What is Putin Waiting For?

I pray everyday for an EMP

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11 months ago

Not sure an EMP is what we should ask GOD to put in place. A meteor into Dystopia Central -- DC maybe, but not something that will kill off 90% in three months ! And possibly invite clear invasion by CCP forces to join those here that survive the EMP.
But I certainly do understand your point of view and the need to get on with creating freedom in this land, again.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
11 months ago

I don’t believe anyone in the USA really knows the truth about Navalny, other than it is a propaganda ploy. Whatever Biden claims is the exact opposite.
No more money for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, etc., we have our own country to take care of first and foremost.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago

too late. over $90+ billion passed both houses!

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
11 months ago

I’m sorry but I gotta push back on that prayer. I don’t want to see 90% of our population dead after an emp. There is no recovery or rebuild from that.
I also don’t want foreign militaries coming in, carving up the remains, enslaving and murdering the rest of us

11 months ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Allow me to place my order for Balkanization, then. Our country is not anymore a nation; we are too disparate--too DIVERSE--and less than half of our population knows what it means to BE American. The America of my childhood is dead & rotting but not yet buried.
I’ll do commerce with a Blue state. But I won’t live in one!

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

#freejeremybrown and the rest of the political prisoners, how many deaths are you guilty of pedo joe? I get the prayer and it’s meaning I think, seeing how we are a weak, cowardly nation and have ignored our duty to God, family and country, we surely deserve everything that is happening to us.

11 months ago

This is absolutely insane. Surreal. I’m not sure what disturbs me more. The rambling old sack or that people are playing along.

Not sure about an emp but certainly hinting toward some significant impairment/destruction of internet/comms/data infrastructure, i.e. “cyberattack”, that just might happen to be disproportionate to areas of badthink that would be pinned on Russia but originate from a self-storage facility owned by an Oligarch friend of pootins in Maryland coincidentally right down the street from Ft Meade.

11 months ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

Or Sir Lawrence a False Flag attack to “rally the People around the FLAG” like Gulf of Tonkin and such.

Russia’s style so far isn’t subtle. They wouldn’t do a puny single attack somewhere unimportant to enrage the American People. It would be a massive attack if Russia did it.

As I posted below, Putin knows we are self destructing, he’s outwaited how many provocations like destroying the Russian-German pipeline, and many more.

Now if he crippled up the national EBT card system THAT might be the trigger to get our Gimmie Dats rolling and “Mostly Peacefully but flaming Protests” across our country.

Before we cheer about that, look at the maps. Notice how well over 85% of our highways, natural gas pipelines, grid power transmissions and fiberoptic communications (cell phones etc.) run through those Blue cities.

We all will get troubles from that situation. How many heart meds, diabetics do you know? They most likely have less than 30 days meds on hand.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Yes my comment was alluding to the false flag nature. The cyber attack narrative has been running in the background for a while.
China, Iran, and Russia always the badguys. Even though before russia russia russia it was well known that Ukraine was a hotbed for actual bad-actor hacker groups that were pulling all kinds of ransomware and corporate and political espionage. Basically for hire and for their own benefit.
But given we are also among the foremost in cyber shenanigans right here at home, it would take very little to pull a 9/11 cyber version utilizing existing NSA/CIA assets or even facilitating an external attack by throttling it and directing it according to the cabals plans.

11 months ago

Honestly folks, think about it.

Despite a meat sack puppet for a “leader”. a mostly dysfunctional CONgress (spelling intentional) and a mostly 3rd world Military proven by Goat Herders chasing us out of Afghanistan, LOSING the Ukraine Proxy War despite all of NATO and America dumping in over 4X the Russians Military BUDGET and a puny Hothi “Nation” driving our navy crazy and soon OUT OF Anti-Missile ammo-missiles.

WE Still have Crazies ARMED with Nuclear Weapons.

