How a firefly enzyme that glows might herald the end of the world

By Emerald Robinson (who has been subsequently suspended by Newsmax for writing this article)
As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them…
… One thing is certain: Big Pharma is not standing behind these products. They’re totally experimental and untested and so forth — so why are the world’s governments so hellbent on injecting their citizens with this stuff?
I received a tip regarding some of these ingredients, and so I did what nobody in American corporate journalism does anymore: I checked the primary sources.
Allow me to share my secret and very profound methodology:
1) I went to the MODERNA website.
2) I clicked to the PATENTS page.
3) I found PATENT US 10,703,789
4) I conducted a keyword search for something called: Luciferase.
Such are the complex technical skills which have been lost by corporate journalists.
What’s Luciferase?
Luciferase is an enzyme that can produce bioluminescence. (It can make things glow, basically.) That’s why Luciferase is commonly used in the biomedical industry. It’s used to tag very tiny things like cells or proteins so that you can track them.
It tags things so you can track them.
Was Luciferase listed as an ingredient in the COVID vaccines by Big Pharma? No it was not. (You can check here at the CDC website.) So the next question becomes: why would Big Pharma not disclose that Luciferase is an ingredient in the vaccines – since it’s clearly listed (in at least one patent from one company) as being used?
The reason is rather ominous: Big Pharma has big plans for Luciferase and Big Government has big plans for it too. The U.S. military’s technology arm DARPA is currently fighting with Moderna over the ownership of the COVID vaccine because DARPA has “funded an implantable biochip” that could be used “to deploy” it…
…Under the cover of vaccinating people, we are really preparing to tag and track people. The once free nations of the West are testing a new authoritarian system of total control under the guise of public health. Just look at Australia or New Zealand or Canada or Italy to see how basic civil rights have been suspended indefinitely and a pseudo-medical tyranny has been installed. The Great Reset is being implemented with the lie that it’s all about “protecting your health.” Our military and intelligence agencies are not confronting China — they’re copying China. A totalitarian nightmare is being imported into free countries through surveillance technologies.
You don’t have to be a Christian to understand that such technology will be used to build a global surveillance state. The vaccine mandates have already led to vaccine passports. The vaccine passports are basically QR codes to track you by connecting to your smartphone. This will inevitably lead very soon to biometric ID embedded into your body. You won’t be able to enter restaurants or buy groceries or go to work without it. As the Bible says: no one will be able to buy or sell anything except those that have the mark. You will know the mark by its name, which is the name of the beast: the enemy of all mankind who, before he fell, was an angel of light named Lucifer. That’s why “Luciferase” should send a chill down your spine.
“Read the last book of the New Testament to see how this ends.”
You have been warned.
Read the entire article here. Do it now.
So, most of this information we have actually known for many many months. Why this is different is that a respected, dogged journalist, who does actual journalism for an established and well-known publication, Newsmax, reported it. Unfortunately even Newsmax has bowed to the globalists and suspended her for telling the truth. Don’t let her reporting be in vain, folks. More and more people are seeing the light every day.
This article is misleading. It shows how our lack of scientific education can be used to misguide us. I suggest people start with learning how enzymes work on their targeted proteins.
Apologies, I’m not understanding how the article is misleading. Granted, I do not have an education about enzymes and molecular biology in general, and the article does offer some conjecture about why Luciferase is being used but not disclosed. I would be grateful if you have a moment to explain what was misleading. In the meantime, I also discovered an interesting educational video on the uses of Luciferase in research, which is to tag and track cells and proteins, which is what the author of the article also indicated…
I’m also curious as to why you think it’s misleading.
EDIT: re-phrased to make more sense.
Is there a way to check repsonses to my comments, without going through each email? Sorry, i haven’t found the replies area, or button on Android if there is one..
Thanks D
So I am trying to learn more about this. There is an interesting discussion on GAB about this… author of the post thinks Emerald Robinson is wrong in her conclusions as well, but does question why luciferase would be used in the “vaccine” -- hopefully is gets people asking some questions:
Crazy! I learned about this a few months back, as i was asking my wife “what happened to all the glow bugs/ lightning bugs?”
I told her i used to see them all Over Southeast. Now, i never see them.
When i looked into, i found out about luceferin.
I was thinking though, I wonder why scientists haven’t used these bugs for electricity studies or whatever…well, apparently they are using them, not as a possible “free power” solution though.
Luceferin….Definitely is scary thought, need a trusted scientist to research this is my opinion.
Glad someone else noticed it
Interesting name. seems to have Lucifer as its root. Lucifer is is our interpretation of Hayleil.- Sorry their is no really good way to spell that in English -- but the name means light bearer .interesting to say the least.
Didn’t Karen Kingston go into all of the patents and do a deep dive?
Seems that was not the only ingredient not listed in the patents, but was in an addendum.