What Do You Want Your Legacy To Be?

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3 years ago

Understood…so…we have BLM/Antifa with cell phones, riot gear, destructive devices, placards, transportation with gas, food and clothing…all while having no job and, likely, never having had a job. How do they afford it? Well, that IS their job. They are being supported from outside. So, I guess they’re willing to die for their legacy such as it is. Anyone that has a job isn’t going to risk losing it. Frankly, I’m torn between wanting to fight now or waiting ’till it comes to my door (and it certainly will). Trouble is, I’m on my own and a broken down old fart; so it’s pretty much a game of waiting. Is it wrong to wish the party to begin? Maybe, but I still wish it. Either that or the Lord drop a bolt of lightening on the whole country. After all, we deserve it…piece of crap that we’ve become. Sorry…just the way I feel.

3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

A percentage of those terrorists who claim to be BLMrs or Antifa-ites are actually undercover FBI agents or CIA operatives. So they’re gainfully employed, and they’re paid by US taxpayers.
And the Lord DID just drop a bolt of lightening…striking down the George Floyd mural.

3 years ago

Yes, I saw that; but is was a small bolt. I want a bigger bolt. Even so, it was a great start. He was even able to knock a golf ball out of the sky in mid flight here in San Antonio. Pretty darn accurate.