Fast and Furious
Hillary Clintons deleted emails and destroyed phones and servers.
Clapper,Brennan,Comey,Page,Strzok,McCabe, Hell the whole FBI and CIA.
These are but recent events. There are many crimes that our government officials have committed yet they all walk free.
Why do we sit and watch while all these injustices go unpunished?
Sure Trump has done a good job bringing these crimes into the light.
Yet nothing is done about them.
I’ve asked the Questions before, yet we seem unable to answer them.
Why are there different laws for different people?
Why aren’t people held accountable?
What Happens When Nothing Happens?
It’s all out there slapping us in the face everyday. The Rule of Law is Dead.
I keep hearing oh it’s coming it’s going to happen, Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Comey, Page, Strzok etc. will be arrested any day now. They have to, the evidence is out there plain as day.
I just laugh. It’s never going to happen. Once it didn’t happen in those first few months of the people we elected, having total control, I knew it was not going to happen. We have a multi-tiered justice system. That’s not a good thing.
It comes back to that old quote by Edmund Burke “All that is Required for Evil to Triumph is for Good Men to do Nothing.”
Well Gentlemen we are doing Nothing.
Preparing? Well you can only prepare so much.
We all have much to Risk. We all have tough decisions to make. You best get your minds right. The time for making the tough Decisions is here.
Evil is here. It is out in the open.
Now they are out to disarm us.
The history of the human race is a litany of tyranny and genocide following hard upon the disarming of a people. There is no mystery in this progression. There is no solution other than resistance. We are facing the same hard choices faced by other peoples at other times and in other places.
What Happens when they try that?