European farmers realize that food distribution is a target. They are pouring manure into grocery stores.
They are targeting cities. A week in a city after food distribution is cut off will be a Mad Max scenario.
David DeGerolamo
European farmers realize that food distribution is a target. They are pouring manure into grocery stores.
They are targeting cities. A week in a city after food distribution is cut off will be a Mad Max scenario.
David DeGerolamo
As in the US, ELECTIONS are NOT going to fix the problem from a long-term perspective. These people will continue to infest our society and will NOT stop unless permanently stopped. But on the good side, it will mean fewer mouths to feed.
Coming to a city near you..
Burn it!
David, as we’ve discussed before, when the Food stops, CIVILIZATION STOPS.
Riots, mobs, destruction of infrastructure and in general destruction of all that keeps the lights ON and food delivery, SAFE Water, sewage treated and so on.
You can BS folks about a lot of things but when the SONG of the Land is “Daddy I’m HUNGRY” all bets are off.
The Saxons relearn how to HATE.
When Europe’s version of EBT fails to feed the massive immigrants that were encouraged to invade the EU then the GIMMIE DATS will chimp out and that is the start of an ethnic cleansing-battle for survival.
Coming soon to an American town near you, just wait until the Powers that BE (not the fake prez or CONgress) decide that EBT card failure is the best way to Reduce the Carbon issue for Pagan Mother Earth stuff.
The Powers that BE (WEF and such) plan on waiting it out until the smoke clears in nice “safe bunkers”.
Schadenfreude as their own guards will likely kill them off is COLD comfort when your own kids are HUNGRY and your AR cannot shoot a single can of Spaghetti O’s for them.
You CANNOT “GO GAULT” Unless you can produce your own food, energy, medical support (at least Civil War level+), handle your own sanitation and repair your shelters that will be damaged in the “Time ‘O Troubles”.
Protect your trusted friends and trusted family.
So what you’re saying is “blow your money on pro sports events and rely on the supply chain and the government to carry you through”, is that right? (sarc).
You have the oddest sarcasm for a new name on this site.
We are sure getting a LOT of New Names lately.
It will be a total disaster here when Joe Bide and Obama the sodomite king bump off more food manufacturing and distribution centers.