In July 2020, President Donald J. Trump’s “Space Force” placed 4 top-secret satellites into orbit from Virginia.
This enabled the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) the United States agency responsible for operating spy satellites, to transfer top secret payloads and technology into space.
It also gave President Trump unprecedented ability to gather intelligence with no to little interference from foreign entities and from various powers within the U.S.
Some of this intelligence could be used to track all facets of the upcoming November elections.
“This was so secret, even Vice President Pence didn’t know,” a military connected source informed me. “Russia had satellites chasing one of ours staying within 100 miles on its trail. Looking back, we now understand why Pence wasn’t in the loop for the most top secret activities.”
Through various sources, including seven of our readers (who likely don’t know each other because they live in five different states), there is a good deal of “chatter” about a process called Devolution.
I saw a reference to Devolution Theory in a comment by Malachi and found the above information. If this was a reality, don’t you think they would have implemented it by now? I know things can get worse but this country needs a fork stuck into it because it is done.
David DeGerolamo
Cliff High has been promoting this as well. I like Clif, but like Mike Lindell, he is being pumped phony balony plastic banna good time rock and roller jankum
Devolution reeks of hopium and Q 2.0
Seems the cure to a commie coup is a military coup?
no thanks.
Is the massive amount of death and suffering (affy and vaxxy) also part of Trumps plan to be re-instated?
doesn’t pass the smell test.
Apparently the lady “Janet Woodcock” is being put in ACTING head of FDA to get it all approved by FDA.
“Woodcock defended the FDA’s opioid approval process, stating that “although higher total daily dosages were associated with fatal outcomes, it cannot be concluded that the higher total daily dosages are causally associated with fatalities given the other variables have not been measured … there is no maximum dose for opioids.”
When OxyContin was approved for children 11 – 16 — under Woodcock’s watch — the FDA’s own advisory committee was not consulted:
As acting commissioner, Woodcock is now focusing on vaccines for COVID-19, but past conflicts of interest raise questions about her suitability for that role”
I have serious reservations regarding this. Sounds a lot like Q and Simon Parkes both of whom kept everyone in line -- waiting peacefully -- without firing a shot. PsyOp is my opinion. Meanwhile, America is going down the drain.
Repeat after me, no one is coming to save us. God helps those that help themselves.
makes no difference who is captain of the ship if the ship is sinking.
the giant bloated unConstitutional feral (as well as states and most local) gummints that are tyrannical because we allow them to be.
Keep up the morale while we’re taking away your guns and ammo ? Back in the late 60’s , early 70’s I smoked so much reefer I couldn’t get high anymore . I gave it up and found out life is better without it . Same thing here with Hopium . I can’t get off ! I gave it up . Nobody is coming to save us ! It’s we the people or the boxcar .
Q?? Is that you?????
I am willing to allow hopium to continue to exist until the end of October. If ‘devolution’ has not occurred by then, we should all admit the whole thing was BS. In the meantime, I prep, pray, and hope.
yeah, “sources” always leak TS-SCI SAP level info and walk freely among us like ninjas and arent wearing orange jumpsuits in federal prison.
NRO has the highest classifications. Yall are killing me.
This is a horseshit article. Reminds me of Qanon.
You obviously did not read the entire post.
People just need to calm down and realize we get presented info and opinions here, FOR FREE.. There is no reason to get mad if don’t agree on some parts of articles. This is FAR from a Q anaon feed bud. We are on same team brother!! UNLESS you’re trolling, than not near my team!
We all need to start acting more like a team to be honest. Look at other countries, laughing at USA! This is not who we are.. the clowns..nah
Let’s focus on the true enemies and use that anger in their forums or vids instead if feel the need. Call what part is BS, if read whole thing correctly man.
Cliff High speaks on devolution…
Trump said in recent Alabama rally that (paraphrased) There was going to be some tough times ahead but that it would be Ending. That said I disagree with Trump’s Vax promotion. If there is a “Devolution” I can see it as a pogrom to avoid a hot CW, but if the Deep State take over continues much longer it’s going to go hot in a last ditch stand. Timing is a hair trigger maneuver, and I’m not totally convinced this Dev thing isn’t CiA Hopum, but there are interesting bread crumb droppings. CYA and Plan B is all I can know for certain.