What Happened?

The predicted outrage by the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade did not materialize. There were some skirmishes but the massive civil unrest that was predicted did not happen. That is not to say something may happen on a larger scale but what we were told would happen if morality was restored did not occur.

What have we learned from this opinion? The traitors who usurped our government are outraged. The military will not follow the court’s opinion. But the media response is somewhat muted. The pope’s response also is muted. So what is happening?

Is a larger bombshell about to hit us such as firearm “safety” legislation? I know Biden signed the legislation but we still do not know how the ATF or Democrat controlled enclaves will enforce their interpretation of these laws. As with the other Supreme Court decision concerning the 2nd amendment, New York has stated that they will not comply with the opinion or the Constitution.

So I am wondering if we are reaching the turning point. People are waking up to the consequences of a stolen election:

  1. Food inflation
  2. Gas inflation
  3. More wars
  4. Border collapse
  5. Woke military
  6. Broken educational system
  7. Political prisoners
  8. Disinformation Governance Boards
  9. Indoctrinating our children with sexual perversion
  10. Cancelling our culture

It feels like we are standing at the precipice. The future is uncertain and we may be facing a nuclear war because it is a convenient distraction as our country implodes. Whoever would have thought nuclear war could be considered as a distraction by madmen? Is this not the epitome of evil?

July 4th weekend will be an interesting holy day this year. I take hope that the nation’s responses to the Supreme Court’s decisions this week foreshadow the return of reason to the people and a return to public virtue. Take a moment today to thank the Lord for what he has given us this past week.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Bring it

2 years ago
Reply to  Dds
gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

I was a participant in 2 worldwide fasts and prayers to revoke and protest these threatened calamities, particularly the June 15th roll out of the US digital id cards for food and fuel rationing and the door to door round up of “domestic terrorists”. I found out yesterday that the digital id was hit by a significant cyber-attack which disabled data programming and the printing was also disabled. It may have been chance, white hats, or God. I prefer to trust and believe in God. Two years ago, real prophets were saying that Roe vs Wade would be overturned as God’s sign of His move into our earthly government..the honoring of our covenant with Him. Clearly, the fight has just begun to reclaim our nation and world but the efficacy of the tools He has provided are now being proved with those who have eyes to see. Just like John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way, we too must continue to prepare the way. Today, though, we have cause for celebration and hope.

2 years ago

Logic and reason, need not apply, only feelings and politics are relevant. TINVOWOOT!

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

So why did they throw the dog a bone? I am very interested in the reason. I would have thought the BLM and ANTIFA, oops I mean the government Brownshirts would have done more. There is a reason this ruling happened. If it was to cover up something else, the lack of riots across the country did not help them.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

While this “historic” vote for life was happening, the Mall of America was taking appointments for the Covid Pfizer vaccine for infants 6 months to 5 years. The first day all 280 spots were filled. Under the keen watchful eye of Governor Tim Walz, he upped the appointments to 500 a day! This was to “meet the high demand for MN families.”
Now parents can take their children to get the Covid shot, pro life or pro abortion. Meanwhile there’s a hopium fix for those who think things are possibly beginning to turn around.
Isaiah 59:7
“Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood, their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, desolation and destruction are in their paths.”

Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

I’m thinking that Americas ” Cup of Abominations” is full and this decision comes too late . As David Wilkerson stated shortly before his death ” We now must drink of the Cup of Trembling”.

CPL Antero Rokka
CPL Antero Rokka
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Orians

Robert Orians:
Your point: HUA!
1/3 of the angels in heaven and their CEO Lucifer got the boot--all for ONE sin-- of PRIDE.
How many sins has America committed though commission or omission? Hummm….

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

There is likely the purpose of evil as well as God’s purposes for this ruling. With regards to the former it’s because they’ve already gotten to the wombs (and men’s sperm) with the covid-19 vaccines.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Most places Antifa can operate freely aren’t banning or restricting abortion.
Of the states that are restricting abortion many still allow abortion for 15 weeks or so.
Its anon starter.

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I think the big riots will be next weekend. There will be large numbers of patriotic Americans out in public spaces to celebrate Independence Day.
A perfect target for the brownshirts. Men out with their families are more vulnerable to attack because their main concern will be the safety of the family rather than laying waste to attackers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

They tried to poison Justice Thomas several weeks ago. Remember Justice Scalia? Me thinks there is the smell of revenge in the air.