Putin LOVES Russia and her people. Putin doesn’t want to get Russia NUKED. He knows we are Self Destructing and all He and China needs to do is wait until our “Diversity” turns into “Mostly Peaceful but Flaming Protests” IN EVERY BLUE City.

If we want our Leadership changed, don’t wait for Putin to do the deed.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
11 months ago

Amazing how this shit always happen before Putin is running for office in Russia. Skripal Lituenko[sp] Polonium poisoning and Novichok nerve gas. All the dead folks were “friends” of Mi-6. Co-winkydinks sure are funny things.

11 months ago

Geezzzzz! I thought he was talking about the Biden administration corruption violence and brutal…….then I realized it was biden talking….

11 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

………Yeah, I’ll go for EMP incoming for $200…just not from the Putin but closer to home probably…it’s all projection any more as in zidens speech above..

David Bovender
David Bovender
11 months ago

Unbelievable. That POS is in DC where the prisons are full of American patriots. Free the J6 before casting stones. What a fucking asshole.

11 months ago

My prayers for all the troops lost in Russia and Ukraine. Prayers for Gonzalo. Memory eternal for the troops left behind in Afghanistan. The US is failing fast. All it has left to its credit is a fake stock market and bombs and missiles produced by the military contractors. Prayers for Palestine and all the Jewish people brainwashed by its government.
Prayers for all the people. ✝️

joe tentpeg
joe tentpeg
11 months ago
Reply to  Jane


Very telling.

Nary a peep from the Global Fake News Complex on Lira’s death.

11 months ago
Reply to  joe tentpeg

Yup. Very telling.

11 months ago

What is Putin Waiting For? Legally, protected, justification (no matter how small) under the Geneva Convention. Unlike the West; Israel included; the rest of the world believes in operating within the law and playing on a fair and even ball field. Netanyahu is currently learning the consequences of working outside of the law. The fact that the coming, complete destruction of Israel will provide a most positive benefit for humanity; still doesn’t justify his lawlessness. A better question would be; what is America waiting for? They created this whole mess; all on there own.

11 months ago

Trust me the LORD will decide the time and method to deliver the overdue justice to our depraved nation and we HE does not a one of us on this blog will enjoy it….please be careful what you pray for. I believe Lot’s last request was to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if he could find ten good people -- they fell short.

11 months ago

Any EMP attack will be done by the sleaze in our govt against us. They always tell us it will be incoming from Russia, China or enemy of the day because they think we are that stupid. Unfortunately most are, as seen in the covid debacle. I was told about a covid like event by a very credible source in 2012. I have been told about an EMP event for 5 years. Just waiting. Does anybody think it’s a coincidence that this EMP threat from Russia was announced the day after Chuck Schumer got the bi partisan Aid passed for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.? with the help of the biggest crooks in the country who just happen to be senators?And our border is wide open?
How do you think the 10 million illegal gangsters will react when they run out of food and freebies?
Do you think anyone in the government will help any of us? I predict they will help us by passing more patriot act laws, but leave the border wide open.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago

Navalny, was a British backed Ukrainian spy and was imprisoned for trying to instigate a coup against Putin, If Putin was so against this man to kill him, why not kill him at the time of apprehension. All told to us in this speech was US propaganda. I would wager that he likely died as a result of perhaps torture and most certainly poor treatment, similar to the incarceration and death of American journalist Gonzalo Lira in the Ukrainian prison.

11 months ago
Reply to  kal kal

Kal Kal you might wander over to Western Rifle Shooters and scroll down a bit.

Seems more than a few solid sites have discussed how this sort of event occurs just before EVERY General Election to discredit Putin.

Discusses the very British connection each time proven.

11 months ago

Gonzalo Lira, an AMERICAN citizen died in a Ukrainian prison at the hand of the little actor/poser using his dick to play a piano Zelensky, not a word from brandon! GZ was trying to escape Ukraine and was nabbed 5 Km from the border. He posted a vid about it when he was so close to freedom, saying he would either make it, or die in a Ukrainian jail.