We Know What Comes Next in South Africa

The world is watching white genocide in South Africa. Disarming the white farmers will be their death sentence.

We know that the 2nd Amendment is the ONLY thing that guarantees our Liberty. We see the Deep State try every possible tactic to disarm, marginalize and attack Americans. I say Americans because the other side consists of useful idiots who hate this country. If you hate the country and are trying to destroy its culture, heritage and government, you are not an American.

David DeGerolamo


As Land Confiscations Loom, South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weapons

The Constitutional Court of South Africa recently ruled that 300,000 gun owners must turn in their firearms.

This judgement came in response to the North Gauteng High Court’s ruling in 2017 which said Section 24 and Section 28 of the Firearm’s Control Act were unconstitutional.

A report from The Citizen explains what Section 24 and Section 28 entail:

“Section 24 of the Act requires that any person who seeks to renew a licence must do so 90 days before its expiry date Section 28 stipulates that if a firearm licence has been cancelled‚ the firearm must be disposed of or forfeited to the state. A 60-day time frame was placed on its disposal, which was to be done through a dealer.”

Now that the High Court’s initial ruling has been overturned, gun owners who failed to renew their firearms licenses must hand in their firearms to the nearest police station, where authorities will then proceed to destroy them.

Many naïve political observers will paint this event as a casual gun control scheme, but any astute student of politics will recognize that the floodgates are now open for further encroachments – not only on the gun rights of South Africans, but also on others facets of theirs lives.

A look at South Africa’s current political climate will give us an idea of the potential ramifications of this gun control scheme.


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6 years ago

Never going to happen.

6 years ago

This would be a nation-stopping event in America.
Our gov, as big and powerful as it is, is not quite ready to
deal with 50 million pissed off gun owners.

6 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Got that right Brother!

6 years ago

Seems lately, meaning last 15-20 years, not long after these particular Marxian usurpations against natural God given rights take place in Europe and other dirty stinking commie venues, similar attempts take place here. The tell is these usurpations are given glaring expose though with favorable Marxist slant across the hive media complex.
It seems the purpose is multi fold, one being to prime the pump of normalcy bias.

Marxist’s always lie, yet within their dissimulations they always tell on themselves, so with the right perspective and understanding a man can be forewarned as to their next intentions.

6 years ago

what comes next is outright blatant evil and sadistic murder which is already taken place, many white farmers and there families have been brutally murdered by these Negro tribal cannibal pieces of human garbage and the media knows it but wont report on it, for the record the media are abettors of these Marxist cannibals . We better wake up fast in our country because these cannibal Negroes will think to do the same to us. just look at what is going on right now in our streets, and the black Negroes in the Congress make no bones about slamming white folks everyday of there stinking tribal lives. there inching every day toward gun control and confiscation here in the U.S. with the help of scumbag Marxist white useless idiots and when it comes they will try to brutally murder whites at random with the help of the renegade controlled deep state government.
Never give up any guns under any false laws these enemies try to pass. we have the constitution on our side and when these pigs think they can do this then let them fully bring it on and at the point we wont wait for them to take us all out ,We will be the hunter then and there will be no stopping the full cleansing of the land.