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- Glincoln on It’s a Racket
- nines on Billions of Dollars Thrown Off the Titanic by EPA
- Big Ruckus D on Can the FBI Be Saved?
- Al Buckner on Billions of Dollars Thrown Off the Titanic by EPA
- Joe Blow on Billions of Dollars Thrown Off the Titanic by EPA
Probably nothing. We are witnessing the rise of the satanic psychopaths, and the gutless “secondary” psychopaths who do what they are told.. while several generations of us have been trained/programmed/mind controlled to let these jerks do whatever they want and not call them out.
If anything, we have lost our understanding that there are purely evil people around us in daily life, and that it is our J.O.B., when we see them in action, to make sure that they do not prevail and are stopped. When the psychopath’s are the boss -- that is NOT an easy task and heroics might be required.
One out of twenty-five people (4% of the population) suffer from psychopathy, a narcisstic mental disorder that they are usually born with that leaves them devoid of conscience. (Martha Stout, Phd. author of The Psychopath Next Door and Outsmarting the Psychopath Next Door). Ms. Stout points out in her books that this is more people than the entire number of people suffering from our epidemic levels of colon cancer.
Systems run by psychopaths, become psychopathic themselves. That is what we are dealing with in the US Military. The bankers/corporatists controlling the US Military are responsible for the Chemtrail Teams, the C19 Bioweapon, the failure to help poisoned troops (burn pits, LeJune, 1991 DEW, lab rat vax trials, anthrax, etc.)
IMO, character eroded as the family eroded. If you have ever been close to a family of Mediterranean heritage you may see the influences that “the family” exert on individual behavior. Behaviors like drunkenness, promiscuity, sacrilege, blasphemy and others that are known “errors” or cast a negative light on the family name are quickly and emphatically called out, punished and corrected. Few Americans benefit from such pressures and likely even fewer have any significant connection to “the family name”. By the erasure of these influences, individual character has been free to tumble unfettered down the slippery slope. “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18 and “You do not know the plans I have for you; to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11.
The US family has lost most of its integrity no doubt. The parents are foremost to blame. They fail to provide themselves and their children with a stable environment, both parties are not faithful in marriage, both parties may drink or are habitual drug users, and they refuse to give themselves or their children spiritual guidance, let alone attend a gospel oriented church. Poor or rich, it doesn’t matter. Without guidance and obedience to God our nation has no integrity.
Well said, brother.
I be think it’s appropriate to announce on this post tha Target is now selling LGBQT kid’s clothing.
The corporations are rotting. Do not hold stocks in any corporation that promotes Marxism.
Goodness George Mason was quite a firebrand in the style of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine.
That no free government, nor the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles; and by the recognition by all citizens that they have duties as well as rights, and that such rights cannot be enjoyed save in a society where law is respected and due process is observed.
George Mason
I wonder what George would say to raising the “Debt Ceiling” what 56 times since 1978? (Let alone the FBI revelations against a sitting President).
$31.4 trillion
The U.S. hit the debt ceiling on January 19, 2023, which is currently set at $31.4 trillion123. The Treasury Secretary has implemented “extraordinary measures” to avoid default on the country’s debt for at least the next few months1. The timing of hitting the debt ceiling is not known precisely, but current estimates suggest some time in the second half of 20234. The deadline for the approval of a new limit is March 20235. If Congress fails to take action, the state becomes barred from further borrowing, which can have dire consequences5.
Now “The Squad” is DEMANDING:
A number of House Democrats led by Rep. Cori Bush introduced a resolution Thursday to reignite a push for federal reparations that would amount to over half the U.S. GDP.
The resolution states that the U.S. has a ‘legal and moral’ obligation to provide reparations for the enslavement of black people and calls for $14 trillion to be paid -- ‘at least the amount of the black white wealth gap,’ Bush told during a press conference.
The entire U.S. GDP was $25 trillion in 2022. The U.S. is already $31.4 trillion in debt and lawmakers are currently engaged in tedious negotiations over where to cut the budget so they can raise the debt limit.
SO, US GDP is 25 trillion and we OWE at least 31.4 trillion in KNOWN (not off the books and promised expenditures like Social Security checks, military retirement and so on).
“I’ll Gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today.” OR I CAN’T Be Broke, I STILL Have Checks.
Yep, we are at the LOOT THE TREASURY stage of Empire Collapse.
No wonder Putin is doing the Vietnam-Afghanistan battle tactic of simply outlasting the flailing US Empire.
Protect your family and trusted friends.
Nations character mirrors its faith in God period.
John Adams--
Throughout the Scriptures, God warns us not to be yoked with unbelievers. This principle applies for a nation of people. Whenever the sons of believers intermarried with nonbelieving daughters, it always brought the union DOWN -- never UP. That’s why God warns us several times. It is safe to say we are no longer a Christian nation; we have let in too many “Baals” to influence us and lead us away from Godly values. That’s what has happened to our character.