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She gets it, the reasons behind the very creation of our Country. And the sooner we realize that we can’t change the rest of the world by sticking our nose into their business, the better off the entire world will be. Let the rest of the world do rest of the world shit and we should follow our own path, get and keep our own house in order and meddle in the affairs of no one. Not isolationist, trade with everyone that wants to trade but leave them too thier own ends.
Thank god I agree! Enough being the world’s policemen just to make the MIC rich. Why send our kids to get killed FOR NO REASON?
Amen! And hallelujah!!
I’ve BEEN saying that, and my mom called me a liberal…
Brainwashed sheeple
she’s got a lot of nerve. Isn’t she the one who pushes COS?
Read my new paper and learn that COS Legal Advisory Board Member, Robbie George, has written a new Constitution which imposes gun control. If there is an Article V Convention, Robbie George’s new gun control constitution can be imposed.
This is what the leftist are pushing for. Disarm us then they could really stomp their boot on our necks,
Many thanks for this article
With all due respect, friend, maybe you have misjudged her. Does this look and sound like someone who is opposed to our constitutional right to keep and bear arms?
In this video
she advocates for a “Convention of States”. She may be an excellent nurse and shooter; but she is profoundly ignorant of our Constitution, our history, our founding documents, etc., and the dangers of an Article V Convention. It’s likely she has no idea what the real agenda of those pushing for an Article V Convention is. It’s likely she has no idea that Mark Meckler’s COS Legal Advisory Board Member has written a completely new Constitution which would strip her of her God-given right to self-defense and to keep and bear.
And it does appear that she has no interest in finding out the truth. Someone tried to put us together. Crickets. Maybe you can get thru to her and she will listen to you if you try to educate her on this issue.
Also check out this old FB post of her on COS :
No one is perfect as we all struggle and search to find the best path forward to restore our republic and our freedoms. and that includes me and you. She is not our enemy. We know who our real enemies are. If we must attack others, let us spend our time and energy attacking our real enemies, not our natural friends and allies, because, my friend, that strategy will get you no where, real fast.
You don’t seem to understand the danger of an Art. V convention. Did you read my paper?
I expect the patriot nurse also doesn’t understand the danger. I see lots of emotion in her videos -- but no critical analysis -- and no knowledge of the relevant Facts.
We live in a time when people feel entitled to pontificate on matters of which they are ignorant.
And we may soon pay a severe price for that.
Wow what a great find. I’ve seen a bunch of her videos and completely missed this one. You are correct.
I’m sorry to say this but men need to stand up for what’s right and there is no longer a peaceful path available to return to our ORIGINAL constitution. But the longer I live, the more I agree with Michael Malice.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
-- John Adams
Actually, there may be a peaceful path to take which would get the job done: STOP TAKING THE MONEY TO PARTICIPATE IN UNCONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL PROGRAMS!
The Truth is that it was the States, the local governments, and the People who sold our retained rights and powers to the federal government for a bowl of soup. God hated Esau for selling his birthright for a bowl of porridge. But Americans did the same -- they just loved all that “free” federal money, so they participated in the unconstitutional federal programs.
When is Bill of Rights Day in the USA?
• An honor guard stands next to the original copies of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the National Archives in Washington, DC. December 15 is Bill of Rights Day in the United States, a commemoration of the ratification of the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution.
The Patriot Nurse gave a good talk, but I hate to throw a wet rag at her. I have been around for 75 years now, and what I have witnessed developing in America is men becoming wimped out pansies.There aren’t enough men who know how to be a real man anymore. I shall try to explain what I mean, but before I do, I wish to explain to women that I am NOT against equal rights for women, but far too many women weren’t and are not interested in having EQUAL rights, they insist on being better than men in every way. Many years ago, one of the leaders in the women’s rights movement came out and told women and young girls in school; “You don’t need a man around, they are only good for one thing.” As a result far too many women are now loud, vulgar and way to domineering with men.
As a result.a majority of men today have become female dominated and this has been going on for their entire lives. Many were raised in a single parent home by a domineering mother, and if there was a father in the home, 9 out of 10 times, he was as timid as a church mouse around his wife. Then when the kid got old enough to go to school, he was dominated by the female teachers, in most cases until he reached middle or junior When he went to work, in a lot of cases, he had a female supervisor who didn’t hesitate to display her superiority to the male employees she supervised.Then when the poor soul got a girl friend, she would dictate who he could talk to, see and how often, and if and when he married, it was the same thing at home; “yes dear”, “whatever you say dear”. After a while, the poor hen pecked dolts lost their nads and seem to have under gone a spinalectomy, and it didn’t take long for them to learn not to go against the women in their lives or they would end up sleeping on the couch or worse. I have four wonderful sons I adopted from Vietnam and when they started dating, none of them would date western girls. I asked them how come you boys never date western girls, are you prejudice, and they all had the same answer, “American and western non-Asian girls don’t know how to be ladies, they swear too much and are too pushy.”. Today they are all grown up, with great jobs and they all happily married to tradition Vietnamese girls and made me a proud grandfather of eight wonderful grandchildren, five grandsons and three granddaughters.
