What Has To Happen For You To Say I’ve Had Enough? Our Children And Grandchildren Deserve Better From Us.

It’s disturbing to watch the evening news. Yes I tune into the enemy media often. It’s good to know what the enemy is saying. But to see them rejoicing about the amount of kids getting jabbed with this poison is alarming.

When is it enough for you? What has to happen for you to say I’ve had enough? If you have small children when is it enough for you to say stop trying to condition my kids and have them fearful of even breathing, stop trying to inject poison into my children? Are you ready to be brave and stand up for your children? For all children? I often hear parents say they would take a bullet for their kids. Would you? Would you really? When is it enough? When are you going to quit letting the government control every aspect of your life? When is it enough for you to stand up, stand in your sovereignty, and be brave for the children? Be brave for yourself? Be brave for freedom? When?

Resistance, Rebellion, Revolution, Civil War, whatever you want to call it has become the only option left to us by TPTB. It’s a grim future that nobody wants but that is readily becoming our only path forward. The seeds have already been planted, nothing is going to stop what is coming. The outrage and anger from the “vaxxed” is growing by the day. They hate us and everything we stand for. They despise that we won’t bow down and let them rule over us. They hate you for not obeying them, not “trusting the science” and thinking for yourselves.

There is no way for the political situation in the US to become better. Let me repeat this. THERE IS NO WAY THINGS GET BETTER. We cannot VOTE our way out of this. It is total war at this point. It is a war of attrition at this point. There is no scenario where everyone starts liking (or even accepting) everyone on the other side. Their side thinks that our children belong to the government. How do you reason with someone who thinks like that? You don’t. Either you eliminate them or they eliminate you. And that is what’s coming, a straight up elimination match for all the marbles. Either Freedom wins or Communism wins. There is no other way. We cannot coexist with these evil people. Don’t even talk to me about compromise. The point of compromise has passed. You don’t compromise with people who wish you dead and think the world would be better off without you and your way of thinking. They will never leave us alone.

Right now a vast majority of this war is being done with words. There is no shooting, yet. So I have been using my mouth as a gun and trying to show people the truth. Sadly most don’t care. They think we are outnumbered and there is nothing we can do. They don’t realize the numbers we would have if we would all just stand together and say enough. This life is beginning to feel like a prison. While no one wants war, at this point, it is acceptable to me. Evil must always be confronted.

It’s time to decide whether we curl up and die, or do we attack this beast head on and fight to the bitter end? It’s coming at us like a speeding freight train. Time is running out. They are coming for the children. It’s evil, plain and simple. We need to rid ourselves of them forever, plain and simple. They aim to get rid of us. War is not pretty. Harden your hearts and your mind.

Nobody wants to be first. And I don’t know how we true Patriots of this country should begin this battle. But I know that we must do something, and first we must unite. Genocide is happening right before our very eyes. I do know that we can’t remain silent. Our founders were willing to die for the rights espoused in the Declaration they crafted and signed at their own peril. Our founders were called traitors and radicals, no worse than what we are being called today. When it comes down to it, many Americans simply don’t have the spine or fortitude to stand up and fight, even with FREEDOM on the line.  Our children and grandchildren deserve better from us. They are targeted and unable to defend themselves. What will you say when they ask what you did to protect them from this evil that is currently hunting them?


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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Wes so true, Kill em all let God sort them out. Never have I seen in my life time the evil that has descended upon us. There is only one way forward.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Who will lead the way?

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Not one leaders. Many small groups. Think decentralized like Afghanistan.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Remember the old U S Army ad slogan?
“An Army Of One”
Or as things happened in Unintended Consequences.

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Who is Gordon Van Zandt?

3 years ago

Wes -- -- IMHO you have stated the conundrum accurately. We all know “nut cutting” time approaches, and as distasteful as that will be, we also know well that it must be faced.

As the wise saying relates: “The hardest part of a thousand mike journey is the first step.”

My guess-timation is that our frazzeled and fracturing nation has until next Summer before implosion. In the interim, we tighten belts, hone skills, add to our stores, build relationships, study our local terrain, and work every day to improve our defenses.

The Schumer will Hit The Fan and with little advance notice the brushfires of freedom will have hotspots nationwide, starting in the cities. So getting out now, while one can do so is evident. Granted, many are trapped by finances and family and cannot easily pull up stakes and move. But it will be eye opening and truly revealing to see how swiftly many “who just cannot possible leave the city” shall be found doing that when the nut cutting time is at hand.

So, it is a question of priorities and changes to one’s paradigm (how you perceive events). If you are seeing things unfold and just cannot understand how it is all happening, change your paradigm…. Change the underlying beliefs to ones that help explain what and why. That does not make you a conspiracy theorist, as your wacko brother-in-law calls you; it makes you a realist….. a critical thinker.

And may GOD bless all Patriots, strengthening us for the difficult road ahead.

