We just want to marry … they said …

It’s June … welcome to the “freak show”.

Please pass the eye-bleach …

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1 year ago

As events continue to ramp up in intensity and frequency I cannot help but think about the two angels that Lot put up in his place before Sodom was destroyed, and other vignettes where we are told of inflamed sodomites who violently sought to rape people. “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of The Son of Man.” Sodomites seem to be the very worst of even the leftists, who themselves lack any manner of inner dialogue and any fashion of morality. There appears to be no limit to the sodomites’ appetites, nor the violence they will perpetrate in order to get their collective way.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound


Lee Vail
Lee Vail
1 year ago

Leviticus 20:13

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

I Googled it and I also got a list of all of the different biblical versions. I didn’t realize there were so many different versions of the bible basically saying the same thing. Ironically this is the same punishment the Muslims dish out for being a queer. They just throw them off of a building but the ending is the same.

1 year ago
Reply to  X-Beast

The Muslims aren’t what you think. MSM has fed the public a bunch of BS! Look up “man love Thursday”, this is when most raids were conducted in OIF and OEF. Yes, they prey on children, specifically boys in this instant.

1 year ago

I am a really good libertarian, I really don’t care what consenting adults do privately; however I am really tired of having the lgbq whatever, and woke shit shoved down my throat! I marched with MLK, I support all non violent freedom, but I am worn out, I am now a deplorable knuckle dragging, phobic racist.

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1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Glad you finally woke up and saw the genuine truth and reality of things. We best wake the hell up -- they want us DEAD.

1 year ago

Ohhh, i remember all there lies.
I personally believe 95% of these psychotic gender benders are full of it.
They aren’t Benders…there just jumping on the wagon to sow more psychotic insanity.


Then there’s this Psychotic that Montana installed…WTaF Montana?
This damn disease is falsely spreading like the STD it is.

Never afdress them to there Fantasy! NEVER!
We dont have to bow to the Psychotic Behavior.

🖕🏻🖕🏻right there MAN!
Threatening companies?
Piss on the psycho!

1 year ago
Reply to  Olguy

There is scientific proof that a large number of “trans” men are nothing more than fetishists that get their jollies by being in women’s private spaces. That swimmer dude is apparently one of these.

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1 year ago
Reply to  Hound

They are vile, sick in the head idiots.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound


1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  grif


1 year ago

I wonder the wage scale for dressing up and acting crazy?

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

The queers are going for broke. They realize that they must strike while the iron is hot. Too bad they aren’t going to get the results they want. True Americans are angry.

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1 year ago

Disgusting vile pond scum. And they have ruined the good month of June with that cancerous puke.

1 year ago
Reply to  No Thanks

Agree, warped disgusting individuals. God will have to apolagize to sodom and Gomorrah if he doesnt punish this nation for this behavior

1 year ago


1 year ago

That’s right, it has NOTHING to do with the individual being discriminated against by the MATRIARCH, it’s all about being queer. <sarc>
Keep your head in the sand, Bud Light drinkers, it’s all about YOUR SOPHISTRY.
There is nothing in the Bible about marriage, just poor translations of innuendo. And matrimony undermines the protections afforded the INDIVIDUALS of the U.S.
Am I ‘down w/t clown’? NO, I’m tired of married POS thinking they’re somehow superior to the individual just b/c they capitulate to the state for citizen benefits exceeding the states lawful capacity to grant.
It would be nice if nice if married men would get uncle scams cock out of their mouths. Yet with two becoming one, and beta males skewing the numbers female traits, I’m well aware you enjoy your cum slurpies. (tax benefits, higher wages, nuclear family, lower insurance rates than market for your children at the expense of the unmarried) You parasite will eventually kill your host, just like the democrats you emulate. (self serving)

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

Actually, if you go back to the original Hebrew texts, God’s expectations for human comport in matrimony and marital relations (and innumerable other matters) is quite explicit. There ARE a number of poor translations of the Bible, often crafted by masonic (Kenite) elements to mislead God’s children. If one understands and believes God’s Word, it is a gift of the Holy Spirit. “Jacob I have loved, and Esau I have hated.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

Matt -- your words above are a magnificent demonstration of what is meant by the “rainbow puke GIF” (at the top of this post).

Yes, I discriminate, in the classical definition of the word: I have the ability to see or make fine distinctions. This enables me to understand you have chosen to misinterpret scripture to promote deviant behavior.

Scriptures that testify against homosexual behavior—including Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:9-10—are so clear and specific that they defy reinterpretation.

“It is intellectually dishonest to say that conservative individuals and leaders “interpret” such clear verses as “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman” out of prejudice against homosexuals.

Quotes above from “Revisionist Gay Theology

1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

Another hayseed building strawman arguments (logic fallacies)
“This enables me to understand you” Thank you for standing under my opinion. You would be better off comprehending it for yourself, but why have unrealistic expectations.
I have no problem with discrimination, it’s a good thing. The problem arises with FALSE EQUIVALENCY, b/c you keep resorting to LOGIC FALLACIES. Esekiel 23 a MORE proper translation ‘No man should lie with a BOY as with a woman’. We see this problem in statistics from SF ‘tenderloin district’ where a survey answered by 600 men in the area claimed 4/10 responded they had physical relations w/ under aged males. Even the CDC admits 1/50 homos will resort to child molestation.
Educate yourself, b/c I’m tired of spoon feeding those who can’t unlearn the falsehoods they’ve been taught.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

… “hayseed building strawman” … cute … a digression to ‘ad hominem’ is the first rhetorical strategy of a feeble mind.

