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If the deranged man in the white house is telling us right wingers that we need f-15’s to fight them off, then what the hell is he and his wicked evil party so concerned about our measly guns. the man is a demon filled liar and a known pedophile rapist along with his son hunter the crack head. his entire party are Communist Bolsheviks and murderers, and he is telling us what we need, what and incompetent buffoon in the clown world his party and the media have created.
hunter’s a pedophile too, didn’t you see the pix of him on the couch with like six or seven little girls around him, or hunter pushing his crotch up against the little girl as he pushes her into the strip pole. Or the one of him holding hands with the little girl in Victoria Secrets attire.
Yup I seen that picture of him from the abyss with the little girls, he is a chop off the block of his dear old pedo dad. What father are you aware of who showers with there young daughter as this pig on the White House did. It’s all vile and filthy like there entire party is as well as there mouthpiece in the fake news.
The way biden tells the story, hunter is the smartest man he knows. lol
FJB, your a demented pedo buffoon, all wars are won with soldiers on the ground, we will and can defeat you and the rest of your communist goons.
Wars used to be won with foot soldiers. Horses used to pull buggies. They were replaced by automobiles. We are at war now. Technology paid for with your tax dollars are spraying the skies above you. Weather warfare is flooding out some areas and droughting out others. Crop failures is one of the agendas. No food equals no foot soldiers.
I disagree, how have the Russians decimated the Nazi regime in Ukraine?
I was referring to your challenge to bring ’em on! All wars are banker wars. The agendas vary. Some are regional but hardly started by any government leader. They get their marching orders from their handlers. The banksters fund both sides, men and women die. Russia -- Ukraine has different agendas in play.
Weather warfare is a global agenda that is going on without the citizens even knowing they are under attack. No need for bullets or foot soldiers. It works wonderfully on a nation that prides itself on owning millions of guns.
I recommend, wait for it, “All Wars Are Banker Wars” by Michael Rivero and “War Is A Racket” by General Smedley Butler.” That being said, I have no doubt as to your bravery in the face of any attack.
I am not denying they are using everything to kill us off, water, air, food, this has been going on for a long time.
or them goat herders in Afghanistan, not a lot of technology in an AK-47. As Kalashnikov said, “Is simple is gun for Russian peasants.”
Yep the AK is a fine weapon, the ar-16 is a proven battle weapon, it is still just a high powered 22, and if your in rainy country carry the weapon with the barrel pointed down. Water will plug the barrel, and it needs constant cleaning.
they will all be destroyed by guerrilla warfare, and they won’t even know where the bullets are coming from, stealth is the only answer to these murdering satanists. there won’t be anywhere for them to run nor hide, either at their homes, their workplace, shopping, etc. they are all doomed. If nothing is done to them then you can kiss your family goodbye because they will be sent fema camps for processing and their body parts sold to the elitist satanists needing organs. if the good man of the house was awake, he knew what hour the thief was coming he would have stayed up, so his house was not broken into. you must do to these whatever it takes, it’s our right and the true law is on our side.
Gorilla School Here it is Phil.
“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”
― George Orwell
They are aware the fraud is exposed.
Otis D……yes this.
They know they are exposed, now they must forment riots/violence so they can crack down with martial law before the midterms
That’s the second time he’s said something like that. Then Lindsey Graham, saying there will be riots if Trump is indicted. Lindsey Graham of all people. Provocations from both sides. They’re up to something again.
Lindsey Graham should be more concerned over contracting Monkeypox!
CJ, that comes 9/1, Thursday evening………..
PedoJoe’s efforts at inciting the right.
“When the righteous flourish the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Prov 29:2
Tell that to the Taliban Brandon!
This man is an absolute fool.
It is inconceivable to me how any individual in the secret service or FBI would be willing to sacrifice their life over such unconstitutional policies. Who would be willing to die for such a common grifter?
The answer to that question is how much is your annual salary? As for the FBI, over $100,000.00 a year, the SS, more like $140,000.00. They can drown their morals in excess money.
At the moment, they don’t think their lives are at risk.
Remember, they think violence is a knob, not a switch. They crank up the heat, then dial it back a bit, then crank it up more… all looking for some kind of blowback… So far, has there been any?
*EVERYTHING* changes, the first day that enforcers start dying, as then their families must wonder if they’ll come home from work. That hasn’t happened yet.
I always wondered how seemingly normal, functioning societies can go from stability and some modicum of material wealth and freedom, rapidly into civil war and dictatorship. Especially, societies that were established and operated with western values and european demographics. I always thought, why didn’t people do something? lol Fortunately, I love history and when you read the detailed accounts of other societies that have experienced this devolution what is going on is no surprise. Actually, we are tracking this uniformly suffered downward spiral almost verbatim. There are so many moving parts it can seem overwhelming but when you step back and look at the big picture our path to destruction is completely clear: breakdown of the family unit, destruction of the education system into left wing indoctrination, socialization/heavy government control through onerous regulation of all aspects of the economy ( manufacturing, food production, energy, monetary and healthcare). Think of the laws that regulate and control from the federal regulations, all federal agencies and state and local. Destruction of the culture, demonization of language, censorship of opposing opinions and finally demonization and physical confrontation of the segment of the population that opposes you.
The President of the United States of America threatened more than 1/2 of the United States population, who disagree with him politically, with military attack.
Why didn’t people historically do something as their country dissolved around them? I don’t know. My personal perspective is I can tolerate it to the extent that I can operate my little life as I see fit. I do what I want, obey the laws I want and disregard the ones I don’t want to obey. Voting isn’t going to fix it, protesting isn’t going to fix it, a one off attack on whatever target may seem appropriate isn’t going to fix it. What is? Got me- but like many of you I now the inevitable end of the road outcome.
I guess I’ll keep my eyes out for any suspicious F-15s.
all wars are fought and won at the end of the rifle barrel no matter what that rapist pedophile in the white house claims, this is their greatest fear that behind every blade of grass will be a bullet waiting for them with their name on it and that is why the japs never invaded our nation because they were smart enough to know their troops would be slaughtered. as goes our troops and bureaucracy who go against innocent Americans who have done no harm to anyone. it will be a bloodbath on their end and not ours.
Remember this is the second time he’s threatened F-15’s, last time it was F-15’s and nukes. What do you want to bet he’d use nukes on any enclave that ain’t his shade of globalist/ UN blue.
I would love to see his head on a pike
His head on a pike, that got there, via his lower cavity ejection port.
“For those brave right-wing Americans… if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun.”
The American patriot’s fight is not against “the country”. The patriot’s fight is against known liars, known thieves, known cutthroats, known perverts and known tyrants who have ruthlessly, lawlessly and unconstitutionally usurped governmental power with the full intention of destroying our republic, our freedoms, our prosperity, and the very lives of every American who loves truth, justice and righteousness. THAT is our fight! And, THAT is what we’re willing to sacrifice our lives and die for. And the graves of hundreds of thousands of our forefathers testify to that indestructible and eternal truth.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1
I don’t recall any previous President saying such outrageous provocations. Ever. I don’t think anyone in a position of power like Mitch McConnell would ever have been silent while this is going on. And yet, they are silent. Would it be inappropriate to say that traitors die first?
Hell, no it would not be inappropriate.