What Recourse Is Left?

We know that the government is not obliged to control itself. We should seriously consider the consequences of their tyranny and usurpation. Although they cannot control their actions, they are controlling the people. This controls extends through quarantines, mandated mRNA therapies, DEI, ESG, excessive taxation and regulations, educational indoctrination of our children at every level, a two-tiered justice system, unsecured borders, excessive debt and weaponized government agencies against patriots. Even that list is not enough: they now want to initiate a nuclear world war as the de-dollarization movement appears to be succeeding and US hegemony is failing.

When our overlords cannot control themselves, what recourse does an armed populace have?

Patrick Henry stated his course of action.

David DeGerolamo

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Lee Vail
Lee Vail
1 year ago

Looks like the 3 percent need to Patrick Henry up, NOW.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

Okay, have at it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Clayton

Clayton, Clayton, Clayton, DON”T Stomp of that land mine.

Nobody wants to admit THEY are waiting for someone else to light that fuse.

Folks like to quote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Here’s one I’ve never seen here:

“Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

OK Fakebookers, flail away with your pathetic down arrows. I am hoping for a baker’s dozen and NO ONE honest enough to post a real logical-honest reply.

I’d like to be disappointed but so far…..

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

And Lee I’m not picking on you but look how you said this:

Looks like the 3 percent need to Patrick Henry up, NOW.

Not US 3%’ers need too.

Like someone else that is a 3 percenter needs to Patrick Henry up, NOW.

Words matter, that’s why “Give me Liberty or give me Death” MEANS SO MUCH.

Pray for wisdom and act on it. Protect your family and trusted friends.

REAL TROUBLE is nearby.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

John Kerry is pushing the farmers to stop growing food, it may already be to late to win a civil war, but the other option is death. They only have one way to go, more force, the whole of this illegal regime is dedicated to our destruction, we either accept the reality of our situation or submit, I say we pick up our arms and kill every last one of them.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

In a couple of weeks I have another training session. Went to visit another group at the end of April to do a morning of medical training session. This group has no one responsible for medical treatment. There are several groups in our state that are cut from the same cloth. We are all preparing, and one day soon we will become more active. Prepare, prepare, prepare. America is becoming more pissed off.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

CNN American Pravda. Deep Fakes and Deep State Disinformation.

Has anyone noticed what gives the few so much power over so many?

The British lost the revolutionary War partly because they failed to control the media. Seems our Socialist Democrats and Republicans LEARNED that lesson.

As long as Joe 6 pack is being programmed by CNN that the government is “Protecting ” him and his family from “Terrorists ” you will have no support and constant “See Something SAY Something ” betrayal.

1 year ago

If we descend into violence of any kind, the satanic controlled MIIC will trot out:

  • their nano-drone swarms & drone nano sprayers
  • directed energy weapons,
  • active denial systems,
  • autistic soldiers with exoskeletons,
  • robot dogs,
  • checkpoints on the now very large highway cloverleafs,
  • activate the closed Walmart-based forced human congregation points
  • activate Readiness Exercise 1984 internment camps across the country with the now being refurbed rail system (Nazi corp Siemens got a $3.4 billion contact 1.5 years ago to refurb Amtrak that no one has cared about for my entire adult life: 50 years)
  • Kansas Southern Railway will finish converting it’s miles of triple decker autocars into double decker human cars with shackles


PART I -UN vehicles stored in Hagerstown, MD; Underground Bunkers for the Rich; FEMA & it’s camps; Illegal Disarming US citizens (Katrina); Retraining US soldiers to staff FEMA’s “re-education camps (Rex84)…


“Evidence of FEMA Prison camps popping up all over the country, the militarization of police, the invasive procedures of intelligence services using the latest in A.I. technology… the list goes on and on. There is an invasion of America happening as we speak, and they have traded in the red coats and white wigs, for white trucks and blue helmets. Join us, in this new documentary series produced by the Black Banners of the East Satellite Channel -- as we expose the nefarious globalist plan to enslave anyone who refuses their New World Order.”

PART II -- The Kansas Southern People Moving Railcars; Jade Helm whistleblowers; Walmart closings & the DOD logistics netowrk; retrofitted train depot with commercial gas ovens…


PART III -The story of the movie Gray State/David Crowley; the acres of “coffin liners” in Madison, GA; The 10 District Council of Governors (FEMA’s Districts)…


* * *

“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”

Marshall McLuhan (1911 -- 1980)

So, after you watch this, it is important to game the situation we are actually in and take into account how effective a person with a gun can actually be -- when faced with advanced technology.
I’m not saying we can’t fight back. I’m just pointing out that we have to come up with a strategy for removing this technology if/when we are faced with it.
I do think the first time an elected official cannot use their credit card outside of a certain area, or loses their Social Security check due to an AI glitch… they might start to realize what they have done.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz
tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Still for me it is better to die a free man than surrender, give me liberty or give me death.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Do we think they will not roll them out anyway. It will be that and far more when a satanic regime goes unopposed. A number of those are out and already in use and those things that are not yet will be no matter what. Always remember people have to operate this tech.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

who says confront them head on, you fight a stealth war against them and on your terms so they don’t know where it’s coming from, and you fight them only after studying your enemy and his movements and when is in your favor, no one is guarded all the time and even if they were, it wouldn’t be hard to take out their protectors. Guerilla warfare will strike terror into their hearts even with all their technical marvels. technical marvels do not win wars, boots on the ground do.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Someone has read Sun Tzu’s Art of War.

Never attack the sharp warhead of the spear, destroy the supporting shaft and it’s weak.

Also known as “How far can you push that F16 Meat Puppet?”

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Yes, I read it, but i already knew what to do because i grew up around people who were not afraid to do just that. remove the obstacle or obstacles in many various ways under various situations. Case in point, when a mafia Don wants to have a hit on another mafia family because of something that other family did, like murdering someone close to them, they would never perform the hit Johny on the spot, the hit man would wait it out and study what he would do to the contracted hit who committed the hit. they wait 6 months to year then at their timing the hit is done using various methods all done by stealth or to make it look like an accident, no one knows nothing but the Don who gave the order thru a line of people, just like the CIA and FBI has learned to do from the Mafia..

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
1 year ago

We just vote harder….right??? LOL

1 year ago
Reply to  MrLiberty

Votar mas fuego, mis amigos!!! Andale! Andale! Ahahahaha!!!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

90 Miles From Tyranny In the 60s, the KGB performed psychological experiments:

1 year ago

Listen to this speech. There is far more to it than what most quote. It is as relevant today as it was then. It also reveals how much more intelligent and courages they were than this generation of men. We dont deserve what they sacraficed to give us if we are being honest with ourselves. Most men in this generation care more about an idiot who can put a ball in a hoop or porn than they do about their children being turned into cultural marxist and groomed. Perhaps we deserve whats coming