We Were Given A Gift, Will We Use It?

It has been right at a month since I wrote the article There’s Nothing Left To Say. Things are going from bad to worse and our complacency and apathy towards the evil that we are faced with is disturbing. I’ve been encouraged to come back and keep writing and sharing my thoughts by many. I hope I will be welcomed back into the fold of my fellow freedom fighter bloggers. So with that being said, I’m thinking I’m back.

Every day the screws are tightened just a little more, the pressure turned up just another notch. The tension in the air is palpable. People are starving for a leader, someone to lead them to Freedom, someone to risk it all, someone with the courage of our Founding Father’s.  I have read and studied so many books on our founding fathers and the revolution, one thing I know with absolute certainty is that we are absolutely nothing compared to those men. I don’t care if it was different times or not, they had courage that hasn’t been seen since. Right now we are letting those great men that founded this once great country down in every way imaginable.

One thing our founders had that we do not is leadership from the pulpits. I’ve had some interesting conversations with local religious leaders as of late, and it seems they too are waiting for that leader to arise instead of doing as the original Black Robe Regiment did and lead from the pulpit. The Black Robe Regiment lead and guided our forefathers on the battlefield, where are they today? There really isn’t a Black Robe Regiment of today. The messages from the pulpit are all soft it seems and afraid to actually preach what the Bible and God has instructed us to do against evil. If we would just follow and listen to God, we ourselves would be good leaders and more would be found.

Quite honestly I’m sick and tired of all the cowardice. Perhaps I’m just angry with myself because I haven’t begun to “fight” yet either. It is growing harder and harder to look myself in the mirror everyday knowing that my children face a deep dark future that I’m not fighting against. It seems everyone is overly concerned with their house payment, car payment, their meaningless jobs, and just the everyday enslavement we have had forced upon us. We were told it’s just two weeks to flatten the curve, it’s just a mask, which has now turned into take this vaccine or you can’t earn a living and provide for your family. Our government told everyone it was just to protect us, but it has turned into a method of control. And government never freely gives up power once gained. There is only one way to regain our freedoms, and it isn’t by voting.

Right now things seem to have reached somewhat of a stalemate in this country. The evil that is in charge of things now seem to realize they have reached a limit on how far they can push because people are ready to snap. Seems we are willing to put up with this level of tyranny. But they won’t stop. They’ll pause then push and take, rinse, lather and repeat until we are so far enslaved that we actually have no means of fighting back.  How much longer will people go along to get along? There are those that answer that with to the end, because the American people have been programmed to mind and behave. I hope that is not the case but right now it appears to be more correct than anything else. We were given the gift of fighting tyranny by our Founding Father’s and yet we refuse to use it. I bet Australia wishes they had not relinquished their arms about now.

One of the hardest things is being that Watchmen and sounding the alarm while nobody listens. When this “pandemic” hit, people quit calling me crazy and actually sought me out for advice, now they are back to calling me crazy. So be it. My timing hasn’t ever been right over these last ten years or so, but many things I have been right on. If we do not unite and fight now, we are about to face the darkest times history has ever seen. It’s hard to watch all our freedoms vanish before our eyes. Breaks my heart for our posterity. It’s time to quit being afraid. It’s time to quit being moral cowards. Trust in the Lord and Fight!


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Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

I know a place !

3 years ago

One of my best friends admitted to me several months back, “Malachi, I thought you were crazy. You were right!” So, keep telling the truth, continue to sound the alarm. When it hits the fan they’ll remember who to trust.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

They are not remotely finished destroying our liberty.

One thing I would say is to avoid centralized leadership. Very easy to cut the head off the snake but if there are thousands of snakes it will be VERY difficult. Sad to say, but look at what the tribes of Afghanistan accomplished (and this is NO OFFENSE to the tens of thousands of our solders that were there that gave EVERYTHING for their country and lost themselves and friends but to their leadership that FAILED THEM).


Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
John Taylor
3 years ago

Thanks for ‘coming back’. We all need to persevere, regardless of personal cost.

3 years ago

Welcome indeed. Good to have taken a break. Keep throwing those seeds. Never really know for sure where or when they will take root. If your calling is to sound the alarm then do. No blood on your hands for trying. Keep trying.
You had mentioned the Black Robe regiment and quote Dietrich Bonhoeffer as well. I would enjoy an article that breaks down both sides of the argument from a Christian perspective. I encounter both in my travels, those that like you are ready to defend/preserve our inheritance in the US and those more of the mindset to continue seeking the lost only and allowing God’s will to play out as he determines.
Not very well explained. Allow this. Christians ready to fight for freedom vs Christians wanting to continue to just play church as they wait and see

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Glad your back, we are all waiting for that someone to step up. Like you said we are not the men our forefathers were. Fear is a corroding thread it comes in a thousand different forms, they use it to control us and manipulate. I will never surrender to the tyranny, at 70yrs old I still work out everyday, I do not take any meds or drink. Your an inspiration and true patriot again glad your back.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, your comments spoke for me too. The only difference is this: I am 71 years old, not 70.
Lord Jesus, a great and terrible battle is coming. Bless us in our just and righteous cause to restore our fallen republic. Increase our resolve and our strength; mentally, physically and spiritually. In your Holy Name, amen!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

Thank you. for that prayer.

ron martin
ron martin
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I’m 78. Wrote a 432 page book entitled “It’s Over” in 2009. Was not on NYT’s best seller list. Now, some say I’m a prophet. I’m not. Most today are followers awaiting a human leader who will never materialize. My leader is Jesus but I have all the weapons and preps ready when HE tells me to use them. I choose to have few friends but my wife of 45 years and my son and daughter & grands are like-minded partners in this dystopian world. Encouraging to see some pushing back against tyranny but bottom line is we must fight this war in small guerilla units to deceive and defeat the darkside who will depend on large police and military tactics. All who choose security over freedom (majority) are the enemy and must be dispatched also.

