What Do These Words Mean to You?

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

Benjamin Franklin

I would imagine that most people reading this particular article on this site are familiar with this quote. Consider this quote from the Bible:

Jeremiah 5:21

Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, Who have eyes but do not see.

Do we really see? It is obvious that our country’s government has stolen our essential Liberty given to us by the Lord under natural law. Our apathy has been a factor in this theft but when will we discern what our eyes see? Our safety is at risk from domestic enemies in the federal government. Any attempts to expose more tyranny has been effectively stopped by Obama’s decrees to spy on your fellow employees and the murder of Michael Hastings.

Benjamin Franklin was correct: we do not deserve Liberty or safety. Until we are able to discern the truth, we also will not take the first step to remove tyranny. Discernment leads to fear. Fear leads to tyranny. Tyranny leads to revolution. Eventually.

David DeGerolamo

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