What Happens When Taliban Gets Hold Of Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons

A few weeks ago the Biden administration trumpeted the killing of a not particularly significant terrorist leader in Syria. This was obviously intended to convey the message that Joe takes threats to the homeland seriously.

Meanwhile, in Central Asia, a new terrorist super state that dwarfs anything previously seen is being completely ignored. Afghanistan is not just under the control of the Taliban. It is now a terror behemoth armed to the teeth with the latest in American weaponry.

The Afghan Taliban that now rules in Kabul have made a formal alliance with the Pakistani Taliban – their brothers in arms. Open war has been declared on Pakistan. The Pakistani Taliban have made clear their intention to overthrow the government in Islamabad and create and substitute – an Islamic state.

Pakistani security services are fighting an intensifying insurgency. Casualties are mounting. Increasingly the insurgents are found to be armed with American weapons and even utilizing American manufactured vehicles.

The World Bank is warning that Pakistan could soon face “macroeconomic instability.” Societal collapse would soon follow such an event. Pakistan has limped along for decades with an anemic economy, widespread corruption, and domestic instability. It does not have the reserves – financial or otherwise – to withstand significant economic stressors.

All of this will happen in a nation armed with somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 nuclear weapons. Those weapons are fully operational and forward deployed to operational commanders around the country to facilitate their early use in any conflict with India. The potential for nuclear weapons to be seized by insurgents or simply handed over to them by sympathetic military commanders is increasing by the day.



There is a reason that this dangerous situation is not reported in this country: it highlights the another failure of the illegal Biden administration. Unfortunately, this situation has a high probability of a nuclear armed Islamic state with the capability of killing millions of people. It also has the capability of giving nuclear bomb technology and fissionable uranium to Iran.

I often wondered why the world’s governments support an illegal US government. I finally figured it out: they want us dead too. But they want the US government dead while Joe Biden’s handlers want the people of the US dead. Our options are not good but neither are the rest of the world’s options.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I think all along the Taliban was our creation. This is just part of the plan. 911 was so much more than a 3 planes, 3 buildings and some Arabs. We think they are stupid, but we fail to see that we have been corralled into where we are at for decades and decades. We followed like them sheep being led to the slaughter. Voting for who they wanted thinking they where the “good guys” or against them, when in fact they all where controlled but them. If we did not vote them in, they just rigged the elections to put them in power. If they get out of control, they assassinate them. Still, all the while wait until next November, is the mantra of all the old fools I talk too. How can they be played for so long and lived so long and still be so stupid.

Sorry for the ramblings. It is sad to see so many that care less about what happens to they offspring.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Best total research on 9/11 I’ve read is from Christopher Bollyn. Out of 100 ‘muricans, how many even know who he is?

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

The taliban which is an off-shoot of the American CIA, was formed to combat the Russian military in Afghanistan. It was a 100% proxy guerilla force sponsored by America at it’s inception.. Have no illusions.
As to 9/11, far too much evidence out there that indicated the false flag that it was, look for the video, it was shot that day of the owner of WTC Silverman(?) saying, “We’re gonna pull the building” in reference to Tower Seven, the one that fell down despite having no airplane hit it.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

Jame Corbett did a documentary on it and there are firefighters running away yelling they are going to blow it.

Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago

Remember that in Obamas book ” Dreams of my Father” he stated that ” If the political winds blow in an ugly direction toward Islam I shall stand with my Islamic brothers ” . Leaving all that weaponry for the muslims was not an accident .

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Taliban didn’t attack us on 9/11. Best I got on the Taliban is this: All Taliban are Pashtun, but not all Pashtun are Taliban. If I am not mistaken, “Taliban” means student. Student of what? Hard core Islam. The schools for that are the Madrassas in Pakistan. Allegedly the Taliban was created by the ISI. The Pakistani Intelligence. That’s all I got.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

The Taliban asked for proof he was guilty when Bush said to turn Bin Laden over. Bush refused to give evidence. It was the “reason” to invade Afghanistan, which meant take over the poppy fields.


[…] provoking a civil war in order to take control of the country. This will enable the Taliban to have nuclear missiles. Pakistan has the fifth largest population and has the second most number of Muslims based on […]