What Is It Going To Take For Our Side to Get in the Game? A War is Raging and Our Side Has the Appearance of Sitting Idle.

What is it going to take for our side to get in the game? A War is raging and our side has the appearance of sitting idle and just watching.

Joe Biden has issued twenty four executive orders in his first week in office. You should go read them. Their side is fighting, and by their side I mean our government. You think the Republicans are there to represent you? They are waging war upon us and we are doing nothing. Don’t tell me you are going to vote them out in two years. That ship sailed when they proved they could steal the Presidential election and weren’t punished for it.

I understand that everyone wants peace. Everyone likes peace. So you may think it’s honourable to continue with your pacifist ways. It’s not. The road to peace is not one paved by passivity. Communist and tyrants don’t typically step down because they are ignored. In fact being ignored often fuels them, allowing them to commit atrocities unfettered.

The great men who founded our once great country desired peace. They did not want to fight. But “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” We all know what followed.

Our country has been taken over by the Communists that aim to see us disarmed and unable to protect ourselves. They aim to silence our voices and scare us into submission. They want to control every aspect of our lives and they are using a virus to push their agenda. I will not submit. I will not kneel. I will not kiss the ring of this Deep State. Will you?

I’ve written several times about how I believe the Rule of Law is and has been Dead. None of us have wanted to face the world we thought was coming in the future; now that future is here. There is no Rule of Law in this once great country. The law is whatever they decide it to be at the time of their choosing and it will always favor this Deep State Government. These communists are here. They have stolen our country from us. They are clearly mobilizing now. These communists are true godless murderers, who worship their state, and intend to murder us. There is no negotiating or compromising with them. You can’t compromise with evil.

Violence gave America its independence. Pacifism isn’t just wrong, it’s immoral. Individuals have a moral right to choose not to defend themselves when attacked. They have no right to demand that others commit suicide by proxy.

Tyranny will soon force good men to fulfill a dangerous oath. They don’t realize that by rejecting the Rule of Law, they have set us free. We are independent. We owe them nothing: not respect, not loyalty, not obedience. We Owe Them Nothing!!!

May God have mercy on our country.


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4 years ago

It will take the godless forces of Evil to come knock your door down and drag your wife and daughter out and gang rape them,AND if you have an infant child they will play catch with it tossing it to each other with their bayonets. Then you will realize that all the things that you could have done to prepare and protect your family. We are heading into the worst slaughter of American people and people seem to be in a trance unable to grasp the reality and truth of what is upon us. This Satanic evil is HERE,it is not coming,it is Here. Brother and sister please wake up to the Evil that now controls our land. Call upon The Lord Jesus Christ, AND prepare for the Evil that is coming for you and your family.AND DO IT NOW!!!

Avery Smolensk
4 years ago
Reply to  bob

Since the Communist Media WILL make certain, none of us will EVER find out.
On the OTHER side of that coin, the dozen or so traitors slaughtered by Prepared, angry Americans will NOT be lamented either…Human Rights are a Part of Our Constitution…This means KILLING the Enemy that attacks your Family. Got GUNS? You better have. And WELL hidden as well.
IF YOU attack my FAMILY, and YOU ARE DEAD! Dead as far back as I can kill you…
READ OUR CONSTITUTION! And prepare to die! Traitor Democrats are diseased Cockroaches!

4 years ago

Look how quick things got sideways,now imagine 3months from now.People are even scared to leave a comment on this blog.Its hard to find folks with True Grit,but I imagine we’re all here reading this because we see the writing on the wall.I pray God gives courage to all when the time comes.See y’all in the trenches !!!%

Arthur Sido
4 years ago

The answer isn’t all that complex. Most people on our side don’t even realize what the different sides represent and they are too embedded in the system to do anything. As long as the illusion of peace and stability remains, they won’t do anything. The best we can hope for now is that the ruling class will get overly confident and do something that takes away the illusion. Only when people have nothing left to lose will they do something.