I consider “hayseed” a badge of honor. After a lifetime of participation in modern industrial society I have retired to a simple agrarian life of faith.

Oh, by the way … Ezekiel 23 is an extended metaphor in which Samaria and Jerusalem are compared to sisters named Oholah (Samaria) and Oholibah (Jerusalem), who are the wives of God and accused of “playing the whore” in Egypt.

Neither the New Oxford Bible nor the more strict JPS translation of the Tanakh makes any reference to men with men or men with boys in Esekiel 23 (sic).

As you are clearly disingenuous in your comments, there is nothing to be gained, for either of us, from a continuation of this dialog.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

It appears that you protest too much. If I had seen your comment earlier before replies, I would have deleted it. If I remember correctly, you do not believe in God. That should not preclude you from reading the Bible.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Matt will not make it to the Judgment Seat of Christ, but he will come face to face with the Almighty at the Great White Throne. At that time he will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, ohhh he’ll believe then….just a little too late in his case. It was your choice….

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Your memory fails you, I simply avoid the topic of religion b/c too many hayseeds think reading a 2000 yr old, maliciously translated, book makes them an expert at everything.
The reason matrimony isn’t mentioned in the Bible, is b/c IT’S AN ASTROZORIAN CEREMONY adopted at the COUNSEL OF NICEA.
The CoN was called by Constantine the Great, to canonize the Bible and bring Christian beliefs in harmony with the majority of the population (in Constantinople, currently Istanbul, the world’s oldest city). This is where the traditional Sabbath was changed from Saturday to the current Sunday.
What they don’t tell you, is the marriage ritual INCLUDED HOMOSEXUAL COUPLES. Which I don’t necessarily agree with, YET it does show they acknowledged individuality, as opposed to know it all Christians. Believe me, I was pounded w/ that bias dogma the first third of my life.
Call it protesting if you want, just trying to point out the hypocrisy that the Bill of Rights were formed to defend the individual. While the privilege of marriage is used to form groups (what the BoR defends us from) that undermine the BoR. As David Straight has pointed out, the BAR has removed God from the marriage contract and replace it w/ government. I other words, House Band and wife no longer go to God, they’re required to bring their grievances to the state (courts).
You undermine your, and the public’s, interest by believing you’re above others and should receive special privileges due to a religious ceremony (which you don’t even know the origins of).
The BAR has sucker you into their misandry, b/c MEN PRODUCE and women/(BAR members) consume. They’ve got you undermining your own principals, in the belief that your sacrifice buys you membership in club matriarch. Same with government agents, which is essentially how most ppl act on this board.
1st amendment “The government shall pass no law respecting religion”. State recognition of marriage is a slippery slop into communism, and we’ve been sliding ever since 1919 (the previous plandemic). The BAR uses matrimony to undermine the individual, by the indulgent’s own narcissism, to make everyone indigents.
Censor me if you must, but honorable men sacrificed their lives to give me the right to speak freely. And I’m not giving those rights up b/c married men want to smell like P#$$Y, in the false promise the government will provide security for their family.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

Fact check re Constantinople:

Aleppo, which is actually Syria’s largest city and was once a mighty rival to Cairo and Constantinople, has a far stronger case for being the world’s oldest city. The evidence of settlement goes back to 6,000BC, but excavations north of the city suggest wandering nomads made domestic camps here 5,000 years before that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

Oh I agree, history is ‘out of context’ on many things.
IMO it’s just repeating, we’re not doing anything that wasn’t already known.
‘Gentlemen prefer Blonds, . . yet marry Brunets.’
‘Love your enemies, . . and hate your friends.’
bustn’ balls, lol

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

As Hound said in his comment, just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, the country has become a vile, putrid, satanic cauldron of sodomites, not fit for man nor beast.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

it’s a democrat run demonic cult of satanic filth, all led by Satan and his minions pushing these evil perversions. There is a heavy price they will all pay for being Whores of the devil and that is death. God states that all who practice such things are deserving of death.

1 year ago

Our country is an ABOMINATION, and, on its present course, does not DESERVE any of the blessings of a Constitutional Republic.

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1 year ago

You cannot bend and compromise when it comes to certain items period!!

1 year ago

There is lots of discussion here about the appalling direction of our country, just don’t go there, personally and boycott those who do!

Aside from TPTB wrecking our culture, they are killing us with drugs and vaxxx,
more importantly, we are on the verge of a nuclear war with Russia, which they will probably win as they have new weapons and shelters for most of their people!

All these discussions here will be moot, if this war we have started, goes nuclear! Make sure you and your family is safe for the train wreck facing us!
When you have covered your priorities for life and liberty, then and only then, should we take the time to argue, chapter and verse or politics!
To be sure, pray this war does not happen, but be prepared if it does!
I would like to see conservative Christians survive this!
Finally, Yes, my priorities are covered!

1 year ago

America is a culturally backward country in terms of its heteronormative mores and in the ways the genders treat each other. In a country in which many men assume an abortion will ‘take care’ of their irresponsibility with a woman, and the women who do so attempting to take the ‘easy way’ out, which is really the harder way with lifelong ramifications, the populace at large should not expect healthy gender relations, as many of the individuals themselves were at no time affirmed or affirming of their own genders. It’s largely an ignored feature throughout the landscape; people not taught what to expect upon marriage, the differences of the genders or conflict resolution and so forth. The country is so dumb that it won’t consider addressing its gender, economic, educational, and historical deficits until it’s at the point of collapse. It has been and will continue to be the bounty of countries that have authentic gender relations (those that want to reproduce and take the territory that begs them to do it, i.e., the repopulation of the U.S.).

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Yes well said