Well This Isn’t Good….

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3 years ago

Wow. So that is scary sad. They’re gonna keep pushing and lying and taking until they’re forced to stop. As I said yesterday, I’m a Marine, too, and what part of the Corps is doing is not right. We’re definitely divided. We’re gonna have to bite the bullet and mass organize and move in one fluent motion. With all the censorship and corrupt boot lickers, there’s no way we can plan something in advance, and coordinate everything; this is going to have to be Holy Spirit led. Gather, then move and do this dirty work of righting this country. We can’t sit by and keep watching and waiting; we’re going to have to”begin” sometime. When will we grow a sack and “do”?

3 years ago

I pray he doesn’t get suicided

Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago

this is typical narcissistic/psychopathic tactics DARVO

attack attack attack and turn around and accuse one of what they themselves are doing. gaslighting, reverse victimization, basically accusing you of having a natural defensive response of being the crazy one.

get used to it.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Otis D

Very well stated, Otis D. Based on my own pesonal experience. Recommendation to all: Get educated on the “extreme” levels of narcissism, so you can spot this behaviour, and preserve your own sanity.

Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago
Reply to  Mae Bee

diabolical narcissism . Yes.

they hate us and want us dead. all the better that we are suffering.
why protesting does nothing.

3 years ago

And yet
Another clear signal.

3 years ago

Someone needs to get a hold of him,, he needs to destroy all his computers and smart phone before they plant incriminating stuff on it. think child porn, plans to overthrow the government,, contact with terrorists,, false bank accounts, etc…. switch to dumb flip phone. erase his social media. they will have him in prison for life if he is not careful.

Eve Haller Buchanan
3 years ago
Reply to  Checkers

He also needs someone to help lawyer him up! Does he have ANY legal counsel? Any “retired ” Marines here know how to get legal help to this brave patriot???

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

Maybe he needs to call for some help. I would stand with them man if he called on the People.

3 years ago

Someone should know where he is located. What would happen if some guys showed up and flanked his house to protect he and his family from these pricks?

3 years ago

These actions are possible when we, Americans, surrender our identity and our rights. If such an offense occurs I hope it a catalyst for others to stand up for their rights, truth, and the Constitution.

3 years ago

[…] and aren’t bright or original enough to come up with anything different. Via my NC homeslice Wes Renegade, who elsewhere puts it plain and […]