So there seems to be very little Defiance is in our BLOOD anymore.
Amen, brother. Men and women are NOT and NEVER CAN BE equal. Nature has given men and women different roles. Men to provide and protect, women to nurture and manage the homestead. Call me a Neanderthal, if you will, but that is the way of human societies since, I don’t know … forever. And it has worked. Are we better off now that we have pushed men into the basement? It has only been in the last fifty years that feminism has become a dominant factor in Western societies. Women running defense departments, female generals and admirals, females in combat roles, female police officers, female fire fighters. Call me crazy, but putting females in male roles to virtue signal costs lives and wastes resources. There may be one in a hundred women that can do physically what the average man is capable of. So, in order to achieve ‘equality’, we have had to either dumb down requirements or offer a two track qualification regime. I wouldn’t want to be a 180 pound wounded Marine counting on a 100 pound female to pull me off the battlefield under fire. Men, especially white men, have been kicked to the curb. Look how females have replaced men in every sector of society; politics, university enrollments, the aforementioned police, fire, and military roles. Feminism has been foisted on us by an enemy that seeks to destroy us, and it’s working. Families have been destroyed, our military diminished in effectiveness, and roles that require logic have been replaced by those who are more subject to emotional decision making. Don’t get me wrong. To make a whole human requires both a man AND a woman. Logic AND emotion. One to challenge and one to nurture. That’s why we have marriage between a man and a woman. I suspect that the severe repercussions we’re likely to experience shortly as a result of the abandonment of what our evolution has shown us works will result in a return to what does work. It’s just a shame we will suffer so much damage as a result of this ill advised experiment in fantasy. .
Most Rev. Gregori and Malachi. I agree with both of you. As a female growing up (74ish now) in that atmosphere you both speak about, I can’t begin to express how difficult it was for a traditionally-oriented woman to negotiate the times. Add to it, through no fault of mine left on my own (first widowed at 34, with 2 little ones); and even back then, that change in men and women coming about in earnest, few men who weren’t also confused about how to be. Looking at the whole long picture, it’s no wonder so many of our young ones today are “lost” as far as how to be. Not all, but many. Unfortunately, “their” plan of division seems to have been at least somewhat successful. They broke the base. Also, individual self worth plays a part as far as whether or not one (male or female) goes along with the societal pressures…many did. Then of course, materialism -- greed, desire to control, etc. Once the base was fractured, well here we are. Heartbreaking.
Was reading a little bit on Dr William Pierce and came across a quote of his today:
“The New World Order schemers are absolutely determined to have their way. They have been able to go a long way toward their goal by using subterfuge and deceit. But ultimately the transformation of a world of independent nations into the global plantation they are aiming at will involve changes so profound and so traumatic that subterfuge and deceit will not be enough to keep the serfs under control. They will need raw police power, applied KGB style. They want to begin developing that power now. They’re a pretty bold and arrogant bunch of schemers, but they understand that according to the old way of looking at things — according to our way — they are traitors. They understand that if the general public ever gets a real inkling of what they are up to, if they ever lose their grip on the situation, they’ll all end up hanging from lampposts. What they are planning is so monstrous, so evil, that the thought of being brought to account for it frightens them. They want to use every means at their disposal to make sure their plan succeeds. And, my friends, we will resort to every means at our disposal to insure that their scheme does not succeed and that they do indeed end up hanging from lampposts.“
Every undeclared conflict shedding our blood and treasure all over the world for the these POS’s. All the foreign aid to every despot that hates what we used to stand for should have never happened. All the unconstitutional legislation and infringement on our second amendment. Where is the tip of we the peoples spear, I only hope we get our shit together soon.
Tom, you are right on every point. Sooner or later, the proverbial shit is going to hit the fan. Our enemies sense total victory and are pressing the attack daily. Let every true patriot, be they male or female, resolve to deny them that victory. even at the cost of our very lives. I will die with honor.
Hope you are doing as well as can be expected these days God bless.
And the very same to you.
Oh by the way merry christmas, may all our hopes and dreams come true God bless.
China is collecting your DNA with those PCR tests