What radio is the best for the prepper in an emergency? For your home and to give out to others.

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1 year ago

More good advice! I will pick up a six pack with the next SS check!
Be sure to have a way to recharge, solar?
Try to have an external antenna for your base radios, it will extend your range.
HF radioes tend to be line of sight, low frequencies tend to follow the contour of the land, have both.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

You mean VHF and UHF are line of sight. HF frequencies below 30mhz are more effected by the ionosphere. On a very very rare occasion tropospheric ducting can occur and cause vhf and uhf frequency signals to travel great distances. This because the tropospheric ducting acts like a wavequide. Its a weird phenomenon

1 year ago
Reply to  kevsh

You are correct!

1 year ago
Reply to  kevsh

Had a real interesting case of that effect a few years ago. Here in central NC we were talking to a guy down in Charleston, SC using 1 watt on an HT and our signal was being heard up in NY and CT. It was a morning when a real hot front was coming in from the south, I do remember that. Another thing you will sometimes notice is the heterodyne between repeater carriers on the same frequency will create a weird background noise that is audible.

1 year ago

In a real world SHTF scenario who do you trust? Who do you talk to?? Who are you talking to?
Imagine: Society has now collapsed. Knowing this just you and your family are now in your safe spot. No one knows who or where you are. Now you start gabbing on the radio (to a trusted friend you gave a radio to). By doing this you may have given up your position or baited into doing something that will reveal your location ergo exposing your family, your preps, your plans, your future. Everything now is in play and may be up for grabs by desperate marauders, 3rd world misfits, ms13 gang members and all the third world shiters and spitters that now reside in the good old USA. You do not want to expose your family to the third world insanity that will be at your gates the moment you key the mike.

1 year ago
Reply to  meridian

Very good comment. Radio commo is a double-edged sword. Useful between friends. Operational Security is only a good as the WEAK LINK.

YOU might be good at using agreed codes but the other fellow….

I’ve been taught how to make a directional antenna and use it to get a bearing on radio signals. Moving that antenna and waiting for next radio chatter gives me an X where they are. I DON’T Have to understand what they are saying (codes, languages etc.) but I have knowledge where they were chattering from.

If I was a predator that might not be good for the chatter boxes.

Talking to unknown persons? Do you trust them? Is the information gained real or disinformation?

For local defense where shouting might not work well whistles and laminated code cards are useful. For example, you’ve spotted a group approaching, it might be quieter to sneak away and report, but you lose sight of them. If your aware they already know where they are going and you’d prefer to tell the main group NOW the whistle code, move quietly keeping them under view.

Second use, you’ve learned to now have ALL folks respond to trouble OVER THERE so you are watching the base’s rear and you see visitors sneaking up. Whistle codes. HOPEFULLY you’ve learned to keep a couple of reserves to respond.

Now wire commo is excellent to your OP’s. But so far I don’t have enough field phones for every OP. Maybe you do? But I do have whistles.