What if???


As Mueller and the Deep State continue to pry deeper and deeper into the personal life of Donald Trump and look for any possible way to impeach him, serious questions must be asked.

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6 years ago

if the democrat communist Marxists with there deep state Whores take out Trump I believe there will be a civil war by stealth. The possibilities are great there will be many , many snipers to numerous to count to take all these anti American traitors in the congress, senate including the judiciary, then the media. they will all be toast no one can stop this not the corrupt FBI, not the corrupt cIA, etc., as a matter of fact the people will be burned down in the buildings they work in. the people will find ways to screw the entire system up so they wont know which way to go even with all there eavesdropping equipment remember people already have a plan in place for the shutting down of federal law enforcement during this time, the people know where these idiot cro magnon dopes live and many patriots will be waiting for them , they have to go home sooner or later. as for the scum illegal aliens it would be better if they leave and head toward Mexico or the hell hole they came up from., ms-13 will be gone in less then two weeks they will all be slaughtered as well as any other Muslim terrorist group the deep state tries to call upon to help them during the last gasp of air. a warning to the Russian and the Chinese , they would be wise to pull your spies and troops out of the US because everyone of them will be going home in body bags or piled up and burned, yes burned

6 years ago
Reply to  Bill

The seeds of the American Viet Cong have already been sown.