Wes, thanks for all that you do to call attention to the approaching events.

3 years ago

This year was worse then the time i got myself stuck in a damn Jail cell folks. Embarrassing, i am far from perfect, but that wasn’t my point.
I had much less stress, 3 meals and all bills paid for. Smh THIS IS INSANE!
i don’t know how else to say it, we’re already caged and don’t realize it seems.
I hear the horn, yet i can’t seem to gather with those blowing it….My 2yo is ill again, she has congestion and 102.5 temp. And still, We don’t even want her at a doc, bc they will come in room with hazmat suit and covid test. Scares my kids and now i don’t even trust them either.
Where will all this lead, the big picture i mean?
Sorry.. i have to vent. I need to know other’s are seeing all this “new normal”.
No trust for ANY gov, No trust for ABC’$ agent’s, No trust for Docs/scientists, little trust for cops, little trust for our military, no trust in teachers, preacher’s, professors, even our friends and fams now.
Where could this possibly get better

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Too many “preachers” aren’t standing on and for Truth, I agree. But their deception and blindness don’t take away from the power and Truth of God’s Word. I will pray for your little girl to be healed from her ailment in the name of Jesus.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Thank you for prayers Dave. I agree on the “preacher$”, they will go whatever direction the money takes them nowadays.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Pray and believe that that your prayer for your daughter will be answered. If we have the faith of a mustard seed we could move mountains. God bless you and your family.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I do believe. He hears from me regularly now Tom. Thank you man.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Good lord brother check in with the Front Line Doctors! They can get you referrals and/or prescriptions!


3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

I appreciate you all. That means a lot. Especially the prayers, referrals and just true caring kindness. She will be fine! GOD KNOWS she better be…whew.. Dad is already on fire.
I am also Frontline advocate, sent many there also.
My biggest point was the lack of trust for these “professionals” is horrible. Coming to head for sure

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Do check out Front Line Doctors. I don’t have experience with them, but do see benefit. Also, if there is a good health food type store still around, stop in and see what info you can get. There are many alternative remedies. I had to find alternative things for myself and my children because I often didn’t have health insurance. There are LOTS of things to help, not just what is seen online.
(One of those children, now adult, is presently in one of those private rooms you referred to. Life happens -- we just do the best we can do at any given time.)
Hint. Often, if I am hot, I cool myself with cool cloth -- or ice in cloth -applied to bottom of feet, and vice versa if I’m cold. Helps change the blood temp as it circulates back up into the body.
And my favorite thing to do -- encourage myself in the Lord God while I’m doing the best I can with the intention of the best outcome.
Blessings for you and family.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mae Bee

Yes mam. We were using the cool towels and ice chips as well. She seems much better today.
The prayers are welcomed and beyond appreciated.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

What’s her name?

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

I know the phrase “over my dead body”…these days, you may well be accommodated, and then once you’re dead, they’ll cheer and do what they want, anyway…best to keep living. If only in spite.

3 years ago

The news in this country is suppressed. If the shooting has already started, we might not know it for a while. It would be categorized as work place violence. Domestic violence at work, etc. Or it could just be totally ignored. Stay alert.

3 years ago
Reply to  Him

I am with HIM👍. They will not let it make news if so though..bc “copycat” maybe. The murders are all over already.
They have learned how to deal with these over many years, VERY LITTLE EXPOSURE. Taking on small rebellions little by little, instead of the big rise at once.
They are Evil suckers, but not stupid.

3 years ago

Soon, you all will starve. Your children will cry because their tummies are empty. You will lose your jobs because the lizard elites do not need you anymore. You are paralyzed mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and soon -- physically. You are being murdered by your government…slowly, precisely, and intentionally. You gave up your freedom willingly. This is what you must tell everyone 24/7 ASAP.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

 Isaiah 11:10 

And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.

ron martin
ron martin
3 years ago

Wes, I wrote a 432 page book 11 years ago titled “It’s Over”. It was on Amazon, WND and I did about 100 radio and TV shows promoting it. Sold a few thousand copies. You need to be famous to be on the NYT’s best seller list. Many still say it was prophetic. It wasn’t. At 78 I’m still prepped more than most and ready to die with my boots on. My kids and grandkids are my clones. Your words and outlook sound like me. There are many like us out there. Forget a leader suddenly appearing. You and I and people like us will lead this fight in small units. Trump and Q gave false hope for a time but both are part of the Hegelian dielectric. I count my true friends on one hand and one finger is Randy Weaver whose wife and only son were murdered by the darkside. We are surrounded by idiots, zombies and automatons whose brains cannot accept reality swirling around them. I experienced fear in the Dry Tortugas during the Cuban Crisis and in Berlin before the wall came down and in Vietnam testing weapons systems for the CIA but the fear in now gone and replaced with disgust at the spineless generation of Americans now inhabiting our former republic.