We the People, are the Law of the land. It’s spelled out in the Bill of Rights.

Recently watched the 9th circuit court of appeals, listen to an appeal by an organization of police, claiming 2A and 14A rights violations. A justice laughed at the attorney’s claim, and didn’t even bother to redress his ignorance. That’s when it came together, anyone claiming to be a Law Enforcement Officer is fundamentally restricted by the Constitution. BAR members are not allowed to sit on juries, and their ‘reasoning’ is pure sophistry. Anyone who holds a job working for the state shouldn’t be allowed in a jury pool neither. This is how large cities have created CLOWN WORLD.

The Constitution says, should you be charged with a crime, you’re entitled to be judged by a jury of your peers. Yet when in a major city, no prosecutor/prosecutrix will allow one of your peers on your jury. One of the first questions they ask, ‘do you know the defendant?’ In fact, if you’re in a capital city, they will stack the jury with state employees. And this is important because We the People, are granted lawful standing in a court of record. When we delegate that standing to the LEGAL system (ie the BAR), they’re in control. An example of their use of contranyms is to offer a ‘Jury trial’, as this not the same as a ‘Trial by jury’. In a ‘Jury trial’, the judge is no longer a referee, and has extensive control over the entire proceedings. They can go so far as to throw out a conviction, or ‘facts’ that don’t fit their rules/policy. The simple reality they sit in an elevated position give the impression they can’t be questioned. In common law proceedings, the plaintiff can hold the judge in contempt. If you go into court as only a defendant, you have no real standing, you’ve capitulated to being abused. Do I know all the in and outs, not by any stretch of the imagination, but somethings become self evident by looking into the past.

So why should we laugh when a LEO claims to have ‘rights’? The Bill of Rights was written to protect the individual from the largest group, ie the state. This is the very basis of a Republic form of governance. The state is a fiction, and therefor cannot take action. But the agents of the state do take action, which means they are NOT the People. The BAR, just like the J6 committee, want agents of the state to have the same standing as the People. This allows them to control perception, having their (200 FBI) agents act as if they are the People. Hence the perpetual indoctrination of the term government (~ Latin for, to control the mind. By deception, intimidation, or violence)

Insist on standing trial by a jury of your peers, as they should know your general character. The BAR members are now at the mercy of logic and common sense. Are you known for telling the truth? Does the, hired from out of town, officer’s story of your actions make sense? Were you going through a divorce/death in the family, and this would most likely be a once in a lifetime screw up? Maybe you and the witnesses have an antagonistic history, or worse yet, they’ve been known to do this kind of thing before? Or maybe it’s in your character and you’ve gotten away with so much in the past it’s time to pay the piper?

Here in NC, civilians can’t petition to have ballot measures considered, as a means to revise the Constitution. Only the NC senate can allow the NC Constitution to be changed, as per post 1867 measures. Recently the NC senate has adopted symbolism from the Lords Proprietor, the former deeded owners of NC. Art 1 Declaration of Rights Sec. 4 Secession prohibited, Sec.5 Allegiance to the United States. So the People have a ‘right’ to be prohibited (by a fiction), and another ‘right’ requiring Allegiance to a Delaware incorporated fiction called the United States (no mention of America), and capitulate the 10th amendment in doing so. Ya, the Yankees didn’t think that out very well.

We have been granted the authority, but we’re too dumbed down to know how to use it properly. Even if we successfully navigated the legalese, the BAR would use sophistry to remain in control. Pity we’re our own worst enemy, reliant on electronic communication out of complacency. Of all the trials and tribulations our ancestors went through, to give us the greatest opportunity, we throw it away for Bread and Circuses. As the BAR keeps us divided, no ideas will be shared. IMO, five members of SCOTUS are intelligent enough to recognize the pattern, and are doing what they can to assist the next generation. We can always daydream the People vote their way out of this, before the next generation has to pay the brass tax.