4 years ago
Reply to  Arthur Sido

I think they do understand, they are just afraid. Fear has made them lie to their selves. Like an old woman said in church last week, “If was to stand up, who would raise my children?”. So her fear of doing right, will lead her children into a Godless country with no hope of being more than a slave. So who will her children and grandchildren worship after sending them to the Satan’s, oops I mean the government schools?
People know what is going on inside, they are controlled by fear and look for any excuse and place to hide.

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
4 years ago

Thank You Wes 👍 Everything you wrote… all delusions need to be set aside and the truth needs to be faced head on.

4 years ago

What it will take is a lot more pain.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Yep. 100% attendance at the school of pain.

4 years ago
Reply to  tangle

I am waiting for them to finish eating themselves. Until then it doesn’t seem prudent to get involved — let them thin their own numbers. Agitation seems more useful now, anything that helps them turn on themselves.

4 years ago
Reply to  kkjagca

There has been enough waiting and the have no eaten themselves and we have no gotten any stronger. It is now time to push community and gather like minded people together to support each other in the future.

4 years ago

The communists in ‘government’ can issue whatever Edicts they want, the question is, what do they Do when people refuse to Obey? Vote Fraud, Censorship, all the rest of the Evidence of Corruption has YET to Physically Affect the Lives of ‘most people’, meaning a Majority that becomes Big Enough, and Angry Enough, to become “Kinetic”.
IMO, it won’t be long before the bolsheviks have to start using Force to ‘make people comply’ about things like Gun Ownership and ‘vaccines’. Eventually, (((they))) MUST Initiate Force, or the ‘Program’ stalls from lack of (voluntary) Compliance to these Edicts. When Arrests of “Violent Domestic Extremists” go into the Thousands or higher, ‘the Wrong Person’ gets attacked, and fights back at a Cost to the Regime. Then ‘everything changes’, and Everybody sees the Time for Violence is upon them.
But as long as the Lights are On, Food is in the Grocery Stores. Porn is on the Internet, most of the People who should be Fighting will stay home.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

You are completely correct. Until everyone starts feeling the pain they will be no uprising.

Lori G
Lori G
4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Check out HR 127; it lays out the plan. $ 150,000 fines in some cases so your home is gone, wife and kids on the street, prison sentences of no less than 10 years and up to 40 years for exercising second amendment rights (the ones we took an oath to uphold). Mandatory psychiatric evals and $ 800 per year to gubmint for the privilege of bearing arms. Representative Shiela Jackson Lee from Texas is very clever.
Young men, many of them military vets, will sit in their prison cells reading blogs and complaining in the comments section, or better yet quoting Solzhenitsyn, while their children are put in foster care to learn to be better citizens with acceptable views on sexuality and ‘sharing’, while their wives will beg bread on the street or worse.

4 years ago

You commenters are saying, yeah, no-one’s gonna stand up, because their lives aren’t really affected yet. Well, F that! Are YOU gonna stand up? I see 12 commenters -- how many of YOU are gonna resist? What are YOU doing to affect the system? Are YOU still selling your soul to Facebook? Still giving all your location data away on your smartphone? Still shopping at WalMart? Still wearing masks & social distancing? STAYING HOME FROM CHURCH? Let’s not talk about all those OTHER people, let’s talk about YOU: BUY SILVER, stock up ammo, grow your own food, RUN YOUR BUSINESS, express your views to all the legislators you can get ahold of, (no, that’ll get you on a list!)
And what about violence? Who’s planning violence? Are we all waiting for SOMEONE ELSE to start it? Yeah, we’re all afraid, and NOT SMART ENOUGH to plan it carefully. I hope the people that are, are working on plans! THIS IS A WAR, AND WE ARE LOSING! I don’t have the expertise, maybe you don’t; get together with people who do!
& make plans for when it COMES TO YOUR HOUSE, at least. Where is your final line?
ha, so I was looking for a great page about the usefulness of violence I read -- looks like it was WES already -- 
let me add this from Brandon Smith: 
“It’s not enough to simply say “I won’t submit” when the consequences are minimal. One must be willing to fight back even when the consequences are dire. Being willing to lose everything for what you believe, being willing to possibly die for your values and principles means you are no longer a spectator in history, but an actor that can affect the future. Anything less is not enough to win the war that is coming.”
and also:

