We The People?

I attended the Raleigh Tea Party on April 15th, 2011 which had Jason Lewis as the headline speaker. Triangle Conservatives Unite did an excellent job sponsoring this event which had perfect weather. By my estimate, there were about 600 people at this Tea Party which would have put North Carolina in the top ten for the entire country.

Two years ago, there were over 2000 people in attendance at the Raleigh Tea Party. No headline speakers and no budget for advertising were responsible for this large turnout, only people who felt something was wrong and were looking for answers. Two years later, the Tea Party still provides no solutions except to vote Republican. We talk (actually whine) about how bad things are but as the country’s economic distress continues to spiral downward, we do nothing proactively to change our government’s attempts to socialize America, redistribute the fruits of our labor and effectively challenge Washington (and Raleigh) to stop spending money.

Want solutions:

1. A national campaign to put federal payroll taxes into an escrow account until fiscal responsibility is restored. If Washington is spending the money outside of the Constitution, we should challenge it in court. We fought a Revolution for “No taxation without Representation”. The people paying taxes are not being represented in Washington or Raleigh: the people who do not pay taxes are being represented.

2. Apply pressure to the Supreme Court to stop unConstitutional legislation and executive orders. The current Supreme Court should be ashamed to continue to collect their salaries and they will go down in history as one of the main causes for the destruction of the United States through their complacency.

3. Apply pressure to our Congress to pass legislation to audit the Federal Reserve. This corporation is responsible for stealing 21.4% of our money in the past eight years. Why is this legislation not already passed in the House of Representatives?

4. The Republican Party made a 100 day pledge to the people of North Carolina last year if the people gave them control of the general assembly. The clock is ticking and the results are not there. They have a lot of work to do by the first week in May. Can you remember what they promised for your vote?

5. Press the NC General Assembly to enact a recall amendment to our state’s Constitution: let us vote on this issue. We would not have Governor Perdue selling out our state to further her career on a national level in Washington if this was enacted.

6. Pressure Washington and North Carolina to limit the public sector employees to 10% (or less) of the total workforce. We currently have more public sector workers than private sector workers. How long can the looters outnumber the producers?

7. Eliminate the Department of Education and give our children’s education back to the states and parents.

8. Eliminate all unions from the public sector. Why are unions needed to protect public sector workers from themselves?

9. Eliminate the Department of Energy. Their stated mission to reduce our dependence on foreign energy has only increased it. Energy and food production are being used to drain the money and political power of the middle class.

10. Start thinking about your children’s future and get off the couch. Add your suggestions to the comments below and do something.

OR GO JOHN GALT and start preparing to rebuild a new country.

David DeGerolamo

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Virgil Bierschwale
13 years ago

Perhaps this page and all the links on it will answer some of your questions.