Website Warns That Blacks May Have To Leave US When Obama’s Term Is Up

According to black website The Root, black people will not be safe when Obama leaves office at the end of his second term. Not only is America’s first black president the only thing that is keeping blacks from being murdered, they claim, but also he’s the only thing keeping them from being incarcerated. As such, the website recommends that blacks leave America and even gives a handy guide to “black-friendly” nations they can relocate to.

5 Places Black People Can Move to When They’ve Had Enough of America starts out by detailing what a miserable experience blacks have living in the United States:

Chris Rock summed up the black experience in the United States kind of perfectly during his HBO special Never Scared more than a decade ago: “If you’re black, you got to look at America a little bit different,” he joked, stone-faced. “You got to look at America like the uncle who paid for you to go to college but who molested you.”

Since then, that “generous” uncle has moved from molesting to killing, with the list of victims growing by the day: the Charleston 9. Freddie Gray. Michael Brown. Rekia Boyd. Eric Garner. Tamir Rice. John Crawford III. Yuvette Henderson. Trayvon Martin.

Of those 17 black people who were killed, 9 were at the hands of a lunatic and 7 were determined to be justifiable homicides. The Freddie Gray case is still pending, but his accused murderer is black as are two of the accused co-conspirators. The inclusion of Yuvette Henderson is particularly ridiculous because she was killed after she attempted 3 armed carjackings and then pointed a gun at police.

Ignoring the 8-10,000 blacks killed every year by other blacks, the author has an even bigger reason why blacks should want to leave America:


h/t Jay

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9 years ago

Unlike mozlems, there ARE good black folks. I’ve even had a few as best friends.
The problem is that the law isn’t being applied to them equally. Nor is education.

The “bar” continues to be adjusted as to who is on trial or in school and THAT should not happen. Whatever happened to “equity by merit”? If you’re fit for the job, you should get it. If you’re smart, you should move ahead. If you commit a crime, justice is dispensed equally.

This doesn’t happen BECAUSE of people like Jack-ass-ton, Sharptongue and o’buttsniff’s continual attempt to make blacks and mozlems appear to be “special little snowflakes” in the eyes of the rest.

Had these folks been left to fend for themselves, and the “bar” left where it was, the Darwinian theory would have straightened their spines and taught them to walk amongst others with their heads held high, not ride on a bandwagon of pity and gimme-dat.

9 years ago

I believe they all should leave the U.S. and get out of here, they are thorn in the side of the white race, if this sound racist to anyone , so what its a fact of truth and no more. these savages cannot live side by side with whites any longer, there racist intentions are evil continually and they should all be put on naval ships and sailed to Liberia. Good riddance and take all the race hustlers , pimps an also the media whores with them. I would list all the names of the media race hustlers but the names are far to many to mention, i will list only a few at this moment. 1. Chris Matthews, 2. Gerarldo Rivera. 3.Wolf Blitzer. 4. Stephanopolus. 5. Lester Holt 6. Brian Williams.

9 years ago

F*ck that!
My black ass is staying
right here in my Republic (regardless of
the beating it’s suffering at the moment) with the
Constitution, Bill of Rights and most
importantly the Second Amendment which has
my back in defense of my freedom.

9 years ago
Reply to  cavmedic

Well then I commend you for staying put and believing in the bill of rights as well as your second amendment rights, you are one of the smart ones who love freedom so you have every right to stay here. but the 90% of your race do not believe in what you believe, they are manipulated by the race hustling pastors in the black churches teaching black racistt theology, the media pimp hustlers as well as black and white liberal Bolshevik race pimps. When the crap hits the fan I would suggest you stay put and wait it out until the dust settles because it wont go well for good decent folks to be walking around, no one will be taking polls at this time on who his good or bad . I feel for the Good decent God fearing blacks and those will be the ones I will try to protect when we head into a full blown civil war.

9 years ago

If they want to leave then we should buy them a one way ticket to the nation of their choice and revoke their citizenship when they leave. In the long run we will be safer and have to spend less on social programs.

9 years ago

Good for you! I can honestly respect you for standing your ground, doing the right thing. Hats off to ya!
Some folks have a bad habit of “painting” everyone, of a certain ethnic or religious background, into the same category. But, with exception to the followers of islam, that is NOT the case and never should be. There are azz-wholes in EVERY category.

9 years ago

every Islamic Muslim must be deported along with all there mosques being bull dozed to the ground, and never allow another islamic to enter our nation ever again. they are pagans and heathens mingling in the land of God fearing people.

9 years ago

Wait what if we offered them “Willing Blacks” 15billion dollars to relocate to? It’s a free world right? What the hell, were hoping the Iranians won’t bother us…Yeah Right….Why shouldn’t we offer it to the black population/ Lets see here, what 30 million blacks, 15 billion dollars…Sheeeit wish I was black.
I know sounds crazy , but what’s the crime statistics on Iranians here in the U.S. ?