What Is to Be Done?


The black hole of depravity known as Hunter Biden’s Laptop dilates ever wider as the rickety “Joe Biden” regime chugs towards its event horizon of disgrace and collapse, throwing off the jetsam of our nation’s remnant honor in its toxic vapor trail. The memos and emails on the device could not be clearer: “Joe Biden” and his grifting family sold out their country.

The mentally incompetent husk of a crooked old pol is owned by every foreign interest in his decaying orbit, and owned as well by the foul and perfidious “intel” mafia lodged like a cancerous mass eating away at what used to be known as the American government. Face it: this false “president,” installed by malignant forces allied with his Party of Chaos, is a menace to our nation.

The Russian clean-up of Ukraine has exposed the operational base of the Biden Family’s flagrant crimes. The laptop confirms that Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca front company invested in the chain of bio-weapons labs set up by the CIA and Department of Defense and operated through their front company Metabiota, with tendrils reaching to the Wuhan, China, virology lab that was the most likely point-of-origin for SARS-CoV-2, a.k.a. Covid-19.

Money money money everywhere along the trail for the Biden Family, fees-for-service from the crooked Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, chairman of Burisma, the gas company that provided walking-around money for Hunter’s insatiable drug habit and degenerate sexual adventures… more millions from shady sources in Russia… and then billions more from the board rooms of Chinese companies connected with the intel and military arms of the CCP.

If the American public had known of these entanglements, Joe Biden would certainly not have been the beneficiary of the engineered balloting irregularities that determined the 2020 election. But the public, still reeling from the mindfuckery of Covid 19, was left ignorant through the combined operations of the CIA’s captured social networks along with a tractable legacy news media.

Of course, the FBI had Hunter’s laptop in its possession in January of 2020. How is it possible that the device and all its incriminating contents were withheld as evidence in the momentous impeachment trial of Donald Trump which, after all, was instigated by Mr. Trump’s inquiring phone call about those very matters involving the Bidens and Mykola Zlochevsky? Answer: Because the FBI was already rattled by the unravelling truth about its seditious role in the RussiaGate folly, and the agency was wholly invested in the removal of Mr. Trump before top agency officials found themselves in grand juries — federal crimes on top of federal crimes by federal officials. How do we stand for that?


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Putin would have already been sending nukes are way if not for his Christian belief. He has more compassion for the American people than our own illegitimate regime. This is where we find ourselves today in America, sad state of affairs is it not. They all need to swing from every lamp post and tree available. We need to act as if our very lives depend on it because they do. Guerilla warfare is what is called for every man an army unto himself.

2 years ago

Now that the damning laptops from hunter have been entered into the Congressional Record, it is high time the bidum family’s criminal cartel in Ukraine (along with obummer and keary + others) and his entire administration to be brought before a court of the people, NOT THE FU*KIN’ CORRUPT DOJ. Every jester in the court must be held accountable for selling out our Republic!

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

Does anyone else that there were/are some Democrats who did not know the extent of the Furer’s skin in the game? I believe Joe made inside enemies on this one. It’s actually very sad the party allowed him to pick such a dimwitted sell out as VP otherwise the USA would have probably experienced a regime change.