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriot389

Face it leaders are needed. First start with where you live..county leaders? Can’t find them…Rowan County still has a Tea Party group unfortunately they like almost all groups aren’t meeting because of China Virus (yes according to Biden’s new definition I’m now a domestic terrorist). I don’t believe this virus is fatal…it’s a weaponized biological weapon. We can’t let the fear of getting it be worse than the disease. I won’t be getting the vaccine either. I don’t want to be traced and tracked for a vaccine that I don’t believe is needed. This virus is to separate, demoralize and seclude us…a psychological weapon (communism).
Until local leaders take a stand to meet, the followers can’t get the direction required to organize effectively. Communication is another missing factor required. Another Rowan County group is the Great American Eagle Society. They aren’t having meetings either because of China Virus!!! They do have a FB page. I’m looking for good alternatives for FB. Dropped Twitter. Posting on FB comments my voting with my wallet and boycotting Kohl’s because they are now “political “ by dropping My Pillow because the founder supported President Trump. Mentioned that because we need to voice and point out where we won’t spend my money. Won’t shop at Walmart either. These are things we can do. As far as legislators who are traitors look at replacing them in your area all but the 10 house representatives. Not sure which senators are traitors..let that be a homework assignment. Write (hand written letters as considered to equal 10,000 voters), text and call all the others in your district and tell them they are on the chopping block! Ladies offer a coffee or tea time to talk with friends and compose letters. Check with local gun clubs/shooting ranges to try and find like people to form small groups. Find neighbors who express concerns. Start small and don’t be pushing your ideas on to them….communicating is a two-way street. All of the above are very doable…and I’m 73. Just be very careful how loud you talk and frequency….underground may be the way of the future for Constitutional people. Remember, you’re not good to anyone if you’re out of the picture.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sharon

great, practical reply. thanks for getting it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriot389

I found the article I was actually thinking of:
clear & strong.

4 years ago

It’s going to require an event, so shocking, as to wake the collective conscience from its slumber. Think Pearl Harbor type shocking. It will be something that strikes at the soul of the people of this (former) nation. It will compel them to act, to sacrifice, to come together. We are in a 4th turning and approaching the crisis point. The event will come, but we won’t be able to see it coming. Once it happens, the social mood will change. Until then, bide your time and continue to hone your skills, build your tribe, learn new skills or refine those you have. Focus on what you will need for survival, not prepping with stuff, though there’s nothing wrong with that either.
Think of it like a major snowstorm coming in. You’ll get little warning and there’s not a damned thing you can do to prevent it. It will happen in its own time.

4 years ago

America has a God given mission to accomplish through the 7 years of tribulation:
Then it be burned to the ground by nukes immediately after the 7 years of tribulation:

4 years ago

Leadership starts with the individual. Why in the fuck are so called “Patriots” still paying taxes? If there is no rule of law, then to whom are you paying said taxes too? No taxation without representation. Did you forget??? It is simple as that. If a person who knows what is “right” and “just” but can’t even fight and take a stand on that single principle alone, then quit yer yappin’ and continue playing amongst the sheep.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

“Violence gave America its independence.”
Is that First and foremost? or Was Yahuah willing? Was He willing and also allowing for the fulfillment of an Birthright promise? That said, this was also a covenant, have we kept our side of the covenant? we- this Nation, we as Individuals?
Watchman give warning. Do watchman also dictate the response? Do watchman dictate the timing? Do watchman more often than naught give warning to a people who do not listen?
i do agree pacifism ‘can’ be wrong.
The “appearance” of pacifism may be just that for those who are blinded by their own thoughts and fears!
An “appearance of sitting idle” is just that, AN APPEARANCE!

