What Is Obama’s Endgame by Dividing the Nation?

Our nation has never been more divided. And the divisive rhetoric never stops as the pResident proved again today. What is wrong with the simple concept that the United States was once the world’s superpower due to the fact the we were UNITED? Actually that is what is wrong in the pResident’s mind: he must destroy the country for its past sins. And the only way to do this is to divide us from within.

And once againm, Obama played the race card to divide us. Never mind that his ancestor’s on his mother’s side owned slaves.

None of my ancestor’s owned slaves but he expects me (and the country) to pay for the sins of the nation as perceived by him. But this is all misdirection on his part: we must realize that Obama has an endgame. We may speculate on what it is but the fact is that this nation will not survive much longer unless at some of the leadership in Congress stands up against tyranny.

How’s that transformation of America working for us?

David DeGerolamo


Obama: ‘We’re the Slaves Who Built the White House’

“We’re the slaves who built the White House and the economy of the South. We’re the ranch hands and cowboys who opened up the West, and countless laborers who laid rail, and raised skyscrapers, and organized for workers’ rights.


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9 years ago

The people are getting the government they deserve while most of us
will pay the price………..

9 years ago

The race card, the 2nd amendment card, the ISIS creation, the allowed destruction of our poorer cities, the amnesty provisions for illegals, the destruction of Judao-Christian core commandment foundations regarding marriage, adultery, biblical family structure and abortion, homosexuality, and marijuana , promoting 50 shades of perversion, including drugs and drunkenness and multiple partner relationships and families, ALL of these are from our Obama administrations works, ALL divisive diversions encouraged to fragment, dull and stupify the brains and to cause massive confusion to the entire nation. It has been most successful. Those that were weak to begin with, have now become mushminded. Those that are not motivated to strive for autonomy, have fallen into the circuits of mass confusion. That is why we as a nation of people today are so divided.
The only way out of this evil veil of confusion, is to return to the basis for each of our LIFE.

9 years ago

Prior to 1600, most sought out God for how one should live. In the age of enlightenment, man sought to reason amongst themselves how one should live. This era known as the Modern Era. Post Modern thought has proposed that one should live according to the dictates of one’s own heart. And that all should respect and be nonjudgmental of how others live. Obama’s endgame is not to divide but to bring about a culture where everyone will never judge one another. Sub cultures will be taught that all are worthy of coexistence. This is where the One World Government establishes it’s control over the masses.

9 years ago

To continue:

The Enlightenment brought about democide. Through man’s pursuit of reason, absent the absolute truth of Scriptures, man’s wisdom enabled man to lord over man to his own hurt. And now Post Modern thought will promise peace, but produce even greater death and destruction. And only then will man call out to God once again.

9 years ago


Would someone remind the Dodo duck that its’ herd mate was caught on camera (Infidel tech) buying a slave, thanx!

9 years ago

Obama has no interest in anything other than destroying our country as founded. We were too sucessful, too Christian, and damn sute too White, He is well on his way to “fixing” that and the GOP is gracious enough to fund it all with our money.

9 years ago
Reply to  Mark

some of the Controlled talkers(Limbaugh, Coulter) are coming out
of the closet and are blasting the Republicans for selling out -- --

btw -- Barry is just a figurehead in a pair of shoes….he has plenty
of support in the destruction of the USA..

The Courts have become Sovietized…
Industry moved off shore..

Healthcare has been hijacked and YOUR GUNS
could be the Final Nail

9 years ago
Reply to  Rich

For years I have been warning people that we can survive higher taxes, more fees, more government, etc. etc. etc. for the simple reason that it can be undone, that is NOT true of amnesty. With what is likely at least 30 million third world people flooding this country and no end it sight, whatever is left of our republic will be quickly killed off.

In my opinion the goal now is how to establish a new country based on the republic that has had it’s heart cut out as a political sacrifice to the false gods of politics. If we are unable or unwilling to establish a land where we and our children can enjoy liberty and self government they rest assured we and they will live under ever increasing chains of tyranny.

9 years ago

He doesn’t look that old. I would like to see his real birth certificate, to see if he was born prior to the building of the Whitehouse….