What Does Ohio Know?

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Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 month ago

Perhaps it’s not what Ohio knows, but what the DNC knows. Like, why worry about putting Biden on the ballot since there will be no election?

Last edited 1 month ago by Pastor Guest
1 month ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

yup, there will be no election I believe as well, because the DNC communist party, and their deep state handlers will have their communist troops (BLM, antifa and Bidens illegal alien 10-million-man army) in the streets in late October and the day after the election burning everything down to the ground, Biden will declare martial law and Pelosi/Schumer/Johnson will crown Biden emperor with the help of the woke military by his side. Even if Trump wins Pedophile joe and his Marxist regime won’t allow Trump into the Oval Office, and that’s when civil war breaks out and many if not all of their armies will perish in battle including our woke military. We have all the guns no matter which deep state Marxist agency gives the guns to fight against us. Be sure of this, the patriots in the know are fully aware as to where the deep state has stashed armaments for their illegal alien armies and those warehouses will be burned down to the ground before they issue out rifles and grenades and fully auto weapons to their communist army. The blood will flow in the streets, and it will be their blood along with the deep state traitors and seditionaries.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 month ago
Reply to  Phil1350

They have invested too much time and effort to turn back now.

1 month ago
Reply to  Phil1350

There may be plenty of guns and ammo, along with will and faith, but where’s our chain of command? The feds do have it, they control blm, antifa, the army of illegals, the alphabet agencies and the fed armed forces. I repeat: where’s our chain of command? Even guerrilla warfare needs a chain of command to be effective.

1 month ago

No election? Or no Biden? Or both?

tom finley
tom finley
1 month ago

They are not worried about an election, they are not about to give up what they have stolen.