid enough to do what they tell you to do for their benefit you are a moron, just that simple.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

lol. I ran into this 70 something woman yesterday who claimed her (adult) son is not satisfied with his vaccine (he feels sick) so, get this, she signed HERSELF up for more shots and boosters through the month of March. She implied she will keep taking these shots as long as it takes. I can only assume, her son is next. I now know this woman is dumber than dumb. Clueless.
Lockdowns actually keep the unvaxxed away from the vaxxed. This could help the unvaxxed. The vaxxed are downright dangerous by contamination. Stay away from the vaxxed if you want to live.

art simpson
art simpson
2 years ago
Reply to  OnTheRoad

YUP. Worse than dumb.

2 years ago

HMMM. what about all the illegal people crossing the southern border!

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

illegal ‘people’? Try ‘gangs’. They are the trained gangs!!!!!!!!
The people of Bangladesh just burned down all the housing (massive fire) where their govt is stashing these illegal ‘alleged’ so-called ‘migrants’ that are really the TRAINED GANGS. They are coming for each and every one of us and also for anything we own. At least the people of Bangladesh have a lot more brains and take swift action, than people of any other country, so far. Kudos to the people of Bangladesh. Very brave and very action oriented. Congratulations and 2 Thumbs up.

2 years ago
Reply to  no one

No kidding, Bangladesh too huh?
pretty much every country has more courage and faith than American’s do. So, we’re screed

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

We are only screwed if we ‘choose’ to be!!!

just sayin'
just sayin'
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

…and given citizenship if they serve in our military for a few years…those soldiers won’t have a problem turning on American citizens…just sayin’

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

Ok, so if they even look foreign……………!

Ray j Jones
Ray j Jones
2 years ago

i hope your wrong but knpwing pedo joe and his camel toe hoe flat on her back harris i have to beleive this ive grown old waiting for the right time to fight and with each passing year i have less and less to fear so yah go ahead and bring it on i will not be cheap or easy no prisoners and no qaurter is the best you will get from me……………………………………..

Arizona Sentinel
Arizona Sentinel
2 years ago

Thanks for the heads up

Jackie Reed
Jackie Reed
2 years ago

We need to pray for our country, for the protection of the innocent! We need Jesus!

2 years ago

The Church is no longer mentioned after Revelation Chap 3. It is because we are out of here. Would love to be in heaven with all of you. Please repent and acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Time is very short.

Miklos Rozsa
Miklos Rozsa
2 years ago

Both U.S. and Canadian border guards can ignore both Trudeau’s and Biden’s vaccine mandates and let the truckers through the border without asking for proof of vaccination. Both the American and the Canadian people would be served by such a step. After all, the truckers have been considered an essential service over the last 20 months. That essential service needs to continue undisturbed for the benefit of both Canadians and Americans. Arrest warrants should be issued against both Trudeau and Biden and both officials need to be detained incommunicado till their trials in a North American people’s court co-operatively established by Canadians and Americans.


[…] ECONOMIC ALERT: Supply chain issues expected to be exasperated this week as new vaccine restrictions on truck drivers bringing cargo across the US/Canada border go into effect 15 January 2022 -- https://ncrenegade.com/we-have-less-than-two-weeks-to-finalize-preparation/ […]

no one
no one
2 years ago

What is a GIS Map, please? Anyone?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  no one

It is land analysis mapping.

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Thank you, Tom.

2 years ago

Why do you think they are pushing so hard for WWIII with Russia right now? They can’t control the debt based economy anymore and it WILL crash. There’s too much money owed to be borrowed into existence now due to usury/interest. PLUS we are in the time where ‘it’s easier to kill a million people than it is to control a million people.’ Z.B. Since so many will not take the experimental needle, they will need to add more fear and fright and death by other means. War. It’s the perfect storm all heading to collide as one. Brace for impact!

Bonnie Kinney
Bonnie Kinney
2 years ago
Reply to  KCK

They will do anything for War, which will usher in
the anti-christ and the New World Order.

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  KCK

They are putting all of us, worldwide, in a WAR frame of mind. Programming.

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  KCK

Everything has been perfectly timed, including WWIII. If they have the $$$ to pay all these gangs, muslims and foreign troops and mercenaries, and fake vaccines (kill shots), paying hospitals $39,000 per death certificate that they write cause of death as Covid (covid is the common cold. 19 is the year 2019 when the came forward with this scam), don’t you believe for one minute that there is a debt deficit. There’s no end to the $$$. They’ve got more than enough FOR ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.
They short Social Security, our roads are a mess because our tax money is being siphoned away and ultimately used against us for the benefits of the NWO. Used for the murdering of the human race.
This is the establishment of satan’s kingdom on earth (the NWO). They don’t want you and I, nor our families. They are killing us off and have taken our livelihoods. They will be taking much more of that very very soon. Early this year. It’s up to you, whether you let them or not. Roll over? Not this chick.

2 years ago

Λmerican Patriots, Λrm yourselves, while we still can.   Black Rífles Matter, guys.

Be prepared to Vote from the Rooftops, because Bidenmentia Bolsheviks are not bulletproof.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I am with you brother here in NW Az.

2 years ago

And to think there is no COVID virus. Nothing has been found or isolated of it.
That’s the madness. The real insanity is the cure. This is all just getting too Hillaryous for me and let things fall where they may.
But then again, why should I let the mentally ill win?

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  Leethal

The ‘alleged’ cure. Right on.

2 years ago

Is Canada able to truck our supplies over the American border and transfer it to our trucks???????????????

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  Guest

I just emailed Canada via canada free press

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

By the way, i guess now we have less than one week?
Just returned from my hunting and gathering, store was well stocked, however did not go down the pet food isle today. as a rule i do go down this isle, yet i saw the people lined up to go through the registers and got a little blurry eyed, place was becoming crowded sheeple still masked up, time to leave! chuckle!