The color wheel is the symbol for 2030 Agenda which comprises of its 17 ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ that were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, which it aims to promote across a variety of global actors such as governments, corporations and society etc.
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They keep it no secret no more, striving for One World Order…..But God Will Upset Their Plans….As Always.
While I agree with your statement -- “But God will upset their plans,” it should be noted that He will do so only after the world suffers immeasurably. Until then……..
and why should they bother keeping it secret? Elections are theater and the populace is asleep.
It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. -- Joseph Stalin
Might as well call it the “New Fascist Order”.
……”God Helps those Who Help Themselves”.…
And they are….helpin themselves.
ya know that passage doesn’t appear in scripture, sounds good, but not there.
It’s a bullseye, aim small miss small.
17 you say, that is odd.
Cognate: 17 agathopoiós (a substantival adjective, derived from 15 /agathopoiéō, “doing what is intrinsically good”) – properly, one who does what is inherently good, i.e. what originates from God and is empowered by Him (used only in 1 Pet 2:14). See 18 (agathos).
Also, notice the shape and colors. Reminds me of the sun.
This is the political beast by all accounts. Sorting out who is truly on their side is a challenge.
Focusing on Yah’s Word through the Son is what guides me every day. He is come. we do not need to wait. He has been waiting on us.
On the rare occasions when I watch a TV news segment, I look at the lapel pins. One can learn a bit doing so. Most folks like to flout their stance with a bumper sticker or lapel pin. I gave up on Hannity when he continued to apologize for RHINO Republicans, but then one evening he showed up wearing a CIA lapel pin. Gee … was I surprised.
Used to listen to Hannity quite a bit. He loves himself far to much for my taste.
Seek out the videos, Bush 1 and 2, Cheney and the director of the CIA have all stated on national news, “If you work in major media, you are bought and paid for by the CIA”. It’s out there, I remember seeing each of them .
what is that lapel pin you ask? That is the mark of the minions of the beast.