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Destruction upon destruction is cried, for all the land is ravaged. Suddenly my tents are ravaged- my curtains in a moment. How long shall I see a banner, and hear the sound of the ram’s horn?
For My people are foolish, they have not known Me. They are stupid children, and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.
From Jeremiah: 4 Do not merely read this nor just the verse provided, study this, ask for gifts of insight and of His wisdom, His guidance.
He may be an Alahim of war yet is that His Will? Is it His will that we do not adhere to His example, His Son? i speak this to a world, a world that is the opposite of the world of His Will.

Jane Doe
Jane Doe
4 years ago

Yes. We need to prepare for battle and get the right people together to execute. I don’t have combat experience. I was a REMF -- intel. But there are many across the country that do have combat, special ops and sniper training/experience. We need them to organize and lead. We have to lay out plans on how we go to battle. I am not willing to participate in an antifa mob like storming nor any hillbilly boogaloo carrying pitforks nor any civil war Gettysburg type slaughter. Going in like these idiots accomplishes nothing and winds up making our situation worse. What these idiots did only caused military presence in DC making our task now more difficult, we’re now all called domestic terrorists, and they are preparing gun restrictions more fervantly than ever. Good job idiots. We have to operate smarter. We can fly small drones with a payload. Anyone who launched model rockets as a kid can build missiles. 75-15-10 Stumpout, Charcoal, garden Sulfur makes good enough rocket fuel. Amount of fuel is generally 10% of the weight of the rocket. Not interested in all out battle. We pick our targets. We know who the targets are. If we took out 5 in NY and 6 in CA we would see a major shift. Just these 11 would be a major accomplishment and a big win for us. It’s just 11 main targets folks. We can do this.

4 years ago

Yup. Violence has ended Tyranny (American Revolution), Slavery (Civil War), Fascism WW 1, WW 2, Kuwait, and Iraq.

Juan Alvarado
Juan Alvarado
4 years ago

Your definitions are a bit off. What we have under the communist democrat regime, is exactly- the rule of law (mob rule)(elite rule)(communism). What is dead is- the rule of CONSTITUTIONAL Law. (Of the people, by the people, for the people).

4 years ago

I don’t post here very often; however, I’d like to post a comment as it relates to this article from Wes.
Had dinner with two friends, father and son. Father is 90 years old, a Patriot. Son is a Patriot as well.
Over dinner we were discussing how we move forward in America. When I stated I would never vote for another Republican dad firmly stated he was in the camp that we must vote no matter what. When I asked dad why I should vote for the people who stabbed President Trump in the back, are stabbing the people they claim to represent in the back, calling us all domestic terrorists, who are doing nothing or did nothing to stop what is happening in America today dad had no answer.
Neither dad nor son understand that it is time to get in the fight. Dad being 90 I can forgive but his views echo what many on our side still believe. That some how, some way we can vote our way out of this. When you point out using evidence that nothing could be further from the truth people just don’t want to accept the facts. Even with using evidence that people agree on they still think voting is the only solution to the problem that faces us all. That all of this is just a temporary aberration. That in 2 to 4 years we will take back the country by voting.
Times are gonna have to get very hard, much harder then they are now before many will wake up to the fact that the war is raging. I pray that people have not waited too long.
It may already be too late. I pray not

4 years ago

Always said the hard core idiots won’t wake up until they’re hungry then they have about 7 days to fix the mess or they’re good and dead. Looks like time about up.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Is it Yahuah’s will to save Babylon?
i know this is difficult, yet this is where we are, we were made for this, Seek His Truth , not ours and not that which only tickles our ears.
we have had 4 years of ear tickling, have we not?
Did we as a Nation humble ourselves? And No, Obama did not seek humility either in the eyes of the Master, he pandered to join evil much as Biden is now doing.
i do not believe we are here to stop what is now well in motion, He commands us to endure to up hold His commandments, to not be silent in the face of evil but to carry on in speaking and serving Him daily, and in praising Him daily.
Can you praise Him throughout these times of pressure ?