What Everyone Is Missing About The Putin/Carlson Talk

Putin came to the interview with his argument. He laid it out carefully for us, the people of the West, to review. Carlson tried to call him out for not talking to President Biden and open negotiations and Putin rightly set him straight.

Who can he call up and talk to? Who has the political or even moral authority to negotiate? Is there anyone on our side even willing to negotiate? He made it clear that he’s open to someone calling him up. He continues to hold out hope because, as he said, “Stop supplying weapons, and this war will be over in weeks.”

And if your knee-jerk response to that is, “Well, Vlad, you can just leave Ukraine…” then you are part of the problem because you are not even trying to listen.

Because this war is in our hands now. That’s who Putin was speaking to through Tucker Carlson.

The architects of this war have led us to a perilous moment. Putin doesn’t have to invade Poland or Germany to defeat the West. All he and Russia have to do is survive our collective rage. Our leaders are bankrupting us, as he pointed out, trying to defeat Russia.

If you want peace, deal with the facts of this war by acknowledging the feelings of the people on the other side of it while truly examining your own.

Either way, history will not judge any of us kindly.



Our government’s reaction to Putin’s request to open negotiations was for the Senate to work through the weekend and then pass a bill in the middle of the night to send another $60 billion to Ukraine.

David DeGerolamo

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11 months ago

And nothing they do is legal and we are tired of this game they are playing. Just STOP IT.

11 months ago

Dan Bongino has laid the situation out today and yesterday on his podcast and radio show.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

Putin for years has told Nato to stop moving in on the Russian border, he has every right to stop their advancement. FJB and the globohomo regime.

11 months ago

Exactly so.

11 months ago

Our senators are stupid--they act in their own interests (keeping all their payoffs coming) and care nothing for the Nation.
Accountability is a beyotch.

11 months ago

Of course Putin wants us to quit supplying Ukraine. It’s the main reason Russia failed. If we quit eventually Ukraine falls and is forcibly absorbed into Russia. Then a decade from now after rebuilding and rearming Russia will invade another former satellite country…rinse and repeat, till Putin’s true goal is accomplished …the recreation of the USSR. I’m not a big fan of corrupt Ukraine. But we must draw a line against Russia and their goal of expansionism by force somewhere. Might as well be here now. The real problem we face is our own corrupt criminal leadership is busy destroying us….just using a different method. If we don’t clean house thoroughly and soon there won’t be much of America left. It IS possible that EVERYONE involved in this is evil, corrupt and not to be trusted.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Russia, Russia, Russia….. grown old already. Russia is number two to China, it will never regain the power and breath of the former soviet union. My Russian acquaintances have remarked on how controlled and how we are under the thumb of our leaders. They will never accept the soviet union style government again. In Russia, they say as long as they don’t hurt people they may do pretty much as they wish.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago

The unfortunate reality is that the US (read the deep state powers behind the curtain) running the show both want and need a global war. Not only to solidify control here in the US but maintain the homogeny of the reserve currency. We the people have but a single voice at this late juncture, that voice does not enunciate words, it is the sound we all dread, but ultimately know is necessary to take back and preserve our Republic.
Putin has given them the ball, gently placing it in their court. Now, if we don’t act, then I think we know how this plays out.