WE (The US) Started This War

Here are the conditions Russia has set forth to stop it.




A reminder for all you war-mongering *******s who support “whatever it takes” to make Russia “stop”:

  • We, the United States, repeatedly promised Russia when the Iron Curtain came down and the Warsaw Pact dissolved that we would not expand NATO eastward toward the Russian border.  Go look at the nations our Senate admitted by formal treaty in 2004.  We did this.  We deliberately and intentionally lied and by doing so proved to Russia that we were not to be trusted and our word was worthless on the international stage.
  • We, the United States, formally and openly supported the shooting revolution at Maidan Square during the 2014 timeframe which included the killing of civilians and installation of Zelenskyy.  There was a serious sniping incident during that time.  Not one person who was involved in same was arrested and prosecuted.  This ought to inform you as to which side committed said offense since the other side, the sitting government at the time, was deposed.  If you’re so ****ing stupid as to believe that the sitting government of the time committed that atrocity and Zelenskyy’s government then “forgave and forgot” about the snipers rather than arresting, prosecuting and executing them you are so ****ing stupid you deserve to be nuked, especially considering that Ukraine just summarily executed one of their peace negotiators who they deemed “disloyal.”  The current Ukrainian government certainly has no problem with capital punishment, even when employed summarily without trial.
  • Crimea contained a Russian NAVAL PORT all the way back through and to the USSR.  Indeed that land has been part of whatever was called “Russia” all the way back through the time of Nicholas II and before!  If you think Russia was going to give that up at the behest of a United States supported shooting revolution, having it literally taken by force of arms you’re out of your ****ing mind and your entire genetic line ought to go sit in an operating nuclear reactor and be recycled.  Russia went into Crimea and secured that which was theirs before Ukraine was split off.  If you claim to honor national boundaries and reject the use of military force to change who owns what then you damn well have to extend it to when its inconvenient to your other goals.  If not then just sit down, shut the **** up and deal with the fact that political entities take and protect land by force and, when it was theirs and someone takes it in a shooting revolution this sort of action should be expected.  This is no different than what we would do in the United States if China agitated and supported Mexico and California in breaking away, affiliating with Mexico with explicit Chinese backing, did so by shooting people and seized San Diego in the process.
  • Zelenskyy has continued siphoning off the same sort of bribes his predecessors did.  If you think for one second that his former job, or his current one, was and is worth over one billion dollarsyou ought to immediately cut off your own genitals and kill any children you already produced so you cannot propagate your genetic line.  You really are that ****ing stupid and neither you or your children have business drawing oxygen from the air as your stupidity is materially adding to the probability of half of this nation being killed in a nuclear war and the starvation that will follow it.  These are the same oligarchs in Ukraine that funneled cash through Hunter Biden and myriad other people and which provided the “10 percent to the big guy” who is the douchebag that is our current President.  Everyone with more than two firing neurons knows that Ukraine has been a corrupt cesspool for decades and our politicians along with those in myriad other nations are on the take, getting rich off of it while directly supporting and steering the political climate there for profit, including killing those people who get in their way.


h/t WRSA

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2 years ago

I believe this 100%, the thing stinks to high heaven -- if you think about it and the main stream media is involved -- they lie so much -no one trusts them -- do you believe them now -- the Biden’s and their corrupt friends have used Ukraine as their private piggy bank

2 years ago

It goes even deeper. By forcing Russia and China to use their own banking system tied to 122 countries (I think that’s the number) the petro dollar will crash. But that’s exactly what Fed wants because we can blame it on Russia. Then they can institute a new method to steal and starve and everything will be hunky dory for the money changers. And this isn’t even “the rest of the story.”

2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

The gas prices alone are designed to keep you at home because the mandates didn’t work.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

They are working… kinda. I traveled this weekend. 1000 mile trip. Very$$. Saw $4.19 gas. Traffic was very light on Sunday. Not many trucks either…. think supply chain.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Yeah, crashing the petro dollar and forcing russia to leave SWIFT?!?!
My God man, you have to be exceedingly stupid… That being said we have been slowly pushing them.out for years? Was it a conscious decision? Was the point to eliminate the reserve currency (and usher in a new one…)? There are no coincidences.

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
2 years ago

That was refreshing. It’s good to read this from someone who understands the realm of geopolitical warfare, NED backed colour revolutions that install puppets to further the encroachment of weapons and bases to hold others hostage to the hegemon petrodollar.
With China and Russia buying up gold backed riminby and ruble and their own banking system, The western SWIFT cartels have shot themselves in their own feet by their arrogance and greed.
China is a manufacturing powerhouse that actually makes things. Lots and lots of things from aircraft powerplants to OTC and prescription meds of all stripes. Russia is the new breadbasket of the world. It also has plenty of energy and fertilizer sources.
Other Asian countries, India, Africa and a few more are all watching and changing alliances away from western influences as they see the US as the worlds bully.
With the ongoing and nearly complete Belt and Road Initiative, these easter countries will no longer be harassed by western naval vessels and free and open trade will flourish there.
When or if China and Russia stop trading with us, things in the good ol US will go from bad to worse. Western oligarchs who are long dead by now have orchestrated this and their spoiled, incompetant, psychopathic offspring/replacements are just following their old playbook with no real change in foreign relations. It’s all just gotten so rediculous.
Russia and China are merit driven leadership while diversity and inclusion are the wests’ str err weakness.
The US and it’s vassals will be lucky if we can avoid nuclear destruction. Going forward, we’ll all have a tough row to hoe.
Ohio Guy

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago
Reply to  Ohio Guy

Very well stated! Who is John Galt? TEXIT!

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Ohio Guy

At lest there are two of us in Ohio that believe the same way.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Lolololololol… Brilliant!
Yes, think this is 110% the Truth, and what happened.
And you are a *****ing idiot if you think otherwise, too! LMFAO!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Agreed, These people yanking on heart strings, for one purpose and one purpose only, we do well, to see through them and their evil intentions!
There are good and bad people (Both) in ukraine. East and west. Scattered.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

Just to prove that the average intelligence of Ukranians is even lower than the average human intelligence (which is a pretty low bar already), the turd Zelensky got elected by literally playing the president on TV. Then the morons conflated that with actual political acumen and elected him president for real.
This is tantamount to the US population electing Martin Sheen because they liked West Wing. Utter buffoonery.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

Thank you for following all the loose ends. It’s more frightening not less when you get the real facts and details. shhhhh no one else is supposed to know right?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
2 years ago

Correct 🙏☦️