What I Learned at the Schiff Impeachment

I watched the impeachment hearing today until 3:10 PM. At that point, I had had enough. What I know is that the Democrats are the scum of the earth. What I realized is that there will be no peace; there will be a civil war. And that is most likely what the Deep State which controls the government and media wants.

The delineation between the two sides in this war have been defined in various ways. The truth: one side wants to destroy the country and its people. And there are more of them than us.

David DeGerolamo

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Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
5 years ago

They’d never win a CW against us. We will give no quarter.

5 years ago

that is what it looks like. One side wants to destroy America and the other side wants to preserve America. There is no reconciliation possible.

Francis W. Porretto
5 years ago

The dynamic of demagogy has “purified” the Democrat Party: it has filtered out anyone who might retain a shred of conscience. Those who remain are dedicated, heart and soul, to an “ethic” of “power uber alles.” Yet that same dynamic, at work upon the GOP for the same length of time, has not had similarly sweeping effects. There are still Republicans who regard the Constitution and service to the nation as higher priorities than their personal or political well-being. While it’s not certain, those Republicans might be more numerous than their venal co-partisans. This demands investigation.