We Need Rick Grimes To Save The Country

Did you know that there are different types of zombie voters:

1. The illegal alien zombie.
2. The still dead in the ground zombie.
3. The welfare zombie.
4. The workfare zombie.
5. The rest of the Democrats who voted.

David DeGerolamo

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a follower
a follower
7 years ago

zombies who consume us and each other.

Average Joe
Average Joe
7 years ago

As much as it pains me, we have quite of few of them in the GOP. In fact just a few short weeks ago I was attending a local meeting where 3 members of the N.C. legislature were trying to explain how giving the other side what they wanted, the repeal of HB2, it was in fact a good thing and we were now better off.

Keep in mind that before the snake oil salesman starting applying his craft, maybe I should refer to them as voodoo priests, most in the crowd were a bit upset over the repeal. Well 45 minutes latter most in the room were nodding their heads like bobble headed dogs in the back of a car window on a bumpy road. Two of them went after me for my attempts to ask questions to point out the retreat was for less than honorable motivations.

My only consolation was making at least one of the speakers “hot under the collar” for pointing it out. Yet the zombies thought they had been done a great favor by their masters.

Average Joe

a follower
a follower
7 years ago

How i woke up.
Found this extremely close to my own experience.
