What I Learned on this 4th of July

I listened to many people at four different 4th of July events/meetings over the weekend. I listen because this is the only way to gauge the measure of a man’s character and resolve. After our Republic was overthrown in 2020, we now have hyperinflation in food and energy prices, a declining stock market, proxy wars and a recession.

What are people discussing? Nothing that will restore our Liberty. In all of the conversations that I had, I was only asked one question by one man: when do I think the food will run out? Trump, voting or standing up was not part of any discussion. Covid vaccines and their “side effects” was a small part of one discussion.

The price of gas came up one time: why is gas 30 cents cheaper in Georgia than North Carolina? Answer: Georgia temporarily removed their state sales tax on gasoline.

Two points:

  1. No one discussed our country’s condition or any courses of action. At our last event, the small band sang God Bless America. Everyone stood up out of respect. I was thinking it looked like people standing on deck of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. I also was wondering why God would bless America after our transgressions and acceptance of evil leaders.
  2. The most important “issue” which people discussed at two of the events was another sign of our misplaced priorities: retirement plan losses. I have no retirement fund for the government to tax, fine, abuse or degrade. Those that brought up the issue were not too happy at 25% or more loss of their life’s saving in the past six months.


People have not suffered enough to stand up and fight for Liberty, morality or God. I wonder if they will stand up or bend the knee to tyranny when that moment of truth arrives. God bless His people and I pray that we realize that His glory is greater than petty tyrants on earth and their dictates. I pray that our grandchildren recognize what is at stake because too many of us are too old to forestall this enslavement. Our children are too busy to be bothered by their chains which are continually being forged until its weight will crush them.

I do not have to wonder what our forefathers think about us. I know they are ashamed.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Did our Republic die in a whimper recently or go out with a bang through the loss of the War of Northern Aggression?


2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

The Republic was clearly killed by Lincoln’s War against the Confederate States. People like to point out how before that war it was common to say ” The United States are..” when discussing the collective nation. After the war it changed to ” the United States is ,,,,”. They suggest it was a good thing, but it was just the opposite. It was the beginning of the Federal Leviathan that is now trying to snuff out its own citizens, and was the end of the Founder’s republic, which they rightly thought would last about 80 years.

2 years ago

You are right, we haven’t seen suffered enough, but we will!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

I am sad to say you finally see what I have been talking about.
It HAS to burn down, we cannot rebuild from broken pieces, as the cancer will remain. It must be purged from the host, letting it die if needed, to be reborn like a phoenix.

2 years ago

The rapid decline in our freedoms really got going with the false flag 9/11 that ushered in the Patriot Act. Dismantling the Patriot Act and rooting out the enhanced government bodies that were erected then, would be one place to start.
There is a movement to ‘Impeach 44’, which would invalidate everything Obama signed into law -- which sounds interesting. To invalidate the Patriot Act would mean impeaching 43 as well.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Mary

Most of us including myself thought when Bush said “they hate for our freedoms,” thought he was referring to the alleged mooslim terrorists. Was he? Or, while laughing on the inside, was he referring to the jooish banking cartel and their cronies on the pyramid of evil?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

People are complacent, apathetic and willing to accept what the communists are giving them. I cannot think of any other reason why we are letting this happen, maybe they think the election will turn things around. The Republic has been burned to the ground, all that is left for them to do is sweep up the ashes, we are the ashes. TINVOWOOT, death to the tyrants.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Sic Semper Tyranus.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dana


tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Absolutely Dana.

2 years ago

You sure said it Dave, that’s what I gather around me as well. Guys would rather talk about sports, getting drunk, boobs and piss and moan about the gas prices, but nothing remotely serious or too in depth. By the time people are gonna be ready to go drag these evil freaks out of their offices and do something it’ll be too late to stop or death; already is though I believe.

Churches have become too tolerant on sinful society and accepting instead of taking a hard stand for Truth against worldliness and wicked compromise. An inch becomes a foot, becomes a yard, becomes a mile, becomes a journey. That’s how the devil and his minions work: little at a time, until it’s too late to correct things peacefully, then they pounce. Or nation is dead and a new one must be brought forth. Wish it didn’t have to be this way, but now I just wish I could get it started so we could get it over with instead of prolonging our dying gasps every few weeks.

If I only knew there’d be a ghost of others rise up with me, or even after me, I’d be the call and the lead, but yeah, like u said, most ain’t hurting enough yet to act, and hard truth is, most are talk and too full of personal compromise in their own heart’s to really stand up against the odds and the evil leaders. I keep waiting and praying, asking when, O Lord? How long until we can rise up? As of yet I still only hear, Hold your ground. Not yet. We are reaping what we have sown, (Deuteronomy 28) and it’s nothing good.

2 years ago

Government was instituted by God along with boundaries to administer justice to people who are wicked and evil, but when the government becomes a TERROR to good works then we who are Gods Elected are commanded by our Lord not to obey them at all, read Romans 13., and if we do obey them while they are committing great works of evil then by our silence we are no better then they are, and in many instances even worse because we are supposed to know the word of God and his word is imprinted in our heart, mind as well as our spirit.
Our Republic is dying right before our eyes and there is no return from this because Satan has taken over all of Washington, DC and the entire nation, It is just a matter of time before God returns on the clouds of Glory to remove us from this sin cursed earth. This is satans last hour and he knows it and he wants to take as many of Gods creation into hell with him because he hates us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago

As for me & my family, there’s been enough hand wringing and prepping and planning and reinforcing over the last year that I had no problem taking the day to simply celebrate, laugh, throw a ball with my kids, eat a little too much and light off fireworks before tucking the kids in and kissing my wife goodnight. Then did the rounds outside to make sure all was safe and quiet, thanked God for the day, then went to bed.
My kids need to know what they’re up against, what they’re fighting against, but it’s just as important to show them what the other side of that battle brings…peace and happiness and the joy of time with family.

