What Are We Not Seeing?

John Heywood quote: There are none so blind as those who will not...

Where is Gina Haspel?

Where is John Brennan?

Where is Bill Clinton?

Is Jeffrey Epstein dead or supplying evidence?

Is John Roberts a pervert as Lin Wood stated?

Why is Kamala Harris not resigning her Senate seat?

How many other elections have been stolen? Gov. Cooper?

Why is the Republican Party not supporting the President unless it is complicit?

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

VERY good questions, David. I really do believe a lot of evil is being exposed, but I wonder at the true depth of it. I know it’s far deeper than I could ever imagine and that a lot of the people I considered “good guys” are not. I also know the evil can’t be eliminated unless it’s brought into the light, so the optimistic side of me holds on to the fact that this may be God’s way of making us open our eyes and become active participants in what’s happening rather than sitting on the sidelines. Praying for God’s mercy on our nation.

4 years ago

Daggnabbit! You got me hoping again! You can’t do that!
After watching the latest Monkey Werx video he talks about those 4 or 5 prisons where there has been activity with military flights. I hope those bastages are all in small cells in each of the prisons wondering where their sick dreams went wrong!

4 years ago

North Carolina residents need to step up and get Cooper out of office after President Trump is declared the president.

4 years ago
Reply to  Chuck

I looked into the voting machines used in NC, and they are using the ones that are compromised. Cooper needs to be recalled, and I’m sure he cheated the first time. If I remember it correctly, the incumbant governor won, and then later Cooper magically found more ballots. Now we know what probably happened.

Mike O’Steen
Mike O’Steen
4 years ago

I believe there’s an unseen war raging within our federal government. I also believe there will be many casualties among the bad guys when it’s done. Trump’s not gonna go quietly. He’s fighting for his loyal supporters and he has help.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike O’Steen

“We” will not go quietly. The Line in the sand has finally been drawn. The Fraud Abomination sElection will not stand. Lead President Trump, the millions of the Citizen Militia may not be fully organized, but Veterans are ready to do that. We are Ready to form upon your orders to do so.
Secure the Interstate Hwys into DC with the military, prevent VA and MD Governors from blocking these roads, Cancel the DC gun ban, and We will Restore the Republic as Armed Citizens……. 100,000 strong just by showing up the weak kneed politicians, without their personal feral polezi, Will Flee like the cowards they are. With your authorization, I would expect the turnout to exceed that number by Double if not Triple.

4 years ago

I saw Brennan in an interview recently. He had “smug” written all over his face..
Like he knew he was going to get by with it.

Mike O’Steen
Mike O’Steen
4 years ago
Reply to  Tina

That commie bastard thinks it’s over. It ain’t. Not by a long shot.