3 years ago

Glad your articles are back.
Something new to me was the “gray man” from “299 Days”. Who knew I have been a gray woman for a fairly long time. During the lock downs our community had a Thanksgiving meal, Christmas Party, many campfire evenings, was mask and jab free the entire time.. We have our own government within the corrupt bloated U.S. government. . . . . .and we do so much more chipping away from the base. Our concept of on site amenities meant we never had to leave to enjoy a full life while others lived in fear and lockdowns. We work from the idea that each person should form and have their own independent means of support or partner with other residents -- no globalist plan here for employment, so far less control of our lives.
The upside, I have seen more and more people who call themselves liberals waking up and seeing what is happening and contacting us.
There is more than one way to resist and I fully support all of them. .

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

Wes, It’s hard to figure out where to start ! The “black robe regiment ” of today is pathetic! You saw that for yourself. The Sunday churches have gone fully into demon worship. Obedience to YHVH and his rules is not even a consideration in those places. Instead of learning Everything about his rulings they call on usless idols ! (Jesus) a made up name by men His name is Yeshua. (Yahweh) a demonic idol also known as Jupiter by the Romans. So in short Christianity is an open coffin filled with all kinds of decay. And you can quote me on that! Rav. Will

3 years ago

Sounds exactly how I feel. No one at work seems concerned with what is going on. Just discuss the latest ball game or whatever. I think to myself, am I the only one who is concerned?

3 years ago
Reply to  gre81

No way brother! You’re not the only one! I feel the same way with my surrounding groups of friends.
I am just over 40 y.o and healthier than I’ve been in a long time. I hate that we are lacking leadership, bc i don’t have any military training, nor do i have anyone personally xlose to me that has the training.
I have read like hell and watched many video and tutorials. This still isn’t the same though.
I refuse to let my kids end up in a country that is quickly turning communism!
I feel same as Wes, it is getting harder to look myself in the eyes in mirror each day.
This is not fair that these innocent, loving and amazingly kind kids end up reaping what WE ALL left them to sow. WE ARE THE ONLY CURE!

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Nathan Bedford Forest didn’t have any military training either before the war. Just decide what is most likely in your A.O. or what is most likely for you and train accordingly. Mission planning is crucial.

3 years ago

Wes, I read your site several times throughout the day, and while you may be many things -- I’ve never once considered you “crazy”.

3 years ago

Welcome back!
Sharing this!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

When it starts we use AR15 to RPG’s, RPG’S to get humvee, humvee to get APC, APC to get Tanks and so on. The Russians could not defeat the afghans with all there sophisticated weaponry, the afghans had been making guns by hand for a thousands years.

Bo Perrin
3 years ago

I understand what you are saying, but do not judge everyone by a few. .I know some who are very conservative and proclaim a conservative message. But I do know some who are dipsticks and yet useless to determine how much oil is in the crankcase!
Bo Perrin
Former USAF Security. (Base SWAT, VIP protection, Rapid Deployment, Guerilla warfare specialist)
Member of a Black Robe group
Instructor in the Russian Combat Art. (Systema)
If I can help, let me know! Presently preparing!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

Do not lament.
The time is near.
We HAVE to GO THROUGH THIS to get through this. You can’t take a shortcut around.
The more weight that piles up the faster things will move.
Prepare, don’t despair.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

Reading everyone and the comments here, there, everywhere… I am see the problem.

This issue we’re all facing, all fed up over… its going to take a lot of killing.
Theres no other way its going to get fixed.

Deep down inside, people know this.
Thats why they are resisting. Thats why they’d rather talk sportsball. You want to talk about this issue… it ends with “we’ve got to kill them. Kill all of the communists”, and there ain’t nobody ready to do that yet.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow


3 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Fair weather friends and sunshine patriots will always “be there for you” when you have time and money to do easy things. But they will always love their distractions more than their duty, and their ease more than their nation, and will forsake all else in the name of “safety” when the time comes.
As a young man I heard a pearl of wisdom wrapped in a joke -- ” A true friend will be there to help when you move, when you get over a woman, when there are bodies to be burried. Hopefully not all 3 in the same weekend.”

A time is soon coming when you will need such friends, and they will need you. In that time, the fair weather friend will steal from you, and the sunshine patriot will turn you in for a boost to their social credit score.
I pray you are vigorously sorting through your list of friends and acquaintances, holding close only to those you can truly trust.

Whether we prepare or not, Judgement comes swiftly.


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

we were given a gift, will we use it?
It has become clear that we will all use it in different ways. Many will simply refuse to see it!
What gift or gifts have you been given?

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower, working on it.
Connie G
Connie G
3 years ago

I encourage many to take a little FYI Pill from a Psychologist, former Marine. Bernie is my Fav! A Digital Soldier in his own right, fighting these Demons for decades. Do you really think educated, intelligent beings, diligently researching and waking up the masses….don’t know what they talk about and see? Bernie throws MOAB’s at these demons!!! #WeKnow #GodWins

Maggie Putnam
Maggie Putnam
3 years ago

I am very glad you are back. After a bout with Covid and 2 weeks of bed rest -- I am ready to go.
Thank you!