What No One Is Talking About

I wrote an article two years ago concerning the 2020 election based on the following ruling:

Fraud vitiates every thing, and a judgment equally with a contract; that is, a judgment obtained directly by fraud, and not merely a judgment founded on a fraudulent instrument; for, in general, the court will not go again into the merits of an action for the purpose of detecting and annulling the fraud.

That article concerned election fraud in Arizona and Georgia. The fraud outlined in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan has been documented. The protests at the Capitol on January 6th were nothing more than the people asking for a delay in the certification of Joe Biden until an investigation into voter fraud was made.

It does not matter who won the Presidential election in 2020. Whether Biden or Trump was elected, the election is void because FRAUD VITIATES THE ELECTION. Which is what the people at the “insurrection” were stating. The solution under the Constitution and law of the United States would have been to have new elections with real monitors at the polls.

But here we are under the control of tyrants who are hellbent on destroying the country and killing its people. I know that they have no fear of God. I know that they have no fear of the people whom they thought would attack Washington, D.C. when Biden was certified. They believe that we have accepted their chains, propaganda, agenda and wars. I am not concerned what “they” believe”. I am concerned what the Lord believes and how He will direct His anger. “Lord, pick me” should be every Christian’s rallying cry against this evil.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Dear Lord , Please pick me,I know you built me for this very time and moment in history.Lord I know you hate cowards just as much as politicians,just pick me.

1 year ago

No consequences for her actions. Until we start holding these public POS accountable nothing will change.

1 year ago

Get ready for fireworks. This is terrible.
What will our corrupt Congress say?

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

What will our their corrupt Congress say? Cue Greta Thunberg… you know the quote.

1 year ago
Reply to  Daniel K Day

New Year is coming soon. Hang tight!

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane


1 year ago
Reply to  kal kal

Yup. Congress is owned.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

What will our corrupt Congress say? They will say this; “I know, let’s have another investigation. That will show the people that we really mean business this time!”

When criminals investigate criminals, nothing ever changes.

1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Your right. Their investigations are a way to keep the sheeple quiet. I don’t pay attention to them anymore. They are all fakes. Every one of them.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

Spot on David, the 2020 elections are null and void and bumbling, tumbling joey ain’t the president. He’s just an embarrassment to the country.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Gideon picked the men who cast off all their armor prior to drinking the cool water. Those men will be our leaders, fighters for the Lord. How many of us would just lay down and lap like thirsty dogs?

1 year ago

Read Leviticus 18: 19-30. Then you will know where the USA stands with God.

1 year ago

Sooner or later, the people are going to have to recall their delegated powers and do what must to be done. Justice demands it.

I’m patiently waiting.

1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Strider…the People are too dumbed down and busy on their phones to do anything requiring critical thought! You realize the people on this sight and others of similar persuasion only constitute 1-2% of the population…the remaining 98% Dont Give a Sh-t! Only when the banks close, EBT cards stop working, cant afford food or Cell phones stop working will the populace do anything…the majority will wait at home for the Government to tell them “what to do”! 50 years of Communist Dogma in Public Education has taken its toll on this country. Well that and Epstein-Mossad videos of Politicians with our teenage sons and daughters performing sex debauchery and luciferian sacrifice. Aint Nuffin Gonna Happen!

1 year ago
Reply to  OPM

Yes, sadly, it is as you said. It will continue as it has until the entire system collapses of its own intolerable weight. Then those who have prepared physically, mentally and spiritually will rise and will do what must be done. That is what I am patiently waiting for.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 year ago
Reply to  OPM

Correct, “Ain’t Nuffin Gonna Happen!” in this country full of cowards.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

The Son of Adam shall send out His messengers, and shall gather out of His reign all the stumbling blocks {strong holds and false teachings}, and those doing lawlessness, and shall throw them in the furnace of fire- there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. {The reapers remove the darnel1st, not the wheat}
His Word, His Truth is the ultimate Sword and divider.
Acts 17:25 Nor is He served with men’s hands- as if needing any- Himself giving to all life, and breath, and all else.26. “And He has made from one blood every Nation of men to dwell on all the face of the arets (earth), having established beforehand the times and boundaries of their dwelling,
Know Him and Know this: He knows what we need before we ask! Mathew 6:8

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

The Earth Disaster | When They Figured It Out

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

After the video please consider this. The timing, and yes i know no one knows the day, yet we (if we are alert)can see the general timing if it is His will. Consider what He says in 2Peter3:8- 15 A day is as of a thousand years to Him. i ask, how many days has he been gone from physical existence? Aproximately Two( Two thousand years).? What happens on the third day? i confess, i do not know when the third day begins, yet signs point to, we are close and getting closer every day. He will rise and i do not think He is entirely happy nor satisfied with what this world including many of His own people have become. i point to Amos 5:18 on this matter.