What Is Really Happening in WNC

h/t Jan

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4 months ago

Bio-remediation of radiological contamination?

I am a nuclear engineer. I would love for someone to (try to) tell me how a biological process will change the nuclear properties of an atom and make it not radioactive. That would be fun.

Also interested to hear how spent fuel is being transported or stored in 55 gallon drums. Loe level waste (radwaste anti-contam clothing, etc) goes into drums, not fuel.

Sorry, guy might be doing great wotk, but he has no credibility after those ststements.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
4 months ago
Reply to  Swrichmond

Paul Stamets has participated in trials to clean up radioactive sites using fungi and in those trials delivered the best performance of the techniques trialed. I’ve attended his talks several times in the past and he is very credible. What the presenter in the video got wrong was in saying the permaculture technique alluded to, makes the material non-radioactive. It does not. What it does do is that the fungi binds to the radioactive material so it is less biochemically reactive and it can be concentrated through several steps to very significantly reduce the volume the material occupies, so the dangerous material can be removed using in situ processes that avoids scraping and transporting untenable VOLUMES of radioactive waste. It’s been 10 years or more since I attended those lectures -- but rather than totally discount bio remediation, you might go research his work. A quick google search out turned this proposal for tackling the Fukushima site. I’m sure there is a wealth of material out there for review. https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/implement-paul-stamets

4 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

Thank you for clarification. Your explanation is somewhat plausible. No biological process can reduce total radioactivity. One of the speakers implied it did, and the other stated that fuel waste was being kept in 55 gallon drums. Fuel waste is kept under water in a spent fuel pool, and later after many years it is placed in specially constructed dry casks designed for longterm durability, usually onsite at the station. Spent fuel is incredibly awful stuff and couldn’t be handled in drums.
Radioactive atoms can be bound chemically.to make them less likely to be ingested, carried airborne, etc. But the underlying atoms are still just as radioactive as they were.

4 months ago
Reply to  Swrichmond

Also thought I would weigh in with this paper:
Basicly the idea is that biological elements can change solubility or other physical properties to help separate the radionuclides more easily.

The continued silliness of controlling hurricanes is absurd. It isn’t really all that complicated, mass transport (gas & a bit of liquid) occurs by moving from a high pressure area to a low pressure area. To get the eye of a hurricane to move, one would need to create a pressure gradient such that it is lower in the direction you want the storm to move. The problem is the magnitude of energy involved! Look up research about the amount of energy being dissipated in a hurricane, you simply could not come up with enough energy, much less deploy it in a manner to redirect the storm.

However, my biggest issue is with his aberrant theology. Early on he talks of The Father taking on flesh … what?? This is heretical teaching. Sorry but I do believe theology matters! I assume he also believes that the Father suffered on the Cross, which is the heresy of Patripassionism.

On a more positive note, I have received my temp emergency medical license so I will be linking up with Mollie James & her crew at the Avery County Airport. If you haven’t hear her story, check out her interview on ‘Coffee & a Mike” https://coffeeandamike.com/dr-mollie-james-959/

My schedule is going to allow me to serve roughly half-time going forward. I am trying to find some sort of 4 seasons camper -- trying to figure out how to swing such a purchase, but something will work out.

4 months ago
Reply to  ApoloDoc

If I was in your AO I would just let you borrow mine Brother…

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
4 months ago
4 months ago

Notice the lack of screaming “conspiracy theory!!” by the MSM?
They aren’t trying to refute weather as a weapon at all; all these patents and programs were surprisingly easy to uncover.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a surprise. Undeniably, after the fact, the United States had revealed it had a superweapon. No further announcement was necessary.

I think that’s what’s happening here- they dropped the mask, they don’t think they need it anymore. By letting their agenda be so obvious, they are unveiling a superweapon.


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