Steve Montgomery
Steve Montgomery
2 years ago
Reply to  Eric

Amen brother, I couldn’t say it better. There is enough doom and gloom so yes we can still live and have some fun. Remember who is in charge. Thanks

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

This makes my heart ache, not because of the struggles we are in but because our focus is misplaced. Why would God? i am too old! We are too far gone! Our children are in chains for the rest of their lives!
I am going to take a huge risk here to bring some clarity to a group of people I have come to love and listen for.

  1. The USA is a covenant nation with God. Our nation was founded on the principle and need for freedom to worship God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. The Living God keeps this covenant regardless of our shortcomings.
  2. God is no man that He should lie! God is unchangeable. God loves His people of the USA and He has not abandoned us. If only 1 or 8 people in America were still in covenant with God, He would come for them.
  3. God is speaking loudly. Are you listening? He has called His army to gather and fight. Now is the time of Truth and Reality in our souls.
  4. The battle is over the children and the souls of men, God’s inheritance. It is more than abortions, it is the drugs, the loss of family, the ignorance of the loving Father. It is over the soul of America and Freedom.
  5. All evil comes from satan: Sickness, poverty, mental disorders, tyranny, suffering, doubt, and disorientation or confusion. Our country has been occupied by the spirit of Jezebel to whom we have acquiesced our God given Freedom.
  6. God is good, absolutely good. He hears prayer, He blesses righteous action. God’s Word is alive with instruction and protection.
  7. Gaging God’s willingness or effectiveness by the conversations of broken-hearted people, is a poor form of research for the Truth. Seek God’s position on our situation from God.
  8. God is already speaking and leading His people to begin “The Harvest of Souls” before the End Times. God is here for the children to raise them up. He is present to protect His people and sustain them. He is here in answer to prayers. Join Him.
  9. It is a spiritual truth that if you speak a thing, you empower that thing, and you give it life from your being to bring it into existence. At this point, don’t give power to evil, instead belittle it, taunt it, demean it.
  10. This fight has always been between God, which includes His people, and satan and his fallen demons. Once you see them and learn to recognize their presence, you will understand the authority Jesus gave to you. Learn to use it like you would use a rifle.
  11. This is the moment of Faith because mortal men cannot possibly stand against this evil. This is the moment when we must step into the Firey Furnace with our mantle of Faith as our covering. We must have Christian Certitude to the point of not giving any credence to evil.
  12. We must be well formed in God, KNOWing that what we do, God will complete, in our preparations, in our protection of our families, and in the governance of our countries (this is worldwide because God is moving globally now).
  13. You and I must be BOLD in GOD and step out, speak up, and stand.
  14. The time is now!

Dear Ones, I say none of this to mislead you but out of compassion because your words are heavy with the haze of satan’s doings. Our LORD has got this and now is the time to seek His direction for your help. This is what our Founding Fathers did when they shut everything down to pray and study the 35th Pslam, I believe that was the scripture.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

I’m proud to stand with you in this fight for freedom and against tyranny. That being said, I stopped reading when you mentioned the trinity. It’s not your fault, that’s what you’ve been taught.
A three in one god is idolatry. Jesus Christ is called the son of God 47 times in the NT. He is never called God the son. The council of Nicea was tricked into elevating Jesus Christ into equality with God, his father. He is our lord and savior. However, he was born, not with God in the beginning creating the heavens and the earth.
The council of Constantinople some years later decided the holy spirit was also co equal and filled in the trinity. This laid the foundation for the ineptness of Christian denominations today. The practical error follows doctrinal error.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Thank you, Stan. I mentioned the Trinity because of all the denominations represented among this community, it is the common language. The revelation concerning Jesus as the Fullness of the Godhead, or Oneness is beginning to be shown as we come together in the Remnant Army. Personally, I was recently baptized in the name of Jesus as a result of much study and revelation. There is just so much doctrinal debris to wade through in order to get to the essentials of getting people equipped with God’s weaponry and counteracting the spirit of fear. The important thing now is that the Body of Christ needs to display Faith in all we do and come together as a wall. Thank you, again, Stan.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

The point I forgot, is that no matter what doctrinal revelation or denomination we worship in, the Living God gave the USA a Covenant of Freedom which includes differences in understanding Him. I will use “God” in the future and let individuals sort it out in the way that works for them.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

To my sister in Christ, have a wonderful day!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Read John 17:5 and 17:24, Jesus was with God before the earth was formed. Read it.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

son of God -- 47 times, God the son -- 0 . Apparent contradictions lie either in our understanding or in translation. It is not honest to ignore all the obvious scriptures regarding who Jesus Christ is and who he isn’t. 47 to nothing.

2 years ago

In a large general sense, America has turned her back on God. There is no more fear of HIM! Our idolatries abound; we love our sin. There’s plenty of Scripture to say that until we turn our hearts back to God, this nation is doomed and quite frankly, deserves God’s wrath. We know how HIS book ends. Frightening! I don’t want to be around for that! So let’s, at least on an individual basis, repent, get right with God, and hope the Rapture is sooner rather than later!

2 years ago

Yes, there are a lot of us who have been there and done that. We are hoping that our younger generations will take up the fight. Like you, I don’t see that happening yet. Too many people still sitting at the table with plenty of food and will pay the price of gas no matter what it climbs to. I have to admit I do talk about the decline in my retirement fund. I am probably like most my age, waiting for someone to dance first. Keep the faith.