We Won’t Be Fooled Again

     If you are among that segment of the population that has not lost its mind, you might realize that the public health authorities have no authority. They lied outrageously about everything connected with Covid-19. And when they were caught lying, they just lied some more in the vain attempt to cover up their previous lies. And so, it would be foolish to regard anything they say from now on — without a complete house-cleaning of agency personnel, plus some earnest prosecutions — as worth listening to and following.

     Authority, you see, is granted only to those who are trustworthy. Yes, it’s really that simple. If an authority lies about everything, and is caught doing it, then it is rendered invalid. Now, it happens that the US public health agencies, huge and costly as they are, make up only one part of the even larger and costlier US government, which has been busy surrendering the authority of all its other parts for years now, to the point that the whole enterprise is untrustworthy and in need of a severe housecleaning. Traditionally, elections are the mechanism for cleaning that house, but our elections have lost their authority, too? Really? How so? Because the untrustworthy officials in charge of them employ dubious systems for gathering the vote: mail-in balloting that invites fraud and hackable vote-counting machines that are connected to the Internet.


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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 year ago

I have said it before and I will continue to say it until I draw my last breathe on this side of heaven. I LOVE MY COUNTRY, BUT I DON’T TRUST ANY PART OF MY GOVERNMENT.
Already today it was reported We The Sheep should wait until the Fall to get the booster for Covid-19. THAT IS A BIG NO FOR ME. I never took the jab or any of the boosters offered. My doctor insisted on the jab, I Said NO! He insisted on the flu jab, I Said NO! I stop taking any Jabs for the past 55-years. I’m a healthy 69-year old. My secret is simple: I Live By Faith In GOD, I live also a clean, healthy and boring Life.
All the people I know, including parts of my family that has taken the Jab, has gotten Covid-19 anyway, some 2-3 times. Isn’t it strange that the winter and summer flu just vanished….🤔 and it went into hibernation. Even recently talking to friends that were sick with flu-like symptoms, their doctor treated them for Covid-19. Cause their doctor said that their symptoms were “stronger” than the flu virus.
Last Point: My personal belief with so many people having cancer, strokes or heart attacks/problems it’s from Covid-19 and/or the Jab.. Maybe the combination. I have 3-brothers that had Covid in the past and now each have cancer, one brother is fighting two cancers I his body. I heard in church, among my friends, my family and elsewhere. It seems a surge in Cancer.
I do believe it’s related to Covid-19 viruses. I’ve Been Praying For God To Break That Demonic Hold On God’s People and Others That Has Had Covid-19 In The Past. And be healthy once again In Jesue Name!
With 2024 election coming up, makes one to wonder what else will they do to keep the Patriotic voters and others who knows we need a change. It doesn’t look good folks.
II Chronicle 7:14 IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. OUR LAND NEEDS HEALING.