What is the purpose of the 10th Special Forces Group?

I asked Grok the question posed in the title since the Las Vegas bomber was an active member of the 10th Special Forces on leave from his posting in Germany.

The 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (10th SFG (A)) is one of the United States Army’s Special Forces units with a multifaceted purpose, deeply rooted in its history and designed to fulfill various roles within the military’s special operations capabilities. Here’s an overview of its key purposes:

  • Unconventional Warfare (UW): Initially, and perhaps most fundamentally, the 10th SFG was established to conduct unconventional warfare, particularly in the context of a potential Soviet invasion of Europe during the Cold War. This involves leading and training guerrilla forces behind enemy lines to disrupt operations, conduct sabotage, and support resistance movements.
  • Foreign Internal Defense (FID): The group is tasked with assisting and training allied or partner nations’ military forces in counter-guerrilla activities, enhancing their capabilities to defend against internal threats, and building sustainable military structures that align with U.S. strategic interests.
  • Direct Action (DA): This includes short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions, like raids, ambushes, or precision destruction, targeting enemy forces or infrastructure.
  • Counterinsurgency (COIN): The 10th SFG can be involved in operations to combat insurgent groups, focusing on both the military and the socio-political aspects of countering these threats.
  • Special Reconnaissance (SR): Gathering intelligence through reconnaissance and surveillance in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments.
  • Counterterrorism (CT): Specifically targeting terrorist organizations or cells, preventing attacks, and neutralizing threats.
  • Information Operations (IO): Influencing, disrupting, corrupting, or usurping adversarial human and automated decision-making while protecting their own.
  • Counterproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD): Operations aimed at preventing the spread of WMD, including chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons, through detection, interdiction, and destruction.
  • Security Force Assistance (SFA): Helping to organize, train, equip, rebuild, and advise foreign security forces, often in the context of broader stability operations.

The 10th SFG (A) is responsible for operations within the U.S. European Command (EUCOM) area of responsibility and since 2009, also within the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) AOR. This strategic focus allows the group to specialize in European languages and cultural nuances, which aids in operations with allied forces in Europe and North Africa.

The group’s history, from its beginnings in 1952 to its current roles, showcases a commitment to readiness for a wide range of missions, from training allied forces to direct combat roles, all while maintaining a high level of physical fitness, operational readiness, and cultural adaptability.

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Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
2 months ago

Gone rogue?….or part of the psyop distraction?

2 months ago
Reply to  Diva of Dance

Interesting you say that. Elon Musk noted that cybertruck contained a lot of the force of the explosion. An SF with a specialty in demolition might well know that.

kal kal
kal kal
2 months ago
Reply to  formwiz


Skip Fanning
Skip Fanning
2 months ago

Well, the 10th. Dear Old Dad was Original Manifest in ’52. I spent three years in and about Tolz as a kid. “Don’t believe everything you read in the newspapers” he said around 1955 when were were fighting over who got the Stars and Stripes first. He stayed in until ’75….. Never said a word ! . ………Son of D9-L

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
2 months ago

I wonder what the Founders would think of such a “standing military force” such as this one?

2 months ago

Gorham’s or Rogers’ (or the Texas, for that matter) Rangers ring a bell?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 months ago

Who else here wants to invest in a rope factory?

2 months ago

Quantity of active duty? Are they jabbed, boosted and masked? Will their commander have sufficiently completed the requisite DEI training? Of those aforementioned G.I.’s; how many will willingly kill their fellow countrymen who believe and are fighting for the true meaning of a constitutionally directed democratic republic? Things have changed since 2020.

2 months ago
Reply to  AJR973

It goes back years before 2020. During the Clinton oligarchy, a USN Officer doing “research” conducted a poll among Marines stationed at the Twenty-Nine Palms base. He asked if they would be willing, under orders, to kick in American front doors to confiscate privately-owned firearms.
Well, the word got out and the yoghurt hit the fan. The blowback and firestorm behind this thinly veiled power grab was one of the reasons the Dead Elephant Party under Commissar Gingrich gained control of Congress during the mid-term elections of Billary’s first term.
I have posted on this site some time ago about my encounter with two Idaho NG soldiers who were sent back to Mordor-On-The-Potomac for the 2020 Inauguration. They could not wait to go back again to: “…make more money.” I am highly suspect, based on my years as a Peace Officer and a soldier, active and reserve, on the mindset prevalent among the .mil and police forces today. I make it a point to STFU, watch, listen, and plan. I recommend that to everyone I talk to. Bleib ubrig.

2 months ago

Aye. Sad but true. And it doesn’t take all of them to do damage. PENSION and following orders will puff lots of chests. Careful is the watchword indeed.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
2 months ago

Was the guy in the self driving Tesla even alive when the truck parked itself in front of Trump Tower?

2 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

That’s actually an excellent question. Brought to you by the same people that shot up a concert from a hotel window. That guy was dead before the shots started too. Hell, it’s even in the same town.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
2 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

The alleged actions of the man reported to be the driver of the truck bomb in Las Vegas are the exact opposite of the man’s service record, his family’s description of him and his reported support for Trump. So what is going on? Did he just lose his grip, or given his position within the military, was he a victim of an MK Ultra 2.0 program?

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
2 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

Guy got wasted while working off the books in the ‘krain, sent home in a box and put on ice. Then they needed a body to stuff in the cybertruck, and his was conveniently available. Burned beyond recognition, but conveniently his MIL ID and passport were unscathed enough to be perfectly legible.

Clearly the glowies who put this op together wanted to make sure his identity was quickly and easily established, so multiple forms of ID were present in the vehicle with him. Because one would always carry multiple ID’s when going on a suicide mission.

Note the cybertruck has self driving capability, so no problem putting a stiff in the drivers seat some short distance away and then dispatching it to it’s destination unattended. The quality of this sideshow (or rather the lack thereof) would be almost laughable, except that it is truly insulting to the intelligence of anyone who can actually think.

Known Associate
Known Associate
2 months ago
Reply to  Big Ruckus D

BINGO Brother. Short version of my comment above. BLINDING GLOWIE…

kal kal
kal kal
2 months ago

AH ha, the kitten climbing out of the bag, but what about the 13 guys in Kursk from the 75th last year? one addition, DNA, got a body, got DNA, got a DoD file, got DNA.

Last edited 2 months ago by kal kal
Known Associate
Known Associate
2 months ago

The one thing that is missing is the part where the authorities maintain that positive ID of the Cybertruck bomber may never be possible due to inferno and DESERT EAGLE suicide gun of likely .50 CAL to vaporize the skull/face. They have produced a pile of physical evidence, including Driver License, military photo ID, and now a manifesto pulled from a cellphone.

Plus non-identifying video from some random Tesla charging station that shows neither face nor vehicle.

Well, that is pretty solid for the layperson, although all of that could have been recovered from ANY death scene of the ALLEGED driver. Since this fellow was a highly skilled and trained specops guy that has been INCOUNTRY UKR since 2016, according to mil records, it begs the question: did he get wiped in a RUS strike recently and vaporized? Along with many other uniforms of Western .mil?

What a resource for “events”, one might suggest.

OK back to the missing part… DNA.

Of course it is possible to positively ID ANY military operator unless they have been completely vaporized. There WILL BE some DNA that can be recovered and .MIL has a reference sample from EVERY soldier.

NOT holding breath…

Musk is sitting on the other pile of positive data. Cybertruck driver cam video, plus all trip data, not just the physical path.

Just an old molecular biologist here, asking the important questions.