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As told while wearing a mask. Fools flock to the death.
My question to her is, “why did you not do some research before you got the jab, not after you got it?” It’s a little late now to lament now.
And how do we know she doesn’t have a metal bar where she broke her arm when she was a teenager? 🙂
It is possible except this is not the only video. They are coming in from around the world.
It is difficult to believe that millions of people have blindly and willingly submitted to being given this untested (on humans) gene therapy without taking time to do their own research. This mRNA has been tested on animals I believe 10 years ago, most of the animals died when exposed to the wild virus. How can anyone not be concerned about long term effects? There are so many cases of death from this jab, unreported to VAERS. The death toll of the shot will far exceed the virus. Do your homework everyone. Ask yourselves why trust our government, and Dr. Fauci who funded and worked on the gain of function of this “vaccine” years before the covid “pandemic” was released. Also, WHY is Big Pharma shutting down any doctor or scientist who has science and peer reviewed information that does not go along with the narrative of the lies and gaslighting taking place with doctors, and the mainstream media? Connect the dots.
Bill Gates admits to a goal of depopulation through vaccines. Look at the UN, Klaus Schwab and their blatant admissions to reduce the world’s population. WHY is the “vaccine” in the classification of vaccine when it is NOT a vaccine by both medical and legal definitions.
Anyone foolish enough to go blindly into this human experiment, sadly, will get what they deserve. THINK!!!
It is neither a “vaccine” nor a Drug. It is a Precursor “Treatment” for another, more dangerous Biological Weapon. THAT is why (((they))) are so Desperate to Fool or Force everyone to take it. The “COVID-19” was a Harmless Variant of the common ‘Cold Virus’, used as a Propaganda Play to convince the Stupid Sheeple to take the ‘vaccine’. It is likely that the next Bioweapon will be Harmless to those who DIDN’T take the ‘vaccine’. This is a Safer and more Reliable way to make sure only the intended victims of the Genocide Die from the Bioweapon.
You didn’t Think that Fauci or any other politician actually got the ‘vaccine’, do you?
It’s is an experimental gene therapy injection. I assume this is going to help with population control.
ROB.go watch the video..”LEFTOVERS”..the zombie movie,you’ll see one womans Idea of population control…
If that is the trailer (which it is), then I do NOT want to see the “movie”. Some men with a camera walking around the neighborhood, filming stupid people acting? Ridiculous!
I am curious about your thought process on this. I was actually thinking the opposite. Why would they want to keep all us stubborn bastards around and not the gullible sheep? Seems like they would make better slaves than us.
They want to reduce the population. They don’t care who, just cut the numbers down. A small number of people is MUCH easier to keep under control (see the Georgia guidestones).
Atleast this lady, got mad at the right ones, and is now fighting the deception they been putting on the whole world, yes she should have dones her research before the death shot !
Maybe wearing the mask to be more anonymous
True story. An elderly couple were in a Texas Academy Sports store wearing their masks. A big old country boy Texan was also there not wearing a mask. The country boy overheard the old man tell his wife he hated wearing the mask to which the country boy responded, “Then take it off. Are you a sheep or a wolf?” To this, the old man tore off his mask and threw it on the floor. “I’m a wolf,” said he. His wife, shocked, asked him what he was doing. His answer? He tore off her mask and told her she was a wolf, too!
There is a reason why folks are referred to as sheep in the Bible. Most folks just follow the crowd. In our age, many also like to virtue signal. They are the uber sheep. I tend to believe people mostly get what they earn. If you’re a sheep (or a lemming), the slaughter (of the cliff) await.
Remember who paved the way for a Quick fix?
“Warp speed”
THOSE MICRO CHIPS ARE MAGNETIC,thats why a magnet sticks to her arm..SOON THE DEVILS WILL TURN ON THE 5-G towers,then the zombies will come out by the thousands,,go watch the video.’LEFTOVERS” a zombie movie,and its a great one..BUT you’ll see how this woman deals with zombies…
That’s a ridiculous “movie”…I’ve seen the trailer on youtube dot com. Please stop asking people to waste their time. A circus made the trailer. So they must of made the whole movie. Go get your kids, aged 8 and below. They would laugh at it.
Bitchute.com: Covid Vaccination Causes Magnets To Stick to Arms?! (Compilation of 11 of these events) by Tim Truth. Posted May 11, 2021
INCREDIBLE!! Needs to be widely seen. I too thought this was bogus: not anymore…
Why do you say, “not anymore”….what changed your mind?
I changed my mind because several months ago I heard an anecdotal story about a “friend of a friend” doing this. It sounded unbelievable. Seeing multiple videos of people experiencing this that are pretty compelling because they seem legit, not fake or staged, has me more certain this is happening. There is also a reasonable explanation for this phenomena involving the nano- lipid envelope that enables the spike proteins to do their work in the body. Like much to do with this plandemic, new evidence comes out and is augmented by information day by day…I think we all know bizarre, dramatic things like this, if they can be empirically explained, are going to give a whole lot more people pause to consider what the heck they are doing themselves.
And sheep line up to get an experimental gene therapy shot and CANNOT wait to get it for their kids!