Rep. Lateefah Simon (D-CA) says that Republicans yelling at Rep. Al Green to sit down as he interrupted President Trump “was like watching something in a history class of racists yelling at an elderly black man.”
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 5, 2025
It always goes back to the eyes.
Whenever I was called a racist, my reply was “thank you”. The other person was always shocked and thought I was agreeing with them. I explained that I was thanking them for agreeing with me in whatever issue was being discussed. I continued that they conceded that I was right when they pulled the race card out. And this happened so many times that I stopped discussing issues with people: you cannot have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
This is a perfect way to throw racial claims back onto the racist who threw them first…..
“was like watching something in a history class of racists yelling at an elderly black man.”
Like watching White Nicholas Sandmann smilingly tolerating a native American’s drum pounding in his face?
Something like that?
Guess who was awarded $Millions in libel awards by the MSM?
Hint: Not the Feather.
Them: “You’re racisssssst!!!!!!!”
Me: “So?”
Black racists are teaching a whole new generation of white folks to be racists.As long as racist blacks cling to notion that somehow present day whites owe them something, nothing will change. A shame really, it must be terribad for these black racists to get up every day knowing it was white folks who set them free.
When all you have in your toolbox is a hammer, everything in your world is a nail.
I do not know what it will take for all of the clueless white sheeple, normies, and cucks to come to terms with the hatred blacks have for them. They imbibe it at their mother’s breasts. I saw it growing up in LA. I saw it during the Black Student Union riots when I was in college in the 60’s. I saw it in the Army as a MP. And I saw it for my 30 years as a Peace Officer. Negroes just have to be Negroes.