I read Fran Porretto’s Sunday rumination concerning the cost of life and how people value it differently when as often happens, I received a message.
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.”
― Thomas Paine, The American Crisis
When people “ruminate” over the fate of our country, they give little conscious thought to the real point: WE ARE BORN FREE. And that freedom is guaranteed to us first by God and then by the actions of our founding fathers by the concept of Liberty. People believe you can buy freedom but that is as much an illusion as being able to buy honor.
As an example, people who wanted to escape tyranny and oppression in Europe for an opportunity for a better life in the Americas “indentured” themselves for a period of time in order to pay for their passage. Once this period of time was over, they were free. After the Anthony Johnson case, indentured servitude turned into slavery.
While the Bible allows for slavery in both the old and new Testaments, I believe that all men should be free. But the question becomes: what price will we pay for our children to be free? And for me that is the only question.
David DeGerolamo
What give life its value is the question? GOD gives life value and him alone. without him you would have no value, we can all witness when God removes his restraining hand from the sinners of this world life becomes cheap and meaningless. murder, strife, envy and every filthy perverted sexual deviant thing one can think dream up in his or her mind comes to fruition. We can all attest these heinous crimes against God because we witness it on a daily basis and evil grows more intense with every passing day.
Welcome to the devils jurisdiction; for such is every nation which has turned its back on God.
The Assyrians aren’t ‘coming’… they’re here among us already. They question is, how many “Americans” will deny the Truth until the sword is raised over their very own necks?
I believe it’s all to late for the American people, the wont wake up until the sword comes down on there heads. How can they wake up, they majority of the youth are high on Pot and all sorts of other drugs the US. Government and the states are declaring Okay to use, as well as middle age Americans.They have been poisoned with the filth in the Movies, TV, Cable, satellite, Filthy Internet porno sites, and the list goes on and on an on. The Government run Marxist democratic media has them dumbed down so bad they can’t tell right from wrong any longer. its unfortunate there is only a remnant of us left in the U.S., what that number is I cannot tell you, I can only guess, I would say about 33% are God fearing, the rest are nothing but cow dung getting ready to go to the slaughter, and to the slaughter they will go howling and begging for mercy when there will be none.
“Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants”
William Pennn
May each of us prepare our hearts, minds, and bodies for the struggle ahead.
and a struggle it will be.