Ol’dude I’m told
Ol’dude I’m told
2 years ago

“The military will not follow the court’s opinion.”

Fairytale Writers

Politicians -well there is plenty of evidence of them saying , “ignore SCOTUS”, right down to Pedo-Poops..
No need for links

Then there is the Domestic Terrorism of the Left, Firing Bombing, Going after and Threats on SCOTUS(lots of twitter blabber there, yet twitter leaves it up. Hmmm)
Doxx of SCOTUS. Attacking Churches.

Lets see, Crackhead Poops kid and his Hard Drive have disappeared, The Crackheads Gun Charges, NEVER WERE and GONE, Kraine is minimal. Uvalde is all but Gone, Buffalo and The FBI GONE, MoD and its new incarnation are GONE, the crazy ass women that got choosen to run MOD, GONE, Economics all but gone. Illegal Alien INVASION GONE, MoneyPox, minimal, The Woof Gone, Vax/Gene Therapy Poisoning Bout gone.

The Lefts of impeding interstate commerce( https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1951 )

These are just off the cuff quickies…

There is No More Rule of Law. THIS IS OBVIOUS and CLEAR.
Don’t know about the rest of ya…

I accept these terms. Indeed I Do.

Yup party invites are out and MANY are Shittin, Showerin, Shavein and put on there party best clothes and getting the gifts tweaked and wrapped.

2 years ago

It can seem surreal that SCOTUS is actually defending the constitution for a change. Too little too late? Not sure… but they rightly enforced the 10th, and we no longer pretend abortion is a “right”.
Even so, this did not outlaw abortion, it reverts the matter to the states.
The federal military is not subject to state laws, and while military personel can no longer pretend they have a “right” to abortion, I know of no law prohibiting the military from providing this “service” to their personel if they choose to, other than those laws prohibiting murder etc, which are also present in all 50 states.
If even one state *can* legally provide abortion, and that is clearly the present “consensus”, then why would this not also be true of the federal military?
How is that not honoring the supreme court decision… did I miss something?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The dogma of the left has infected every square inch of this country, time for a national culling of these demons, POST HASTE.

2 years ago

Nice use of the original “Holy day”, David.

That phrase is just pregnant with meaning.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

For most a better than working knowledge of the history of the Republic, is far, far too much to request of them. If the average sleepwalker on the street can’t even tell you who fought against whom in the war of revolution……..

2 years ago

There will be incidents occurring regularly to keep the cauldron stirred. We pause in thanks, but we know that there is real work to be done. Be not afraid, we were made for these times, it’s in our DNA!

2 years ago

Well stated.

2 years ago

Stay away from crowds, my friends. There is no point in jeopardizing the safety of yourselves and your loved ones. Why risk trouble just to spend your Biden Bucks at venues which support the corrupt, syphilitic-thinking lifestyle which is the Norm in this country. Stay home. Have fun with family games, barbeques, and fellowship with like-minded citizens. Bleib ubrig.

Tragedy of the Commons

Remember when Chick-fil-a was attacked because they were pro
Christianity and unbelievably Chick-fil-a backed down. Probably
do to loss of revenue. Another Christian business being attacked:
Genocide of Christianity even though this country was founded on

2 years ago

This is one of those dissembling churchianity articles (expositing things that are somewhat accurate and somewhat inaccurate):

“Christianity has no business trying to reform a corrupt culture.”

“Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with too little fanfare last April declared: Contention is a violation of everything the Savior stood for and taught. …”

“Christianity has no business engaging in contention and conflict over foolhardy efforts to reform a corrupt culture, because it has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ’s first priority. Instead, it has everything to do with being diverted by sideshow culture showdowns, deceptively masquerading as faithful fights for God.”

“Christians have misguidedly placed their trust in pettifogging political machinations for ill-conceived plots to conquer the corrupt culture.”

“Even attempting to arbitrate culture conflicts as a way to secure their secular rights through some elusive political middle way, if ever taken seriously, inevitably exposes Christian would-be arbitrators to rebukes and recriminations from warring parties.”

“Stuart C. Reid: Christianity Suffers From Fixating On Its Secular Rights”


Tragedy of the Commons

The enemy plants tares within the wheat field; the faithful must remove
the tares during harvesting and burn it. They are always testing your