What Happens When There Is a Failure to Deliver?

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15 hours ago

Got my popcorn, Krugerands and silver Eagles just waiting.

15 hours ago

Question: will the audit of Ft Knox trigger collapse of Comex and then equities?
Askin’ fer a fren….

3 hours ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

I would bet that the US dollar will collapse faster.

Defiant Grunt
Defiant Grunt
15 hours ago

Where is all gold we plundered from all the countries we invaded as enforcers for the ‘City of London’ (not London the over run city) the head of the Globalists demonic ‘Money Changers’ financial snake?

Come on…my best guess is its in the vaults under Wall Street…now there would be a place to AUDIT!
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Last edited 15 hours ago by Defiant Grunt
foot in the forest
foot in the forest
14 hours ago

There is currently an 8 week lead time on delivery, the default has already happened. Europe is being strip mined for gold by the US. Much the same way the Chinese have been quietly doing to the west for years.

14 hours ago

Prepare to see the real gold price very soon. Manipulations cannot continue forever and the end of it is soon.

12 hours ago

Right now is a good time to invest in silver. Silver is the Poor Man’s gold. When the price of gold goes up silver will out perform gold percentage wise. If the price of gold doubles, the price of silver will quadruple. And lookout if silver ever goes back to the 15 to 1 ratio. If you’ve invested in silver that would make you a very rich man!

11 hours ago
Reply to  X-BEAST

While I do have a fair bit of PM, in what way do you say I’ll be a very RICH Man?

I’ve a real Weimar Republic Million Mark Bill (they saved money printing only one side of the bill LOL) along with plenty of other “High Value” (at one time) paper monies made into a picture frame in front of my computer station.

None of them will buy me a cup of coffee at Mc Donalds.

In the early Victorian Era, a Fine Men’s suit cost about an ounce of Gold.

Today it still costs about an ounce of Gold.

PM’s are a STORE OF EXCESS WEALTH. They Preserve the value you put into them.

If you have in today’s dollars 10K in Gold, then when the dollar freefalls you should when the situation settles down have the equivalent 10K “Value” in whatever is the new coin of the realm.

9 hours ago
Reply to  Michael