PS Kick the can, ignore this rant and don’t comment out of fear, you’ll be gone by the time the kids have to take care of the problems we can ignore.

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 year ago

I only have one comment, thank you and may others read and understand.

1 year ago

The legal system in this country, both civil and criminal sides, but s corrupt beyond description. Has been for more than a century.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

the ruling class, the leadership of the MIC, and the minions of both are a blight on the Republic. Further, all the evil that is occurring in the nation at this moment is directly the fault of almost all in Washington and the nation’s large city’s leaders. These my friends are the enemy. They have usurped and corrupted the legal system and made a two-tiered mockery of the nation’s laws. Does not a certain set of papers give us, no, demands of us, action?

1 year ago

This also goes back to state agents refusing to answer questions in court by using the 5th amendment right against self incrimination. The 5th amendment was put into the bill of rights to protect the people from the state. When any government employee uses (abuses) the 5th amendment they are using it to protect the state from the people. Prosecutors will claim that government employees have 5th amendment protection just like everyone else. That needs to stop. Lon Horriuchi, the FBI sniper who murdered Vicki Weaver hid behind 5th amendment protection to keep from being found guilty of murder. And who was the FBI lawyer who helped him? Drum Roll . . . . . Bill Barr!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

You’re not wrong….
The left has always been better at using the system to achieve their goals.
Look where we have had our few successes? Court cases like Bruen. Absolutely stopped their march towards gun control in its tracks. Dead issue.
The left is working very quickly and extremely hard at eliminating the few remaining peaceful forms of legal protest we have. “Misinformation and Disinformation Laws” is a rosy way of saying Free Speech is dead, censorship by government mandate is what they are attempting to codify into law, under the guise of ‘protecting’ people (what’s that line, give up liberty for freedom, get neither?)
Gun control laws are exactly the same. They fear the legal system because they know it’s one of their weaknesses -- hence the lawfare that’s taking place. The left is barely pretending to follow the law now, and the laws they are attempting to pass just codify their actions under blanket of permission (Bill ofRrights be damned!)
IF we wish to avoid conflict, we should be attempting to use what’s left of the legal system, because it ain’t much, not much harm in trying. Many people are in conflict with this choice. Once the violence switch is turned on, it gets ugly.. can’t flip that one back off. And that’s the way I try to see it. I am an unwilling participant in the hunger games if that’s what is to come, but I’ll play my hardest if coach decides to put me in.

1 year ago

What to do? Organize 8-10 people who will fight. Where to start? Research -- get facts, read the law…. Then go to County Commissioner’s Court, study their budget, their acts… Believe me, you will find a lot wrong. Speak up. Stand on the Constitution, use it. You will eventually win.

1 year ago

I’m not entirely certain as to the intent of your post, it meanders a lot.
Your comment about how state employees shouldn’t be allowed on a jury is myopic and assumes that one is going to automatically side with the state, a lot like that tactical civics guy, whom I also disagree with. This is incorrect. I am an employee of the state. I do engineering and IT for a state institution, but this does not mean my loyalty lies to the state, the govt. or the legal system. I am fiercely opposed to and despise the legal system in the US. Not only is it hopelessly corrupt, there is no justice to be found in it. I am opposed to “law enforcement” being a career and believe that it leads to tyranny. Likewise, politics should not be a career, or a get rich scheme, but the temporary service it was meant to be. I am a very ardent supporter of freedom, but I also understand freedom is messy. We have too much govt. regulation and need to abolish much of what exists as govt. today.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

Absolutely Noway2.

Al Bino
Al Bino
1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

Valid points. So your formal education meets an objective standard, BS.
Of those employed to enforce, or dependent on, the state’s authority, what percent hold a BS? Many would say, fairly low.
People who pursue science have a low tendency to want control over other people. Pretty sure it’s the potential tyrant we want to restrict, and they tend to hold a BA, in a humanities discipline.
Meandering certainly takes away from the sentiment’s clarity, almost a ramble.